Valley of Seungryong Yongbi Desert
Mount Sohan Fireland
Hwang Temple
Ghost Forest Red Forest
Snakefield Land of Giants
Hasun Dong (easy) Jungsun Dong (normal)
Sangsun Dong (hard)
Spider Dungeon 1 Spider Dungeon 2
Spider Dungeon 3
Grotto of Exile Grotto of Exile V2
Cape Dragon Fire Nephrite Bay
Thunder Mountains Gautama Cliff
Temple of the Ochao Enchanted Forest
Abandoned Fortress Dong Gwang Plain
Seo Gwang Wastelands Gnoll Caves
Nam Gwang Chasm Mysterious Dungeon
Yilad Pass Mysterious Echo
Northwind Canyon Serpent Temple (Base Floor)
Northwind Shelter Soul Gorge
Northwind Descent
Demon Tower Devil's Catacomb
Spider Queen's Nest Dragon's Temple
Meley's Lair Ship Defence
Zodiac Temple Erebus
Red Dragon Fortress Nemere's Watchtower
Plateau of Illusions Serpent Temple
Sung Mahi Tower Northwind Deeps
Combat Zone Isle of Mist
OX-Competition Playground
Otherworld Salvation
Battle Royale Sung Ma Invasion
Bazaar Harbour
Castle Gate Elemental Realm
Wedding Map Arena
Guild War Area Palace of the Dragon King
Enigma Temple Balathor's Crypt