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<div style="float: right;">__TOC__</div>
<p>Quests are a big part of your gameplay, at most levels the player will receive several quests that are worth to be performed, player can also get quests from reading mission books. For each completed quest player receives a reward like Items, [[Yang]] or [[EXP]]
==Allgemeine Informationen==
'''How to get quests:'''
<p>Quests sind Aufträge von NPCs (Nicht Spielbare Charaktere). Wenn man die Aufgabe erfüllt bekommt man eine Belohnung in Form von Items, Yang oder anderen Sachen. Es gibt 5 Arten wie man Quests erhalten kann:</p>
#Schriftrolle am linken Bildschirmrand (automatisch)
*A scroll at the left edge of screen (Automatically) - [[file:Scroll Closed.png|22px]]
#Pfeil über dem NPC + Markierung auf der Minimap
*Arrow over the NPC plus marking on the mini map and map
#keine Benachrichtigung; hier muss man den NPC einfach so ansprechen
*No notification; in this case the player must go to the NPC and start the quest
#durch bestimmte Items die man aktiviert (z.B.: Missionsbücher -> siehe [[Missionsbücherquests]]).
*By activating certain Items (e.g.: Mission books - > see [[:Category:Missionbooksquests|Missionbooks quests]]).
#um Pferde weiterentwickeln [[Infos:Pferdequest|Pferdequests]], diese Quest gibt es bei dem Stallburschen.
*Horse development quests, ([[Horse|Horsequest]]), are activated at the [[Stable Boy]].
<p>Die Quests können recht einfach sein, (z.B.: Töte 9 Wildhunde) oder aber auch recht komplex und über mehrere NPCs führen. Manche Quests sind nur mit einem bestimmten Level erhältlich.</p>
<p>The Quests can be quite simple, (Example: Kill 9 Wild Dogs) or, on the other hand, quite complex and lead you through several NPCs. Some Quests are available only after reaching a certain level.</p>
<p>Laut Metin2 Support ist es auch möglich, dass manche Quests nicht bei jedem Spieldurchlauf auftauchen.</p>
==Level 1 - 10==
===Lycan Starting Quests===
{| width="100%" {{prettytable}}
|- {{Hl3}}
! Level
! Order
! Reward
! Receive where?
! Process
| 1
| [[A Life Reborn]]
*30 [[EXP]]
| Automatically
*Go to {{Tm|Myonghorang the Wise}}
| 1
| [[Frenzied Beasts]]
*50 [[EXP]]
*10x {{Ti|Red Potion(S)}}
| Automatically
*Go to {{Tm|Colony Guard}}
*Kill {{Tm|Wild Dog (Colony)}}
*Kill {{Tm|Wild Boar (Colony)}}
*Get {{Ti|Unknown Stone}}
*Go to {{Tm|Colony Guard}}
| 1
| [[Unknown Stone(quest)|Unknown Stone]]
*50 [[EXP]]
*10x {{Ti|Red Potion(S)}}
| Automatically
*Go to {{Tm|Colony Guard}}
*Kill {{Tm|Wild Dog (Colony)}}
*Kill {{Tm|Wild Boar (Colony)}}
Get 3x {{Ti|Unknown Stone}}
*Go to {{Tm|Colony Guard}}
| 1
| [[Source of the Evil]]
*10x {{Ti|Red Potion(S)}}
| Automatically
*Go to {{Tm|Myonghorang the Wise}}
| 1
| [[Traces of Evil]]
*50 [[EXP]]
*10x {{Ti|Red Potion(S)}}
| Automatically
*Go to {{Tm|Portal Guard}}
*Kill {{Tm|Bear (Colony)}}
*Kill {{Tm|Black Bear (Colony)}}
*Kill {{Tm|Brown Bear (Colony)}}
*Kill {{Tm|Hungry Brown Bear (Colony)}}
*Go to {{Tm|Portal Guard}}
| 1
| [[Meteorite Hunt]]
*80 [[EXP]]
*{{Ti|Red Potion(S)}}
| Automatically
*Go to {{Tm|Portal Guard}}
*Kill [[Metin of the Moon]]
*Go to {{Tm|Myonghorang the Wise}}
| 1
| [[The Metin Stone]]
*100 [[EXP]]
| Automatically
*Go to {{Tm|Myonghorang the Wise}}
*Kill [[Metin of the Moon]]
*Go to {{Tm|Myonghorang the Wise}}
| 1
| [[Sung Mahi]]
No reward
| Automatically
*Go to {{Tm|Myonghorang the Wise}}
*Go to {{Tm|Portal Guard}}
*Go to {{Tm|Uriel}}
===Level 1 - 10===
{| {{prettytable}}
{| {{prettytable}}
|- {{Hl3}}
|- {{Hl3}}
! Level
! Level
! Auftrag
! Order
! Belohnung
! Reward
! Wo erhalten?
! Receive where?
! Verlauf
! Process
| 1  
| 1  
| [[Welcome with Metin 2 ]]
| *[[Welcome to Metin2]]
*200 [[Yang]]
*200 {{Ti|Yang}}
*Wood Accessorie +0
*[[Image:Red_drink(s).jpg]] 4x [[Red Drink(S)]]
*4x {{Ti|Red Potion(S)}}
| Automatically
| Automatically
*Pfeil über den [[Stadtwächter]]
*Go to {{Tm|City Guard}}
*Gehe zum [[Wächter des Dorfplatzes]]
*Go to {{Tm|Guardian}}
*Gehe zur [[Gemischtwarenhändlerin]] und hole einen [[Bild:Roter_trank(k).jpg]] [[Roter Trank(K)]]
*Go to {{Tm|General Store Saleswoman}} and get one {{Ti|Red Potion(S)}}
*Gehe zum [[Wächter des Dorfplatzes]]
*Return to {{Tm|Guardian}}
| 1  
| 1  
| [[Burgpatroullie]]
| [[Look for the experienced soldier]]
*10% strong against Animals bonus
*Effects last 10 minutes
| {{Tm|Teacher}} One of the two responsible for your class
*Go to {{Tm|Teacher}}
*Search on the map for someone labeled "seasoned soldier" (another player)
| 1
| [[Go on patrol]]
*135 [[EXP]]
*135 [[EXP]]
| Spreche einen der beiden, für deine Klasse zuständigen Lehrer an.
| {{Tm|Teacher}} One of the two responsible for your class
*Gehe zu den 5 Patroullienpunkten
*Go to {{Tm|Teacher}}
*Go to 5 patrol points
| 2
| 2
| [[Brief vom Stadtwächter]]
| *[[Letter from the City Guard]]
*250 [[EXP]]
*250 [[EXP]]
*1.000 [[Yang]]
*1.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
*[[Bild:Roter_trank(k).jpg]] 15x [[Roter Trank(K)]]
*15x {{Ti|Red Potion(S)}}
| automatisch
| Automatically
*Go to {{Tm|City Guard}}
*9 [[Wildhund]]e töten
*Kill 9x {{Tm|Wild Dog}}
*Return to {{Tm|City Guard}}
| 3  
| 3  
| [[Nachricht vom Stadtwächter]]
| *[[News from the City Guard]]
*450 [[EXP]]
*450 [[EXP]]
*5.000 [[Yang]]
*5.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
*[[Bild:Blauer_trank(k).jpg]] 20x [[Blauer Trank(K)]]
*20x {{Ti|Blue Potion(S)}}
| automatisch
| Automatically
*Pfeil über den [[Stadtwächter]]
*Go to {{Tm|City Guard}}
*Hole bei der [[Gemischtwarenhändlerin]] das Buch [[Bild:Nachricht_vom_stadtwaechter.jpg‎]] "Herstellung von Rüstungen" ab
*Talk to {{Tm|General Store Saleswoman}} that will request you to deliver the book {{Ti2|Armour Manufacturing Techniques|px=22|link=File:Armour Manufacturing Techniques.png}} "Armour Manufacturing Techniques"
*Gehe zum [[Rüstungshändler]]
*Go to {{Tm|Armour Shop Dealer}}
| 4
| 4
| [[Die Untersuchung des Biologen(Pfirsichblüte)]]
| [[The investigation of the biologist (Peach Blossom)]]
*500 [[EXP]]
*500 [[EXP]]
*1.000 [[Yang]]
*1.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
*Level 0 [[Items:Waffen|Waffe]]+3 (Klassen bedingt)
*Level 0 [[Items:Weapons|Weapon]]+3 (Classes sensitive)
*Gehe zum [[Biologe Chaegirab|Biologen Chaegirab]]
*Go to {{Tm|Biologist Chaegirab}}
*Töte so lange [[Hungriger Alpha-Wolf|Hungrige Alpha-Wölfe]], bis du 5 [[Pfirsichblüte|Pfirsichblüten]] hast
*Kill {{Tm|Hungry Alpha Wolf}}, until you get 5 {{Ti|Peach Blossom}}
*Kehre zum [[Biologe Chaegirab|Biologen Chaegirab]] zurück
*Return {{Tm|Biologist Chaegirab}} deliver the {{Ti|Peach Blossom}}
| 4
| [[A new fragrance]]
*1000 [[EXP]]
*500 {{Ti|Yang}}
|{{Tm|General Store Saleswoman}}
*Go to {{Tm|General Store Saleswoman}}
*Go to {{Tm|Weapon Shop Dealer}}
*Kill {{Tm|Blue Wolf}}, until you have 2 {{Ti|Lilac}}s
*Go to {{Tm|Weapon Shop Dealer}}
*Buy 1x {{Ti|Musk Oil}} in the [[Item-Shop]]
*Go to {{Tm|Weapon Shop Dealer}}
*Go back to {{Tm|General Store Saleswoman}}
| 5  
| 5  
| [[Die Ausbildung]]
| [[The training]]
*4 Fertigkeitspunkte
*4 Skillpoints
*Pfeil über zwei Lehrer
*Go to your Class {{Tm|Teacher}}
*Wähle deine Spezialisierung, und damit deine zukünftigen [[Allgemeines zu Fertigkeiten|Fertigkeiten]]
*Select your specialization, and therefore your future [[General Skills|Skills]]
| 6  
| 6  
| [[Gefallen für den Schmied]]
| *[[The Blacksmith's mission]]
*1.300 [[EXP]]
*1.300 [[EXP]]
*2.000 [[Yang]]
*2.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
*[[Bild:Wolfsfell.jpg]] [[Wolfsfell+]]
*{{Ti|Wolf Fur+}}
| automatisch
| Automatically
*Pfeil über [[Stadtwächter]]
*Go to {{Tm|City Guard}}
*Gehe zum [[Schmied]]
*Go to {{Tm|Blacksmith}}
*Hole beim [[Lagerverwalter]] die [[Bild:schweinenase.jpg]] [[Schweinenase]] ab
*Get the {{Ti|Pig Nose}} from {{Tm|Storekeeper}}
*Gehe zum [[Schmied]]
*Go to {{Tm|Blacksmith}}
| 6
| 6
| [[Die leere Flasche]]
| [[Get an Empty Bottle]]
*1.500 [[EXP]]
*1.500 [[EXP]]
*1.000 [[Yang]]
*1.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
| [[Gemischtwarenhändlerin]]
| {{Tm|General Store Saleswoman}}
*Pfeil über [[Gemischtwarenhändlerin]]
*Go to {{Tm|General Store Saleswoman}}
*Gehe zu [[Yonah]]
*Go to {{Tm|Yonah}}
*[[Bild:Pfirsichsamen.jpg]] Pfirsichsamen suchen ([[Keiler]])
*Kill {{Tm|Wild Boar}} untill u get {{Ti|Peach Seed}}
*Hole von [[Yonah]] eine [[Bild:Leere_flasche.jpg]] [[Leere Flasche]]
*Get a {{Ti|Empty Bottle (Quest Item)|Empty Bottle}} from {{Tm|Yonah}}
*Gehe zur [[Gemischtwarenhändlerin]]
*Go to {{Tm|General Store Saleswoman}}
| 7
| 7
| [[Noch ein Gefallen]]
| *[[Another favour]]
*5.000 [[Yang]]
*5.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
| automatisch
| Automatically
*Gehe zum [[Schmied]]
*Go to {{Tm|Blacksmith}}
*Übergib dem Fischer die [[Angelrute]]
*Hand over the {{Ti|Fishing Rod|height=3}} to the {{Tm|Fisherman}}
*Übergib dem [[Schmied]] den [[Bild:Lieferschein.jpg]] Lieferschein
*Hand the {{Ti2|Delivery Note|px=22|link=File:Delivery Note.png}} '''Delivery Note''' over to the {{Tm|Blacksmith}}
| 7
| 7
| [[Angelwettbewerb]]
| [[The investigation of the biologist (Bellflower)]]
*[[Items:Waffen|Waffe]]+3 (Klassen bedingt)
*2.000 [[EXP]]
| [[Fischer]]
*3.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
*Level 1 [[Armours|Armour]]+3 (Classes sensitive)
| Automatically
*Gehe zum [[Fischer]]
*Go to {{Tm|Biologist Chaegirab}}
*Kaufe das 3-in-1 Angelpaket für 3980 [[Yang]]
*Kill {{Tm|Hungry Alpha Blue Wolf}}, until you get 5 {{Ti|Bellflower}}s
*Gib [[Bild:Zander_tot.jpg]] 5 [[Zander|tote Zander]] beim [[Fischer]] ab
*Return to {{Tm|Biologist Chaegirab}} deliver the {{Ti|Bellflower}}s
| 7
| 7
| [[Die Untersuchung des Biologen(Glockenblume)]]
| [[The dinner]]
*2.000 [[EXP]]
*1.000 [[EXP]]
*3.000 [[Yang]]
*1.500 {{Ti|Yang}}
*Level 1 Rüstung+3 (Klassen abhängig)
| {{Tm|General Store Saleswoman}}
| automatisch
*Gehe zum [[Biologe Chaegirab|Biologen Chaegirab]]
*Go to {{Tm|General Store Saleswoman}}
*Töte so lange [[Hungriger Alpha-Blauwolf|Hungrige Alpha-Blauwölfe]], bis du 5 [[Glockenblume]]n hast
*Go to {{Tm|Armour Shop Dealer}} ask what he wants for dinner
*Kehre zum [[Biologe Chaegirab|Biologen Chaegirab]] zurück
*Go to {{Tm|General Store Saleswoman}}
| 7
| 7
| [[Das Abendessen]]
| [[The daughter's wedding]]
*1.000 [[EXP]]
*4000 [[EXP]]
*1.500 [[Yang]]
*5000 {{Ti|Yang}}
| [[Gemischtwarenhändlerin]]
*0 - 20 [[Items:Weapons|Weapon]] +3 (class-dependent)
| {{Tm|Octavio}}
*Pfeil über [[Gemischtwarenhändlerin]]
*Go to {{Tm|Octavio}}
*Gehe zum [[Rüstungshändler]]
*Go to {{Tm|Old Lady}}
*Gehe zur [[Gemischtwarenhändlerin]] ("Wild, Bär, Kohl, 2 Eier")
*Kill {{Tm|Hungry Alpha Wolf}} to collect {{Ti|Blood Red Flower}}
*Kill {{Tm|Hungry Blue Wolf}} to collect {{Ti|Orange Flower}}
*Kill {{Tm|Hungry Alpha Blue Wolf}} to obtain {{Ti|Fragrant Yellow Flower}}
*Go to {{Tm|Old Lady}} collect {{Ti|Gorgeous bouquet}}
*Go to {{Tm|Octavio}}
| 8
| 8
| [[Zutat für die Arznei]]
| [[Ingredient for the medicine]]
*3.000 [[EXP]]
*3.000 [[EXP]]
*5.000 [[Yang]]
*5.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
*[[Bild:Wolfsfell.jpg]] [[Wolfsfell]]
*{{Ti|Wolf Fur}}
| [[Baek-Go]]
| {{Tm|Baek-Go}}
*Pfeil über [[Baek-Go]]
*Go to {{Tm|Baek-Go}}
*Töte so lange [[Blauwolf|Blauwölfe]], bis du eine [[Bild:wolfsleber.jpg]] [[Wolfsleber]] hast
*Kill {{Tm|Blue Wolf}}, until u get a {{Ti|Wolf Liver}}
*Gehe zum [[Baek-Go]]
*Return to {{Tm|Baek-Go}}
| 9
| 9
| [[Sprich mit dem Stadtwächter]]
| *[[Talk to the City Guard]]
*5.000 [[EXP]]
*5.000 [[EXP]]
*2.000 [[Yang]]
*2.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
| automatisch
| Automatically
*Pfeil über [[Stadtwächter]]
*Go to {{Tm|City Guard}}
| 9
| 9
| [[Der Brief vom Schmied]]
| [[A Letter from the Blacksmith]]
*4.000 [[EXP]]
*4.000 [[EXP]]
*3.000 [[Yang]]
*3.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
| [[Schmied]]
| {{Tm|Blacksmith}}
*Pfeil über [[Schmied]]
*Go to {{Tm|Blacksmith}} that will give you {{Ti|Message from Blacksmith}}
*Du erhälst den [[Bild:brief_vom_schmied.jpg]] [[Brief vom Schmied]]
*Go to {{Tm|Deokbae}}
*Gehe zum [[Deokbae|Holzfäller Deokbae]]
*Return to {{Tm|Blacksmith}}
*Gehe zum [[Schmied]]
| 9
| [[Lunches]]
| automatically
*Click on the scroll
*Click on the rotating coin
| 10
| 10
| [[Gehe zum Hauptmann]]
| *[[Go to the Captain]]
*5.000 [[EXP]]
*5.000 [[EXP]]
*2.000 [[Yang]]
*2.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
| automatisch
| Automatically
*Pfeil über [[Hauptmann]]
*Go to {{Tm|Captain}}
*Gehe zum [[Yu-Hwan|Musiker Yu-Hwan]]
*Go to {{Tm|Yu-Hwan}} (Map2)
*Gehe zum [[Hauptmann]]
*Return to {{Tm|Captain}}
| 10
| 10
| [[Hilfe für Soon]]
| [[Help for Soon]]
*6.000 [[EXP]]
*6.000 [[EXP]]
*2.000 [[Yang]]
*2.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
| [[Soon]]
| {{Tm|Soon}}
*Pfeil über [[Soon]]
*Go to {{Tm|Soon}}
*Gehe zum [[Uriel]]
*Go to {{Tm|Uriel}}
*Gehe zum [[Soon]] ("Vogel-, 3Facher, Wasser-, Kranich-Fächer")
*Go to {{Tm|Soon}} ("Bird, Triple, Water, Cranewing")
| 10
| 10
| [[Die Untersuchung des Biologen(Kakiblüte)]]
| [[The investigation of the biologist (Kaki Blossom)]]
*6.500 [[EXP]]
*6.500 [[EXP]]
*5.000 [[Yang]]
*5.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
*[[Bild:Kupferhalskette.jpg]] [[Kupferhalskette]]+3
*{{Ti|Copper Necklace}}+3
| automatisch
| Automatically
*Gehe zum [[Biologe Chaegirab|Biologen Chaegirab]]
*Go to {{Tm|Biologist Chaegirab}}
*Töte so lange [[Hungriger Alpha-Grauwolf|Hungrige Alpha-Grauwölfe]], bis du 5 [[Bild:Kakibluete.jpg]] [[Kakiblüte]]n hast
*Kill {{Tm|Hungry Alpha Grey Wolf}}, until you get 5 {{Ti|Kaki Blossom}}s
*Kehre zum [[Biologe Chaegirab|Biologen Chaegirab]] zurück
*Return to {{Tm|Biologist Chaegirab}} and deliver the {{Ti|Kaki Blossom}}s
| 10
| 10
| [[Suche Soon]]
| [[Find Soon]]
*7.000 [[EXP]]
*7.000 [[EXP]]
*10.000 [[Yang]] (Soon decken oder verraten)
*10.000 {{Ti|Yang}} (Cover or betray Soon)
| [[Aranyo]]
| {{Tm|Aranyo}}
*Pfeil über [[Aranyo]]
*Go to {{Tm|Aranyo}}
*Gehe zur [[Soon]]
*Go to {{Tm|Soon}}
*Decke oder verrate [[Soon]]
*Cover or betray {{Tm|Soon}}
*Gehe zum [[Aranyo]]
*Go to {{Tm|Aranyo}}
*If u covered for {{Tm|Soon}} return to him
==Level 11 - 20==
===Level 11 - 20===
{| {{Prettytable}}
{| {{Prettytable}}
|- {{Hl3}}
|- {{Hl3}}
! Level
! Level
! Auftrag
! Order
! Belohnung
! Reward
! Wo erhalten?
! Receive where?
! Verlauf
! Process
| 11
| 11
| [[Die Rüstungsbestellung]]
| [[Ordering armour]]
*26.000 [[EXP]]
*26.000 [[EXP]]
*15.000 [[Yang]]
*15.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
*[[Bild:schweinenase.jpg]] [[Schweinenase]]
*{{Ti|Pig Nose}}
*Level 18 Rüstung+3 (Klassen abhängig)
*Level 18 [[Armours|Armour]]+3 (Classe sensitive)
| [[Rüstungshändler]]
| {{Tm|Armour Shop Dealer}}
*Pfeil über [[Schmied]]
*Go to {{Tm|Armour Shop Dealer}}
*Hole vom [[Uriel]] Eisenerz
*Go to {{Tm|Blacksmith}}
*Töte so lange [[Wildhund]]e, bis du [[Bild:uriels_buch.jpg]] [[Uriels Buch]] hast
*Get Iron ore from {{Tm|Uriel}}
*Gehe zum [[Uriel]] (Eisenerz)
*Kill {{Tm|Wild Dog}}, until u have {{Ti|Uriels Book}}
*Hole vom [[Octavio]] Leder
*Go to {{Tm|Uriel}} deliver the book, get Iron ore
*Töte so lange [[Bär]]en, bis du [[Bild:galle.jpg]] [[Galle]] hast
*Go to {{Tm|Octavio}}
*Gehe zum [[Octavio]] (Leder)
*Kill {{Tm|Bear}}, until you have {{Ti|Gall}}
*Hole vom [[Yonah]] Kohle
*Go to {{Tm|Octavio}} deliver gall colect Leather
*Töte so lange [[Roter Keiler|Rote Keiler]], bis du [[Bild:lehm.jpg]] [[Lehm]] hast
*Go to {{Tm|Yonah}}
*Gehe zum [[Yonah]] (Kohle)
*Kill {{Tm|Red Wild Boar}}, until you have {{Ti|Clay}}
*Gehe zum [[Schmied]]
*Go to {{Tm|Yonah}} deliver clay, colect Coal
*Return to {{Tm|Blacksmith}} deliver the materials
| 12
| 12
| [[Töte 10 Alpha-Grauwölfe|Gehe zum Hauptmann - 2]]
| *[[Kill 10 Alpha Grey Wolves]]
*10.000 [[EXP]]
*10.000 [[EXP]]
*3.500 [[Yang]]
*3.500 {{Ti|Yang}}
| automatisch
| Automatically
*Gehe zum [[Hauptmann]]
*Go to {{Tm|Captain}}
*Töte 10 [[Alpha-Grauwolf|Alpha-Grauwölfe]]
*Kill 10 {{Tm|Alpha Grey Wolf}}
*Gehe zum [[Hauptmann]]
*Return to {{Tm|Captain}}
| 12
| 12
| [[Das beste Kochbuch]]
| [[The best cookbook]]
*12.000 [[EXP]]
*12.000 [[EXP]]
*5.000 [[Yang]]
*5.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
*[[Bild:Wolfskralle.jpg]] [[Wolfskralle]]
*{{Ti|Wolf Claw}}
| [[Octavio]]
| {{Tm|Octavio}}
*Pfeil über [[Octavio]]
*Go to {{Tm|Octavio}}
*Gehe zum [[Soon]]
*Go to {{Tm|Soon}}
*Gehe zum [[Octavio]]
*Go to {{Tm|Octavio}}
*Töte so lange [[Grauwolf|Grauwölfe]], bis du einen [[Bild:wolfsdarm.jpg]] [[Wolfsdarm]] hast.
*Kill {{Tm|Grey Wolf}}, until u get one {{Ti|Wolf Intestine}}
*Gehe zum [[Octavio]]
*Return to {{Tm|Octavio}}
| 13
| 13
| [[Wolfspelz besorgen]]
| [[Get a Wolf Pelt]]
*15.000 [[EXP]]
*15.000 [[EXP]]
*Level 9 [[Rüstungen|Rüstung]] (Klassen bedingt)
*Level 9 [[Armours|Armour]] +0 to +4
|Pfeil über [[Alte Frau|alter Frau]]
|{{Tm|Old Lady}}
*Pfeil über [[Alte Frau]]
*Go to {{Tm|Old Lady}}
*Töte so lange [[Grauwolf|Grauwölfe]], bis du einen [[Bild:wolfspelz.jpg]] [[Wolfspelz]] hast
*Kill {{Tm|Grey Wolf}}, until you get one {{Ti|Wolf Fur}}
*Gehe zur [[Alte Frau|Alten Frau]]
*Return to {{Tm|Old Lady}}
| 14
| 14
| [[Zerstöre den Metinstein]]
| *[[Destroy the Metin of Battle]]
*20.000 [[EXP]]
*20.000 [[EXP]]
*10.000 [[Yang]]
*10.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
*Geiststein+0 bis +2
*Stone +0 to +2
| automatisch
| Automatically
*Gehe zum [[Hauptmann]]
*Go to {{Tm|Captain}}
*Zerstöre einen [[Metin der Schlacht]]
*Destroy one [[Metin of Battle]]
*Gehe zum [[Hauptmann]]
*Return to {{Tm|Captain}}
| 15
| 15
| [[Die Untersuchung des Biologen(Gango-Wurzel)]]
| [[The investigation of the biologist (Gango root)]]
*25.000 [[EXP]]
*25.000 [[EXP]]
*10.000 [[Yang]]
*10.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
*[[Bild:Kupferohrringe.jpg]] [[Kupferohrringe]]+3
*{{Ti|Copper Earrings}}+3
| automatisch
| Automatically
*Gehe zum [[Biologe Chaegirab|Biologen Chaegirab]]
*Go to {{Tm|Biologist Chaegirab}}
*Töte so lange [[Hungriger Grizzlybär|Hungrige Grizzlybären]], bis du 5 [[Bild:gango-wurzel.jpg]] [[Gango-Wurzel]]n hast
*Kill {{Tm|Hungry Grizzly}}, until you have 5 {{Ti|Gango Root}}s
*Gehe zum [[Biologe Chaegirab|Biologen Chaegirab]]
*Return to {{Tm|Biologist Chaegirab}}
| 15
| 15
| [[Suche Musiker Yu-Hwan]]
| *[[Find Yu-Hwan the musician]]
*20.000 [[EXP]]
*20.000 [[EXP]]
*10.000 [[Yang]]
*10.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
| automatisch
| Automatically
*Gehe zum [[Hauptmann]]
*Go to {{Tm|Captain}}
*Gehe zum [[Yu-Hwan|Musiker Yu-Hwan]] ([[Bokjung]], [[Bakra]] oder [[Jayang]])
*Go to {{Tm|Yu-Hwan}} (Map2)
*Gehe zum [[Hauptmann]]
*Return to {{Tm|Captain}}
| 15
| 15
| [[Reiskuchen]]
| [[Rice Cake (quest)|Rice Cake]]
*26.000 [[EXP]]
*26.000 [[EXP]]
*10.000 [[Yang]]
*10.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
| [[Ah-Yu]]
| {{Tm|Ah-Yu}}
*Pfeil über [[Ah-Yu]]
*Go to {{Tm|Ah-Yu}}
*Gehe zum [[Waffenhändler]]
*Go to {{Tm|Weapon Shop Dealer}}
*Gehe zum [[Octavio]]
*Go to {{Tm|Octavio}}
*Gehe zur [[Yu-Rang]] ([[Bokjung]], [[Bakra]] oder [[Jayang]])
*Go to {{Tm|Yu-Rang}}
*Gehe zur [[Taurean]]
*Go to {{Tm|Taurean}}
*Gehe zur [[Yu-Rang]] (Reiskuchen)
*Go to {{Tm|Yu-Rang}} colect the {{Ti|Rice Cake (Quest Item)|Rice Cake}}
*Gehe zur [[Ah-Yu]]
*Return to {{Tm|Ah-Yu}}
| 16
| 16
| [[Finde die goldene Axt]]
| [[Find the Golden Axe]]
*36.000 [[EXP]]
*36.000 [[EXP]]
*10.000 [[Yang]]
*10.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
*[[Bild:schmuckgegenstand.jpg]] [[Schmuckgegenstand]]
| automatisch
| Automatically
*Gehe zum [[Schmied]]
*Go to {{Tm|Blacksmith}}
*Töte so viele [[Weißer-Eid Soldatin]]nen, bis du die [[Bild:goldene_axt_vom_schmied.jpg]] [[Goldene Axt vom Schmied]] hast
*Kill {{Tm|White Oath Soldier}}, until you have the {{Ti|Golden axe of BlackSmith}}
*Gehe zum [[Schmied]]
*Return to {{Tm|Blacksmith}}
| 16
| 16
| [[Entlarve den Spion]]
| *[[Capture the spy]]
*40.000 [[EXP]]
*40.000 [[EXP]]
*5.000 [[Yang]]
*5.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
| automatisch
| Automatically
*Gehe zum [[Hauptmann]]
*Go to {{Tm|Captain}}
*Töte so viele vom Weißer-Eid Clan, bis du den [[Bild:Brief.jpg]] Brief hast ([[Weißer-Eid Bogenschützin]], [[Weißer-Eid Kommandantin]], [[Weißer-Eid Soldatin]])
*Kill White Oath members, until you have the {{Ti|Letter (Level 16)|Letter}}
*Gehe zum [[Hauptmann]]
({{Tm|White Oath Archer}}, {{Tm|White Oath Commander}}, {{Tm|White Oath Soldier}})
*Return to {{Tm|Captain}}
| 17
| 17
| keine Quest bekannt
| [[The gift for Chaegirab]]
| If you answer: ''No, not at all''<br>
* 40.000 EXP<br>
* 10.000 Yang<br>
* {{Ti|Skill Book}}<br>
If you answer: ''Yes, he was thrilled''<br>
* 20.000 EXP<br>
* 20.000 Yang<br>
* {{Ti|Lump of Gold}}<br>
*Go to {{Tm|Wonda-Rim}}
*Go to {{Tm|Uriel}}
*Go to {{Tm|Wonda-Rim}}
*Collect 5 {{Ti|Mu-Rang Fur}}
*Go to {{Tm|Wonda-Rim}}
*Go to {{Tm|Biologist Chaegirab}}
*Go to {{Tm|Wonda-Rim}}
*If you answer ''No,not at all'' go to {{Tm|Yang-Shin}}
| 18
| 18
| [[Finde die gestohlene Haarnadel]]
| [[Find the Hairpin]]
*60.000 [[EXP]]
*60.000 [[EXP]]
*10.000 [[Yang]]
*10.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
*[[Bild:Reitkarte.jpg]] [[Reitkarte]]
*{{Ti|Horse Riding Ticket}}
| [[Gemischtwarenhändlerin]]
| {{Tm|General Store Saleswoman}}
*Pfeil über [[Gemischtwarenhändlerin]]
*Go to {{Tm|General Store Saleswoman}}
*Gehe zum [[Schmied]]
*Go to {{Tm|Blacksmith}}
*Gehe zum [[Waffenhändler]]
*Go to {{Tm|Weapon Shop Dealer}}
*Töte so lange [[Weißer-Eid Bogenschützin]]nen, bis du die gestohlene [[Bild:Schmueckende haarnadel.jpg]] [[Schmückende Haarnadel|Haarnadel]] hast
*Kill {{Tm|White Oath Archer}}, until you have the stolen {{Ti|Ornamental Hairpin}}
*Gehe zur [[Gemischtwarenhändlerin]]
*Return to {{Tm|General Store Saleswoman}}
| 19
| 19
| [[Finde meinen Bruder]]
| [[Find my brother]]
*122.000 [[EXP]]
*122.000 [[EXP]]
*5.000 [[Yang]]
*5.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
| [[Mirine]]
| {{Tm|Mirine}}
*Pfeil über [[Mirine]]
*Go to {{Tm|Mirine}}
*Gehe zum [[Yu-Hwan|Musiker Yu-Hwan]]
*Go to {{Tm|Yu-Hwan}}
*Gehe zum [[Yang-Shin]]
*Go to {{Tm|Yang-Shin}}
*Gehe zur [[Mirine]]
*Return to {{Tm|Mirine}}
| 20
| 20
| [[Töte Mi-Jung]]
| [[Kill Mi-Jung from the White Oath]]
*122.000 [[EXP]]
*122.000 [[EXP]]
*20.000 [[Yang]]
*20.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
*[[Bild:Silberarmband.jpg]] [[Silberarmband]]
*{{Ti|Silver Bracelet}}
| [[Wächter des Dorfplatzes]]
| {{Tm|Guardian}}
*Pfeil über [[Wächter des Dorfplatzes]]
*Go to {{Tm|Guardian}}
*Töte [[Mi-Jung]] (nicht [[Mutloser Mi-Jung]])
*Kill {{Tm|Mi-Jung}} (not {{Tm|Dispirited Mi-Jung}})
*Gehe zum [[Wächter des Dorfplatzes]]
*Return to {{Tm|Guardian}}
| 20
| 20
| [[Die Untersuchung des Biologen(Flieder)]]
| [[The investigation of the biologist (Lilac)]]
*95.000 [[EXP]]
*95.000 [[EXP]]
*15.000 Yang [[Yang]]
*15.000 Yang {{Ti|Yang}}
*[[Bild:Kupferarmband.jpg]] [[Kupferarmband]]+3
*{{Ti|Copper Bracelet}}+3
| automatisch
| Automatically
*Gehe zum [[Biologe Chaegirab|Biologen Chaegirab]]
*Go to {{Tm|Biologist Chaegirab}}
*Töte so lange [[Hungriger Schwarzbär|Hungrige Schwarzbären]], bis du 10 [[Bild:Flieder.jpg]] [[Flieder]]n hast
*Kill {{Tm|Hungry Black Bear}}, until you have 10 {{Ti|Lilac}}s
*Kehre zum [[Biologe Chaegirab|Biologen Chaegirab]] zurück
*Return to {{Tm|Biologist Chaegirab}}
| 20
| [[Elemental Forces]]
*10x {{Ti|Prism of Revival (Q)}}
| Monk Milbon
*Go to {{Tm|Monk Milbon}}
*Kill 10x [[Metin of Rat]]
==Level 21 - 30==
===Level 21 - 30===
{| {{Prettytable}}
{| {{Prettytable}}
|- {{Hl3}}
|- {{Hl3}}
! Level
! Level
! Auftrag
! Order
! Belohnung
! Reward
! Wo erhalten?
! Receive where?
! Verlauf
! Process
| 21
| 21
| [[Materialien suchen]]
| [[Look for materials]]
*122.000 [[EXP]]
*122.000 [[EXP]]
*20.000 [[Yang]]
*20.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
*Level 20 Waffe+3 (Klassen abhängig)
*Level 20 [[Items:Weapons|Weapon]]+3 (Classe sensitive)
| [[Waffenhändler]]
| {{Tm|Weapon Shop Dealer}}
*Pfeil über [[Waffenhändler]]
*Go to {{Tm|Weapon Shop Dealer}}
*Hole von [[Uriel]] Eisenerz
*Go to {{Tm|Uriel}}
*Töte so lange [[Tiger]], bis du [[Bild:uriels_paeckchen.jpg]] [[Uriels Päckchen]] hast
*Kill {{Tm|Tiger}}, collect {{Ti|Uriel's Package}}
*Gehe zu [[Uriel]] (Eisenerz)
*Go to {{Tm|Uriel}}
*Hole Leinen von [[Ariyoung]]
*Go to {{Tm|Ariyoung}} collect a letter
*Bring [[Ah-Yu]] einen Brief
*Give the letter to {{Tm|Ah-Yu}} collect the Skein
*Gehe zur [[Ah-Yu]] (Leinen)
*Return to {{Tm|Weapon Shop Dealer}}
*Gehe zum [[Waffenhändler]]
| 22
| 22
| keine Quests bekannt
| [[The sick brother]]
* 12.000 Yang<br>
* 50.000 EXP<br>
* {{Ti|Gold Thread Shoes}}<br>
* {{Ti|Purple Potion(L)}} x5
| {{Tm|City Guard}}
* Go to {{Tm|City Guard}}
* Go to {{Tm|Baek-Go}}
* Kill {{Tm|Tiger}} and {{Tm|White Tiger}} until you drop {{Ti|Medical Herb+}} and {{Ti|Tiger Liver+}}
* Go to {{Tm|Baek-Go}}
* Go to {{Tm|Demon Tower Guard}} in 20 minutes
| 23
| 23
| [[Töte Eun-Jung]]
| [[Eun-Jung from the White Oath]]
*150.000 EXP  
*150.000 EXP  
*25.000 [[Yang]]
*25.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
*[[Bild:Goldhalskette.jpg]] [[Goldhalskette]]+4
*{{Ti|Gold Necklace}}+4
| [[Stadtwächter]]
| {{Tm|City Guard}}
*Pfeil über [[Stadtwächter]]
*Go to {{Tm|City Guard}}
*Töte [[Eun-Jung]]
*Kill {{Tm|Eun-Jung}}
*Gehe zum [[Stadtwächter]]
*Return to {{Tm|City Guard}}
| 24
| 24
| [[Suche die alte, schwarze Uniform]]
| [[Get the Black Uniform]]
*[[Anderthalbhänder]]+2 <span style="color:#ff0000;">oder</span>
*{{Ti|height=2|Bastard Sword}}+2 <span style="color:#ff0000;">or</span>
*[[Barbarenschwert]]+2 <span style="color:#ff0000;">oder</span>
*{{Ti|height=2|Barbarian Sword}}+2 <span style="color:#ff0000;">or</span>
*[[Silberschwert]]+2 <span style="color:#ff0000;">oder</span>
*{{Ti|height=2|Silver Sword}}+2 <span style="color:#ff0000;">or</span>
*{{Ti|height=2|Orchid Sword}}+2
| [[Mirine]]
| {{Tm|Mirine}}
*Pfeil über [[Mirine]]
*Go to {{Tm|Mirine}}
*Töte so viele [[Schwarzwindbesessener|Schwarzwindbesessenen]], bis du eine [[Bild:schwarze_uniform.jpg]] [[Schwarze Uniform]] hast
*Kill {{Tm|Black Wind Maniac}}, until u have {{Ti|Black Uniform}}
*Gehe zur [[Mirine]] (kaputtes Schwert)
*Return to {{Tm|Mirine}}
*Gehe zum [[Schmied]]
| 25
| 25
| [[Die Untersuchung des Biologen (Tue-Pilze)]]
| [[The investigation of the biologist (Tue-Mushrooms)]]
*200.000 [[EXP]]
*200.000 [[EXP]]
*20.000 [[Yang]]
*20.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
*Level 21 Helm+2 (Klassen abhängig)
*Level 21 Helm+2 (Class sensitive)
| automatisch
| Automatically
*Gehe zum [[Biologe Chaegirab|Biologen Chaegirab]]
*Go to {{Tm|Biologist Chaegirab}}
*Töte so lange [[Hungriger Braunbär|Hungrige Braunbären]], bis du 10 [[Bild:Tue-pilze.jpg]] [[Tue-Pilze]] hast
*Kill {{Tm|Hungry Brown Bear}}, until you have 10 {{Ti|Tue Fungus}}
*Kehre zum [[Biologe Chaegirab|Biologen Chaegirab]] zurück
*Return to {{Tm|Biologist Chaegirab}} deliver the {{Ti|Tue Fungus}}
| 25
| 25
| [[Die gepanzerte Kavallerie]]
| [[The armoured cavalry]]
*150.000 [[EXP]]
*150.000 [[EXP]]
*30.000 [[Yang]]
*30.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
*[[Bild:Goldohrringe.jpg]] [[Goldohrringe]]
*{{Ti|Gold Earrings}}
| [[Hauptmann]]
| {{Tm|Captain}}
*Pfeil über [[Hauptmann]]
*Go to {{Tm|Captain}}
*Gehe zum [[Yu-Hwan|Musiker Yu-Hwan]]
*Go to {{Tm|Yu-Hwan}}
*Gehe zum [[Fahrender Händler|Fahrenden Händler]]
*Go to {{Tm|Peddler}}
*Gehe zum [[Uriel]]
*Go to {{Tm|Uriel}}
*Gehe zum [[Hauptmann]]
*Return to {{Tm|Captain}}
| 25
| 25
| [[Rache für den Ringhändler]]
| [[Revenge for the Ringtrader]]
*[[Bild:Verlobungsring.jpg]] [[Verlobungsring]]
*{{Ti|Engagement Ring}}
| [[Alte Frau]]
| {{Tm|Old Lady}}
*Gehe zur [[Alte Frau|Alten Frau]] <span style="color:#ff0000;">(Kein Pfeil)</span>
*Go to {{Tm|Old Lady}} <span style="color:#ff0000;">(No Arrow, quest does not blink on map)</span>
*Töte 30 [[Jin-Hee]]s
*Kill {{Tm|Jin-Hee}}
*Gehe zur [[Alte Frau|Alten Frau]]
*Return to {{Tm|Old Lady}}
| 26
| 26
| keine Quests bekannt
| [[The Deserter]]
* 35.000 EXP<br>
* 17500-35000 Yang <br>
* {{Ti|Yellow Rose}}
| Automatically
* Go to {{Tm|Yang-Shin}}
* Go to {{Tm|Nakajima}}
* Go to {{Tm|Ah-Yu}}
* Go to {{Tm|Yang-Shin}}
| 27
| 27
| [[Räche Ariyoungs Ehemann]]
| [[The story of Ariyoung's husband]]
*300.000 [[EXP]]
*300.000 [[EXP]]
*10.000 [[Yang]]
*10.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
| [[Ariyoung]]
| {{Tm|Ariyoung}}
*Pfeil über [[Ariyoung]]
*Go to {{Tm|Ariyoung}}
*Gehe zur [[Gemischtwarenhändlerin]]
*Go to {{Tm|General Store Saleswoman}}
*Gehe zur [[Ariyoung]]
*Go to {{Tm|Ariyoung}}
*Töte so viele [[Goo-Pae]]s, bis du [[Bild:ariyoungs_ehering.jpg]] [[Ariyoungs Ehering]] hast
*Kill {{Tm|Goo-Pae}}, until you have {{Ti|Ariyo Wedding Ring}}
*Gehe zur [[Ariyoung]]
*Return to {{Tm|Ariyoung}}
| 27
| 27
| [[Zerstöre die Metinsteine]]
| [[Destroy the Metin of Black]]
*300.000 [[EXP]]
*300.000 [[EXP]]
*15.000 [[Yang]]
*15.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
*[[Bild:Rotes haarband.jpg]] [[Rotes Haarband]]
*{{Ti|Red Hairband}}
*[[Bild:Schmuckgegenstand.jpg]] [[Schmuckgegenstand]]
| automatisch
| Automatically
*Gehe zum [[Hauptmann]]
*Go to {{Tm|Captain}}
*Zerstöre einen [[Metin der Schwärze]]
*Destroy one [[Metin of Black]]
*Gehe zum [[Hauptmann]]
*Return to {{Tm|Captain}}
| 28
| 28
| keine Quests bekannt
| [[The blackmail]]
* 850.000 EXP or
* 40.000 Yang and 500.000 EXP
| [[Yu-Hwan]]
* Go to {{Tm|Yu-Hwan}}
* Go to {{Tm|Ah-Yu}}
* Kill {{Tm|Bera}} until you get the {{Ti|Bear Paw}}
* Go to {{Tm|Yang-Shin}}
* Go to {{Tm|Ah-Yu}}
| 29
| 29
| keine Quests bekannt
| [[The broken porcelain]]
* 38.000 Yang
* 600.000 EXP
| Automatically
* Go to {{Tm|Yonah}}
* Go to {{Tm|Taurean}}
* Go to {{Tm|Harang}}
* Go to {{Tm|Stable Boy}}
* Obtaing 6  {{Ti|Hay}} from {{Tm|Savage Infantryman}} or {{Tm|Strong Savage Infantry}}
* Go to {{Tm|Yonah}}
| 30
| 30
| [[Das Geheimnis der Metinsteine]]
| [[The secret of the Metin Stones]]
*420.000 [[EXP]]
*420.000 [[EXP]]
*20.000 [[Yang]]
*20.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
| automatisch
| Automatically
*Pfeil über [[Uriel]]
*Go to {{Tm|Uriel}}
*Lese das [[Hasun Denkmal]] im [[Hasun Dong]]
*Read the {{Tm|Hasun Stone Memorial}} at [[Hasun Dong|Easy Monkey Dungeon]]
*Gehe zum [[Uriel]]
*Go to {{Tm|Uriel}}
*Lese das [[Seul Rong Steindenkmal]]
*Read the {{Tm|Seul Rong Stone Memorial}}
*Gehe zum [[Uriel]]
*Return to {{Tm|Uriel}}
| 30
| 30
| [[Die Wurfspieße]]
| [[The Spears]]
*300.000 [[EXP]]
*300.000 [[EXP]]
*20.000 [[Yang]]
*20.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
| [[Ah-Yu]]
| {{Tm|Ah-Yu}}
*Go to {{Tm|Ah-Yu}}
*Kill {{Tm|Savage Archer}}, {{Tm|Savage Minion}}, {{Tm|Savage General}} and {{Tm|Savage Infantryman}}, until you have 3 {{Ti|Spear of the husband}}
*Return to {{Tm|Ah-Yu}}
| 30
| [[Helping the Storekeeper]]
*'''Part 1:''' 5x {{Ti|Kaki Blossom}}
*'''Part 2:''' 5x {{Ti|Gango Root}}
*'''Part 3:''' 2x {{Ti|width=2|Inventory Expansion}}
| {{Tm|Storekeeper}}
*Pfeil über [[Ah-Yu]]
'''Part 1:'''
*Töte so viele [[Wilder Bogenschütze|Wilde Bogenschützen]], [[Wilder Ergebener|Wilde Ergebene]], [[Wilder General|Wilde Generäle]] und [[Wilder Infanterist|Wilde Infanteristen]], bis du 3 [[Bild:speer_vom_ehemann.jpg]] [[Speer vom Ehemann|Speere vom Ehemann]] hast
*Go to {{Tm|Storekeeper}}
*Gehe zur [[Ah-Yu]]
*Kill 1x {{Tm|Chief Orc}}
*Go to {{Tm|Storekeeper}}
'''Part 2:'''
*Go to {{Tm|Storekeeper}}
*Kill 5x {{Tm|Ice Golem}}
*Go to {{Tm|Storekeeper}}
'''Part 3:'''
*Go to {{Tm|Storekeeper}}
*Kill 1x {{Tm|Ape Lord}}
*Go to {{Tm|Storekeeper}}
| 30
| 30
| [[Die Forschung des Biologen 1]]
| [[The research of the biologist 1]]
*+10 Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit (permanent)
*+10 Movement Speed (permanent)
*[[Erfahrungsring]] (50% [[EXP]] für 30 min.)
*{{Ti|Red Ebony Box}}
| automatisch
| Automatically
*Gehe zum [[Biologe Chaegirab|Biologen Chaegirab]]
*Go to {{Tm|Biologist Chaegirab}}
*Töte so lange [[Mutiger Schw. Ork|Mutige Schw. Orks]], [[Ork]]s und [[Schwarzer Ork|Schwarze Orks]], bis du 10 [[Bild:Orkzahn.jpg]] [[Orkzahn|Orkzähne]] hast
*Kill {{Tm|Orc}}, {{Tm|Black Orc}} and {{Tm|Bold Black Orc}} until you have 10 {{Ti|Orc Tooth}}
*Gehe zum [[Biologe Chaegirab|Biologen Chaegirab]]
*Return to the {{Tm|Biologist Chaegirab}} deliver the {{Ti|Orc Tooth}} (1 each day)
*Töte so lange [[Stolzer Ork|Stolze Orks]], [[Stolzer Ork-Späher|Stolze Ork-Späher]], [[Stolzer Ork-Zauberer|Stolze Ork-Zauberer]] und [[Stolzer Ork-Kämpfer|Stolze Ork-Kämpfer]],  
*Kill {{Tm|Elite Orc}}, {{Tm|Elite Orc Scout}}, {{Tm|Elite Orc Sorcerer}} and {{Tm|Elite Orc Fighter}},  
bis du den [[Bild:Jinunggyis_seelenstein.jpg]] [[Jinunggyis Seelenstein]] hast
until you have {{Ti|Jinunggyis Soul Stone}}
*Gehe zum [[Biologe Chaegirab|Biologen Chaegirab]]
*Return to {{Tm|Biologist Chaegirab}}
*Gehe zum [[Baek-Go]]
*Go to {{Tm|Baek-Go}}
==Level 31 - 40==
===Level 31 - 40===
{| {{Prettytable}}
{| {{Prettytable}}
|- {{Hl3}}
|- {{Hl3}}
! Level
! Level
! Auftrag
! Order
! Belohnung
! Reward
! Wo erhalten?
! Receive where?
! Verlauf
! Process
| 31
| 31
| [[Hol die Blumen]]
| [[Get the Flowers]]
*400.000 [[EXP]]
*400.000 [[EXP]]
*12.000 [[Yang]]
*12.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
| [[Huahn-So]]
| {{Tm|Huahn-So}}
*Pfeil über [[Huahn-So]]
*Go to {{Tm|Huahn-So}}
*Gehe zur [[Ariyoung]]
*Go to {{Tm|Ariyoung}}
*Gehe zum [[Huahn-So]]
*Go to {{Tm|Huahn-So}}
*Hole [[Bild:blumen.jpg]] [[Blumen]] von den [[Namenlose Blumen]]
*Get {{Ti|Flowers (Quest Item)|Flowers}} from {{Tm|Nameless Flowers}} (Map 1)
*Gehe zum [[Huahn-So]]
*Return to {{Tm|Huahn-So}}
| 32
| 32
| [[Die Seiten des geheimen Buches 1|Das Geheime Buch]] (1)
| [[The pages of the secret book 1|The secret book]] (Diary page 1)
*1.000.000 [[EXP]]
*1.000.000 [[EXP]]
*50.000 [[Yang]]
*50.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
*[[Bild:Traene_der_goettin.jpg]] [[Träne der Göttin]]
*{{Ti|Goddess Tear}}
| [[Uriel]]
| {{Tm|Uriel}}
*Pfeil über [[Uriel]]
*Go to {{Tm|Uriel}}
*Gehe zum [[Fahrender Händler|Fahrenden Händler]]
*Go to {{Tm|Peddler}}
*Pfeil über [[Fahrender Händler]]
*Gather 20 {{Ti|height=2|Silver Sword}}s (u can buy them at {{Tm|Weapon Shop Dealer}})
*20 [[Silberschwert]]er besorgen (einfach beim Waffenhändler kaufen)
*Go to {{Tm|Peddler}}
*Gehe zum [[Fahrender Händler|Fahrenden Händler]]
*Go to {{Tm|Weol Monument}} and get the secret {{Ti|Diary Page}}
*Gehe zum [[Weol Denkmal]] und hole die geheime [[Tagebuchseite]]
*Return to {{Tm|Uriel}}
*Gehe zu [[Uriel]]
| 32
| 32
| [[Die Seiten des geheimen Buches 2|Das Geheime Buch]] (2)
| [[The pages of the secret book 2|The secret book]] (Diary page 2)
*1.000.000 [[EXP]]
*1.250.000 [[EXP]]
*50.000 [[Yang]]
*50.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
*[[Bild:weisse_flagge.jpg]] 10x [[Weiße Flagge]]
*10x {{Ti|White Flag}}
| [[Uriel]]
| {{Tm|Uriel}}
*Pfeil über [[Uriel]]
*Go to {{Tm|Uriel}}
*Gehe zum [[Yang-Shin]]
*Go to {{Tm|Yang-Shin}}
*Töte so lange [[Stolzer Ork-Zauberer]], bis du die geheime [[Tagebuchseite]] bekommst
*Kill {{Tm|Elite Orc Sorcerer}}, until you get the secret {{Ti|Diary Page}}
*Gehe zum [[Uriel]]
*Return to {{Tm|Uriel}}
| 33
| 33
| [[Die neue Waffe]]
| [[Ore for the Blacksmith (new weapon)]]
*200.000 [[EXP]]
*200.000 [[EXP]]
*20.000 [[Yang]]
*20.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
*Level 25 [[Items:Waffen|Waffe]]+3 (Klassen bedingt)
*Level 25 [[Items:Weapons|Weapon]]+3 (According to Class)
| [[Schmied]]
| {{Tm|Blacksmith}}
*Pfeil über [[Schmied]]
*Go to {{Tm|Blacksmith}}
:[[Bild:Golderz.jpg]] 100 [[Golderz]]
:100 {{Ti|Gold Ore}}
:[[Bild:Silbererz.jpg]] 100 [[Silbererz]]
:100 {{Ti|Silver Ore}}
:[[Bild:Ebenholzerz.jpg]] 100 [[Ebenholzerz]]
:100 {{Ti|Ebony Ore}}
*Gehe zum [[Schmied]]
*Return to {{Tm|Blacksmith}}
| 34
| 34
| [[Die neue Rüstung]]
| [[Ore for the Blacksmith (new armour)]]
*200.000 [[EXP]]
*200.000 [[EXP]]
*20.000 [[Yang]]
*20.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
*Level 26 [[Items:Rüstungen|Rüstung]]+3 (Klassen bedingt)
*Level 26 [[Armours|Armour]]+3 (According to Class)
| [[Schmied]]
| {{Tm|Blacksmith}}
*Pfeil über [[Schmied]]
*Go to {{Tm|Blacksmith}}
:[[Bild:Ebenholzerz.jpg]] 100 [[Ebenholzerz]]
:100 {{Ti|Ebony Ore}}
:[[Bild:Kupfererz.jpg]] 100 [[Kupfererz]]
:100 {{Ti|Copper Ore}}
:[[Bild:Stueck_perle.jpg]] 100 [[Stück Perle]]
:100 {{Ti|Piece of Pearl}}s
*Gehe zum [[Schmied]]
*Return to {{Tm|Blacksmith}}
| 35
| 35
| [[Die Goldaxt von Deokbae]]
| [[Deokbae's Golden Axe]]
*400.000 [[EXP]]
*400.000 [[EXP]]
*30.000 [[Yang]]
*30.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
| [[Deokbae]]
| {{Tm|Deokbae}}
*Pfeil über [[Deokbae]]
*Go to {{Tm|Deokbae}}
*Töte so lange [[Wilder General|Wilde Generäle]], bis du die [[Bild:Goldene_axt_vom_schmied.jpg]] [[Goldene Axt vom Schmied]] hast
*Kill {{Tm|Savage General}}, until u get the {{Ti|Golden axe of BlackSmith}}
*Gehe zum [[Deokbae]]
*Return to {{Tm|Deokbae}}
| 36
| 36
| [[Mirines Bruder]]
| [[The missing brother]]
*600.000 [[EXP]]
*600.000 [[EXP]]
*35.000 [[Yang]]
*35.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
| [[Mirine]]
| {{Tm|Mirine}}
*Pfeil über [[Mirine]]
*Go to {{Tm|Mirine}}
*Gehe zum [[Yu-Hwan|Musiker Yu-Hwan]]
*Go to {{Tm|Yu-Hwan}}
*Gehe zum [[Yang-Shin]]
*Go to {{Tm|Yang-Shin}}
*Gehe zum [[Ginsengsammler]]
*Go to {{Tm|Ginseng Collector}} collect {{Ti|Jade Necklace}} and {{Ti|Mirine Trailer}}
*Gehe zur [[Mirine]]
*Return {{Tm|Mirine}}
| 37
| 37
| [[Finde die Spinne mit der Glocke]]
| [[The Spider with the Bell]]
*700.000 [[EXP]]
*700.000 [[EXP]]
*30.000 [[Yang]]
*30.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
| [[Yu-Rang]]
| {{Tm|Yu-Rang}}
*Pfeil über [[Yu-Rang]]
*Go to {{Tm|Yu-Rang}}
*Suche das Glöckchen bei den [[Babyspinne]]n, indem du sie tötest
*Look for spider with the bell by killing {{Tm|Baby Spider}}
*Gehe zur [[Taurean]]
*Go to {{Tm|Taurean}}
*Töte so viele [[Babyspinne]]n, bis du das Glöckchen anhängt hast
*Attach the bell to a spider by killing {{Tm|Baby Spider}}
*Gehe zur [[Yu-Rang]]
*Go to {{Tm|Yu-Rang}}
*Gehe zur [[Taurean]]
*Return to {{Tm|Taurean}}
| 38
| 38
| [[Das Tempelbuch]]
| [[The Secret Temple Book]]
*850.000 [[EXP]]
*850.000 [[EXP]]
*20.000 [[Yang]]
*20.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
| [[Soon]]
| {{Tm|Soon}}
*Pfeil über [[Soon]]
*Go to {{Tm|Soon}}
*Gehe zur [[Aranyo]]
*Go to {{Tm|Aranyo}}
*Gehe zur [[Gemischtwarenhändlerin]]
*Go to {{Tm|General Store Saleswoman}}
*Gehe zum [[Soon]]
*Go to {{Tm|Soon}}
*Töte so lange [[Dunkler Fanatiker|Dunkle Fanatiker]], bis du ein [[Bild:Geheimes_Tempel_buch.jpg]] [[Geheimes Tempel Buch]] hast
*Kill {{Tm|Dark Fanatic}}, until you get {{Ti|Temple Book}}
*Gehe zum [[Soon]]
*Return to {{Tm|Soon}}
| 39
| 39
| [[Yu-Rangs verlorener Reiskuchen]]
| [[The stolen Rice Cake]]
*900.000 [[EXP]]
*900.000 [[EXP]]
*25.000 [[Yang]]
*25.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
| [[Yu-Rang]]
| {{Tm|Yu-Rang}}
*Pfeil über [[Yu-Rang]]
*Go to {{Tm|Yu-Rang}}
*Töte so lange [[Babyspinne]]n, bis du einen Reiskuchen hast
*Kill {{Tm|Baby Spider}}, until you have the {{Ti|Rice Cake (Quest Item)}}
*Gehe zur [[Yu-Rang]]
*Return to {{Tm|Yu-Rang}}
| 40
| 40
| [[Die Seiten des geheimen Buches 3]]
| [[The pages of the secret book 3|The secret book]] (Diary page 3)
*2.000.000 [[EXP]]
*2.000.000 [[EXP]]
*50.000 [[Yang]]
*50.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
*[[Bild:Segen_des_lebens.jpg]] [[Segen des Lebens]]
*{{Ti|Blessing of Life}}
| automatisch
| Automatically
*Pfeil über [[Uriel]]
*Go to {{Tm|Uriel}}
*Töte so lange [[Stolzer dunkl. Fanatiker|Stolze dunkl. Fanatiker]], bis du die [[Bild:Tagebuchseite.jpg]] [[Tagebuchseite]] hat
*Kill {{Tm|Proud Dark Fanatic}}, until u get the {{Ti|Diary Page}}
*Gehe zum [[Uriel]]
*Return to {{Tm|Uriel}}
| 40
| 40
| [[Die Seiten des geheimen Buches 4]]
| [[The pages of the secret book 4|The secret book]] (Diary page 4)
*2.000.000 [[EXP]]
*2.000.000 [[EXP]]
*50.000 [[Yang]]
*50.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
*[[Bild:Segen_der_magie.jpg]] [[Segen der Magie]]
*{{Ti|Blessing of Magic}}
| [[Uriel]]
| {{Tm|Uriel}}
*Pfeil über [[Uriel]]
*Go to {{Tm|Uriel}}
*Finde im [[Jungsun Dong]] das [[Wha Denkmal]] und das [[Su Denkmal]]
*Go to [[Jungsun Dong|Normal Ape Dungeon]] in Desert, read the {{Tm|Wha Memorial}} and the {{Tm|Su Memorial}}
*Gehe zum [[Uriel]]
*Return to {{Tm|Uriel}}
| 40
| 40
| [[Die Seiten des geheimen Buches 5]]
| [[The pages of the secret book 5|The secret book]] (Diary Page 5)
*2.000.000 [[EXP]]
*2.000.000 [[EXP]]
*50.000 [[Yang]]
*50.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
*[[Bild:Segen_der_magie.jpg]] [[Segen der Magie]]
*{{Ti|Blessing of Magic}}
| automatisch
| Automatically
*Pfeil über [[Uriel]]
*Go to {{Tm|Uriel}}
*Gehe zum [[Hauptmann]]
*Go to {{Tm|Captain}}
*Gehe zum [[Nakajima]]
*Go to {{Tm|Nakajima}}
*Töte so lange [[Brutaler Hauptmann|Brutale Hauptmänner]], bis du die [[Bild:Tagebuchseite.jpg]] [[Tagebuchseite]] hast
*Kill {{Tm|Bestial Captain}}, until u get the {{Ti|Diary Page}}
*Gehe zum Uriel (erst ab Level 47 möglich)
*Return to {{Tm|Uriel}} (only possible after level 47)
| 40
| 40
| [[Die Forschung des Biologen 2]]
| [[The research of the biologist 2]]
*+5% Angriffsgeschwindigkeit (permanent)
*+5% Attack speed (permanent)
*[[Bild:Prunk_Ebenholzkasten.jpg]] [[Prunk Ebenholzschachtel]]
*{{Ti|Plump Ebony Box}}
| automatisch
| Automatically
*Pfeil über [[Biologe Chaegirab]]
*Go to {{Tm|Biologist Chaegirab}}
*Töte so lange [[Dunkler Peiniger|Dunkle Peiniger]], bis du [[Bild:Fluchbuch.jpg]] 15x [[Fluchsammlung]] hast
*Kill {{Tm|Dark Tormentor}} and {{Tm|High Tormentor}}, until you collect 15x {{Ti|Curse Book}}s
*Gehe zum [[Biologe Chaegirab]]
*Go to {{Tm|Biologist Chaegirab}} deliver {{Ti|Curse Book}}s (1 each day)
*Töte so lange [[Stolzer dunkl. Kämpfer|Stolze dunkl. Kämpfer]], bis du den [[Bild:Tempel_seelenstein.jpg]] [[Tempel Seelenstein]] hast
*Kill {{Tm|Proud Dark Fanatic}}, {{Tm|Proud Dark Fighter}}, {{Tm|Proud Dark Colonel}}, until u get the {{Ti|Temple Soul Stone}}
*Gehe zum [[Biologe Chaegirab|Biologen Chaegirab]]
*Return to {{Tm|Biologist Chaegirab}}
*Gehe zum [[Baek-Go]]
*Go to {{Tm|Baek-Go}}
| 40
| 40
| [[Töte die Schwarzwindgeneräle]]
| [[Kill the Black Wind generals]]
*1.000.000 [[EXP]]
*1.000.000 [[EXP]]
*[[Bild:Sprachenring.jpg]] [[Sprachenring]] (30 Tage)
*{{Ti|Language Ring}} (30 Days)
| [[Hauptmann]]
| {{Tm|Captain}}
*Go to {{Tm|Captain}}
*Kill one {{Tm|Black Wind Gu-Ryung}}, {{Tm|Black Wind Jak-To}} <span style="color:#ff0000;">and</span> one {{Tm|Black Wind To-Su}}
*Return to [[Captain]]
| 40
| [[A special cloth]]
*{{Ti|Master Sash (basic)}}
| {{Tm|Theowahdan}}
*Pfeil über [[Hauptmann]]
*Go to {{Tm|Theowahdan}}
*Töte einmal [[Schwarzwind-Gu-Ryung]], [[Schwarzwind-Jak-To]] <span style="color:#ff0000;">und</span> einmal [[Schwarzwind-To-Su]]
*Go to {{Tm|Captain}}
*Gehe zum [[Hauptmann]]
*Wait 3 hours (online time)
*Go to Captain and and collect {{Ti|Fine Cloth}}
*Talk to {{Tm|Captain}} again.
*Repeat until you have 40x {{Ti|Fine Cloth}}
*Go to {{Tm|Theowahdan}} and get  {{Ti|Master Sash (basic)}}
==Level 41 - 50==
===Level 41 - 50===
{| {{Prettytable}}
{| {{Prettytable}}
|- {{Hl3}}
|- {{Hl3}}
! Level
! Level
! Auftrag
! Order
! Belohnung
! Reward
! Wo erhalten?
! Receive where?
! Verlauf
! Process
| 41
| 41
| [[Händleranfrage]]
| [[Peddler's request]]
*1.100.000 [[EXP]]
*1.100.000 [[EXP]]
*[[Bild:Goldarmband.jpg]] [[Goldarmband]]
*{{Ti|Gold Bracelet}}
*[[Bild:Goldhalskette.jpg]] [[Goldhalskette]]
*{{Ti|Gold Necklace}}
*[[Bild:Goldohrringe.jpg]] [[Goldohrringe]]
*{{Ti|Gold Earrings}}
| [[Fahrender Händler]]
| {{Tm|Peddler}}
*Pfeil über [[Fahrender Händler|Fahrenden Händler]]
*Go to {{Tm|Peddler}}
*Töte so lange [[Stolzer Ork-Zauberer|Stolze Ork-Zauberer]], bis du [[Bild:Backenzahn.jpg]] 100 [[Backenzahn|Backenzähne]] hast
*Go to {{Tm|Ariyoung}} to receive the {{Ti|Clothing}}
*Gehe zur [[Gemischtwarenhändlerin]] ([[Bild:Schmuckstueck.jpg]] [[Schmuckstück]])
*Go to {{Tm|Ah-Yu}}
*Töte so lange [[Tiger]] und [[Weißer Tiger|Weiße Tiger]], bis du [[Bild:Leber_eines_tigers.jpg]] 100 [[Leber eines Tigers]] hast
*Go to {{Tm|Ariyoung}} get {{Ti|Thread}}
*Töte so lange [[Tiger]] und [[Weißer Tiger|Weiße Tiger]], bis du [[Bild:Medizinische_kraeuter.jpg]] [[Medizinische Kräuter]] hast
*Go to {{Tm|General Store Saleswoman}}
*Gehe zur [[Gemischtwarenhändlerin]] ([[Bild:Naehgarn.jpg]] [[Nähgarn]])
*Kill {{Tm|Tiger}} and {{Tm|White Tiger}}, until you collect 100 {{Ti|Liver of a Tiger}} and 1 {{Ti|Medical Herb}}
*Gehe zur [[Ariyoung]]
*Go to {{Tm|General Store Saleswoman}} collect {{Ti|Piece of Jewellery}}
*Gehe zur [[Ah-Yu]]
*Kill {{Tm|Elite Orc Sorcerer}}, until you get 100 {{Ti|Orc Molar}}s
*Gehe zur [[Ariyoung]]
*Go to {{Tm|Peddler}}
*Gehe zum [[Fahrender Händler|Fahrenden Händler]]
| 42
| 42
| keine Quests bekannt
| [[Furious Sea Monsters]]
*500.000 Yang
*600.000 EXP
*3x Grilled {{Ti|Grass Carp}}
*Go to {{Tm|Octavio}}
*Go to {{Tm|Fisherman}}
*Go to {{Tm|Yonah}}
*Go to {{Tm|Blacksmith}}
*Gather 20 {{Ti|Diamond Stone}}
*Go to {{Tm|Blacksmith}}
*Wait 24 hours
*Bring the two {{Ti|height=3|Diamond-core Whale Spear}} to {{Tm|Fisherman}}
| 43
| 43
| keine Quests bekannt
| [[The orphan]]
*1.250.000 EXP
*37.000 Yang
| {{Tm|Wonda-Rim}}
*Go to {{Tm|Wonda-Rim}}
*Go to {{Tm|Biologist Chaegirab}}
*Kill {{Tm|Orc Fighter}} until you get the {{Ti|Letter (Level 43)|Letter}} with Wonda-Rim's rhymes
*Go to {{Tm|Wonda-Rim}}
| 44
| 44
| [[Schatzkarte des Bücherwurms]]
| [[The bookworm's Treasure Map]]
*1.400.000 [[EXP]]
*1.400.000 [[EXP]]
*25.000 [[Yang]]
*25.000 [[Yang]]
*Level 41 Helm (Klassen bedingt)
*Level 41 Helmet (According to Class)
| [[Soon]]
| {{Tm|Soon}}
*Pfeil über [[Soon]]
*Go to {{Tm|Soon}}
*Töte so lange [[Bera]], [[Lykos]], [[Scrofa]] <span style="color:#ff0000;">oder</span> [[Tigris]], bis du [[Bild:Schatzkarte.jpg]] 4 [[Schatzkarte]]n hast
*Kill {{Tm|Bera}}, {{Tm|Lykos}}, {{Tm|Scrofa}} and {{Tm|Tigris}}, until you collect 4 {{Ti|Treasure Map}}s
*Gehe zum [[Soon]]
*Go to {{Tm|Soon}}
*Gehe zum [[Alter Mann|Alten Mann]] ([[Bild:Silberne_schatztruhe.jpg]] [[Schatztruhe]])
*Go to {{Tm|Old Man}} collect {{Ti|Treasure Chest}}
*Gehe zum [[Soon]]
*Return to {{Tm|Soon}}
| 45
| 45
| [[Schatz des Jägers - Die Suche nach dem Bogen]]
| [[The hunter's treasure]]
*1.500.000 [[EXP]]
*1.500.000 [[EXP]]
*35.000 [[Yang]]
*35.000 [[Yang]]
*[[Bild:Tapferkeitsumhang.jpg]] 20x [[Tapferkeitsumhang]]
*20x {{Ti|Bravery Cape}}
| [[Yang-Shin]]
| {{Tm|Yang-Shin}}
*Pfeil über [[Yang-Shin]]
*Go to {{Tm|Yang-Shin}}
*Töte so lange Affen im [[Sangsun Dong]], bis du einen [[Verzierter Bogen]] hast
*Kill mobs at [[Sangsun Dong|Hard Monkey Dungeon]], until u get {{Ti|height=2|Ornamented Bow}}
*Gehe zum [[Yang-Shin]]
*Return to {{Tm|Yang-Shin}}
| 46
| 46
| [[Der Rest des Todes]]
| [[Let the dead rest]]
*1.700.000 [[EXP]]
*1.700.000 [[EXP]]
*30.000 [[Yang]]
*30.000 [[Yang]]
*[[Bild:Diamant.jpg]] 3x [[Diamant]]
*3x {{Ti|Diamond}}
| [[Lehrer der Drachenmacht]]
| {{Tm|Dragon Force Teacher}}
*Pfeil über [[Lehrer der Drachenmacht]]
*Go to {{Tm|Dragon Force Teacher}}
*Töte so lange [[Stolzer dunkl. Oberst|Stolze dunkl. Oberst]], bis du einen [[Bild:Tempel_schal.jpg]] [[Tempel Schal]] und eine [[Bild:Tempellehre.jpg]] [[Tempellehre]] hast
*Kill {{Tm|Proud Dark Colonel}}, until you get {{Ti|Temple Scarf}} and {{Ti|Temple Doctrine}}
*Gehe zum [[Lehrer der Drachenmacht]]
*Return {{Tm|Dragon Force Teacher}}
| 47
| 47
| [[Die Ställe haben Ärger]]
| [[The stables are in trouble]]
*1.800.000 [[EXP]]
*1.800.000 [[EXP]]
*[[Bild:Missionsbuch(schwer).jpg]] [[Missionsbuch(Schwer)]]
*{{Ti|Mission Book (Hard)}}
| [[Yonah]]
| {{Tm|Yonah}}
*Pfeil über [[Yonah]]
*Go to {{Tm|Yonah}}
*Sammle [[Bild:Heu.jpg]] 10 [[Heu]]
*Collect 10x {{Ti|Hay}}
*Gehe zum [[Stallbursche]]n
*Go to {{Tm|Stable Boy}}
*Gehe zum [[Yonah]]
*Return to {{Tm|Yonah}}
| 47
| 47
| [[Die Seiten des geheimen Buches 6]]
| [[The pages of the secret book 6|The secret book]] (Diary page 6)
*3.000.000 [[EXP]]
*3.000.000 [[EXP]]
*75.000 [[Yang]]
*75.000 [[Yang]]
*[[Bild:Segen_des_Drachens.jpg]] [[Segen des Drachen]]
*{{Ti|Blessing of the Dragon}}
| [[Uriel]]
| {{Tm|Uriel}}
*Pfeil über [[Uriel]]
*Go to {{Tm|Uriel}}
*Gehe zum [[Mok Denkmal]] im [[Kuahklo Dong]]
*Go to {{Tm|Mok Memorial}} at [[Spiders Dungeon]]
*Gehe zum [[Uriel]]
*Get {{Ti|Diary Page}}
*Return to {{Tm|Uriel}}
| 47
| 47
| [[Die Wüstenbanditen]] (7. Tagebuchseite)
| [[The pages of the secret book 7|The secret book]] (Diary page 7)
*3.000.000 [[EXP]]
*3.000.000 [[EXP]]
*75.000 [[Yang]]
*75.000 [[Yang]]
| [[Yu-Hwan]]
| {{Tm|Yu-Hwan}}
*Pfeil über [[Yu-Hwan]]
*Go to {{Tm|Yu-Hwan}}
*Töte so lange [[Wüstenbandit]]en, bis du eine [[Bild:Tagebuchseite.jpg]] [[Tagebuchseite]] hast
*Kill {{Tm|Desert Outlaw}} until u get {{Ti|Diary Page}}
*Gehe zum [[Yu-Hwan]]
*Go to {{Tm|Yu-Hwan}}
*Gehe zum [[Uriel]]
*Return to {{Tm|Uriel}}
| 47
| 47
| [[Töte die Schlangenkämpfer]] (8. Tagebuchseite)
| [[The pages of the secret book 8|The secret book]] (Diary page 8)
*3.000.000 [[EXP]]
*3.000.000 [[EXP]]
*70.000 [[Yang]]
*70.000 [[Yang]]
*[[Bild:Tapferkeitsumhang.jpg]] 20x [[Tapferkeitsumhang]]
*20x {{Ti|Bravery Cape}}
| [[Uriel]]
| {{Tm|Uriel}}
*Pfeil über [[Uriel]]
*Go to {{Tm|Uriel}}
*Töte so lange [[Schlangenschwertkämpfer]] und [[Schlangenbogenschütze]]n, bis du eine [[Bild:Tagebuchseite.jpg]] [[Tagebuchseite]] hast
*Kill {{Tm|Snake Swordsman}} and {{Tm|Snake Archer}}, until you get {{Ti|Diary Page}}
*Gehe zum [[Uriel]]
*Return to {{Tm|Uriel}}
| 48
| 48
| [[Hol die Medizin]]
| [[A medicine for Balso]]
*1.900.000 [[EXP]]
*1.900.000 [[EXP]]
*30.000 [[Yang]]
*30.000 [[Yang]]
| [[Verräter Balso]]
| {{Tm|Traitor Balso}}
*Pfeil über [[Verräter Balso]]
*Go to {{Tm|Traitor Balso}}
*Töte so lange [[Plagenmann|Plagenmänner]], bis du die [[Bild:Medizin.jpg]] [[Medizin]] hast
*Kill {{Tm|Plagued Man}}, until you get {{Ti|Medicine}}
*Gehe zum [[Verräter Balso]]
*Go to {{Tm|Traitor Balso}}
| 49
| 49
| [[Octavio's Rezept - Besorgung der Spinnenaugen]]
| [[Spider Eyes special]]
*2.100.000 [[EXP]]
*2.100.000 [[EXP]]
*20.000 [[Yang]]
*20.000 [[Yang]]
| [[Octavio]]
| {{Tm|Octavio}}
*Pfeil über [[Octavio]]
*Go to {{Tm|Octavio}}
*Töte so lange Spinnen in der [[Yongbi-Wüste]], bis du [[Bild:Spinnenaugen.jpg]] 100 [[Auge der einer Spinne|Augen der einen Spinne]] hast
*Kill spiders in [[Yongbi Desert]], until you collect 100 {{Ti|Eye of a spider}}
*Gehe zum [[Octavio]]
*Return to {{Tm|Octavio}}
| 50
| 50
| [[Geheimschrift entziffern]]
| [[About the secret code...]]
*1.300.000 [[EXP]]
*1.300.000 [[EXP]]
*20.000 [[Yang]]
*20.000 [[Yang]]
| [[Hauptmann]]
| {{Tm|Captain}}
*Pfeil über [[Hauptmann]]
*Go to {{Tm|Captain}}
*Übersetze den Text (feinde am horizont gesichtet)
*Translate the text (Enemies seen at horizon)
| 50
| 50
| [[Die Forschung des Biologen 3]]
| [[The research of the biologist 3]]
*+60 Verteidigung (permanent)
*+60 Defense (permanent)
*[[Bild:Gelber_Ebenholzkasten.jpg]] [[Gelber Ebenholzkasten]]
*{{Ti|Yellow Ebony Box}}
| automatisch
| Automatically
*Gehe zum [[Biologe Chaegirab|Biologen Chaegirab]]
*Go to {{Tm|Biologist Chaegirab}}
*Töte so lange [[Dämonenbogenschütze]]n, [[Dämonenspeerkämpfer]], [[Dämonenschamane]]n und [[Dämonensoldat]]en, bis du [[Bild:Daemonenandenken.jpg]] 15 [[Dämonenandenken]] hast
*Kill {{Tm|Demon Archer}}, {{Tm|Demon Spearman}}, {{Tm|Demon Shaman}} and {{Tm|Demon Soldier}}, until you collect 15x {{Ti|Demon's Keepsake}}s
*Gehe zum [[Biologe Chaegirab|Biologen Chaegirab]]
*Go to {{Tm|Biologist Chaegirab}} deliver the {{Ti|Demon's Keepsake}}s (1 each day)
*Töte so lange [[Dämonenbogenschütze]]n, [[Dämonenspeerkämpfer]], [[Dämonenschamane]]n und [[Dämonensoldat]]en, bis du einen [[Bild:Sagyis_seelenstein.jpg]] [[Sagyis Seelenstein]] hast
*Kill {{Tm|Demon Archer}}, {{Tm|Demon Spearman}}, {{Tm|Demon Shaman}} and {{Tm|Demon Soldier}}, until you get one {{Ti|Sagyis Soul Stone}}
*Gehe zum [[Biologe Chaegirab|Biologen Chaegirab]]
*Return to {{Tm|Biologist Chaegirab}}
*Gehe zum [[Baek-Go]]
*Go to {{Tm|Baek-Go}}
| 50
| 50
| [[Die Seiten des geheimen Buches 9]]
| [[The pages of the secret book 9|The secret book]] (Diary page 9)
*5.000.000 [[EXP]]
*5.000.000 [[EXP]]
*125.000 [[Yang]]
*125.000 [[Yang]]
*[[Bild:Symbol_des_weisen_kaiser.jpg]] [[Symbol des weisen Kaiser]]
*{{Ti|Sage King's Symbol}}
| automatisch
| {{Tm|Uriel}}
*Pfeil über [[Uriel]]
*Go to {{Tm|Uriel}}
*Töte so lange [[Stolze Soldat-Giftspinne]]n, bis du eine [[Bild:Tagebuchseite.jpg]] [[Tagebuchseite]]
*Kill {{Tm|Proud Soldier Spider}}, until you get one {{Ti|Diary Page}}
*Go to {{Tm|Uriel}}
| 50
| 50
| [[Die Spur in der Eiswüste]] (10. Tagebuchseite)
| [[The pages of the secret book 10|The secret book]] (Diary page 10)
*5.500.000 [[EXP]]
*5.500.000 [[EXP]]
*137.500 [[Yang]]
*137.500 [[Yang]]
*[[Bild:Handschuh_weisen_kaiser.jpg]] [[Handschuh weisen Kaiser]]
*{{Ti|Sage King's Glove}}
| automatisch
| Automatically
*Gehe zur [[Alte Box mit Papieren|Alten Box mit Papieren]] auf dem [[Berg Sohan]]
*Go to {{Tm|Old Box with Papers}} on [[Mount Sohan]]
*Gehe zum [[Uriel]]
*Go to {{Tm|Uriel}}
| 50
| 50
| [[Die Seiten des geheimen Buches]] (11. Tagebuchseite)
| [[The pages of the secret book 11|The secret book]] (Diary page 11)
*6.000.000 [[EXP]]
*6.000.000 [[EXP]]
*150.000 [[Yang]]
*150.000 [[Yang]]
*[[Bild:Medaille_des_drachens.jpg]] [[Medaille des Drachens]]
*{{Ti|Medal of the Dragon}}
| automatisch
| Automatically
*Töte so lange [[Klauengiftspinne]]n, bis du eine [[Bild:Tagebuchseite.jpg]] [[Tagebuchseite]] hast
*Kill {{Tm|Claw Poison Spider}}, until you get {{Ti|Diary Page}}
*Gehe zum [[Uriel]]
*Go to {{Tm|Uriel}}
| 50
| [[Access to the Breeding Lair]]
*{{Ti|Arachnids Key}}
| {{Tm|Captain}}
*Go to {{Tm|Captain}} and get a {{Ti|Passage Ticket}} .
*Go to the [[Spider Cave 3]] and get a copy of the inscription.
*Go to {{Tm|Captain}}.
*Go to {{Tm|Uriel}}.
*Go to {{Tm|Captain}} and get a {{Ti|Passage Ticket}}.
*Go to {{Tm|Uriel}}.
*Collect 1 × {{Ti|Spider Poison Sack}}, {{Ti|Spider Egg Sack}}, {{Ti|Spider Web}}, {{Ti|Spider Eyes}}, {{Ti|Spider Legs}}, {{Ti|Queen Spider Poison}}.
Go to {{Tm|Uriel}} .
== Level 51 - 60 ==
=== Level 51 - 60 ===
{| {{Prettytable}}
{| {{Prettytable}}
|- {{Hl3}}
|- {{Hl3}}
! Level
! Level
! Auftrag
! Order
! Belohnung
! Reward
! Wo erhalten?
! Receive where?
! Verlauf
! Process
| 51
| 51
| [[Das Geheimnis des Seladon-Porzellans]]
| [[The secret of Celadon Porcelain]]
*2.500.000 [[EXP]]
*2.500.000 [[EXP]]
*35.000 [[Yang]]
*35.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
*[[Bild:Jadeschuhe.jpg]] [[Jadeschuhe]]+3
*{{Ti|Jade Shoes}}+3
| [[Yonah]]
| {{Tm|Yonah}}
*Pfeil über [[Yonah]]
*Go to {{Tm|Yonah}}
*Gehe zum [[Uriel]]
*Go to {{Tm|Uriel}}
*Gehe zum [[Soon]]
*Go to {{Tm|Soon}}
*Gehe zum [[Fahrender Händler|Fahrenden Händler]]
*Go to {{Tm|Peddler}}
*Gehe zum [[Soon]]
*Go to {{Tm|Soon}} get {{Ti|Notice}}
*Gehe zum [[Yonah]]
*Return to {{Tm|Yonah}}
| 52
| 52
| keine Quests bekannt
| [[A good night's sleep]]
*270.000 Yang
*3.800.000 EXP
| {{Tm|Captain}}
*Go to {{Tm|Baek-Go}}
*Go to {{Tm|Yu-Hwan}}
*Go to {{Tm|Captain}}
*Avange the 4 killed soligers by slaughtering {{Tm|High Evocator}}, {{Tm|Dark Summoner}}, {{Tm|High Tormentor}} and {{Tm|Dark Tormentor}} is the [[Valley of Seungryong]]
*Go to {{Tm|Captain}}
| 53
| 53
| [[Das Geheimnis des blassgrünen Porzellans]]
| [[Pale green porcelain]]
*3.000.000 [[EXP]]
*3.000.000 [[EXP]]
*30.000 [[Yang]]
*30.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
| [[Yonah]]
| {{Tm|Yonah}}
*Pfeil über [[Yonah]]
*Go to {{Tm|Yonah}}
*Töte so lange [[Wüstenbandit]], bis du [[Bild:Wuestensand.jpg]] [[Wüstensand]] hast
*Kill {{Tm|Desert Outlaw}}, until you get {{Ti|Desert Sand}}
*Sammle ein [[Bild:Kristallerz.jpg]] [[Kristallerz]]
*Collect a {{Ti|Crystal Ore}}
*Töte so lange [[Starker Steinaffe|Starke Steinaffen]] und [[Starker Goldaffe|Starke Goldaffen]] im [[Sangsun Dong]], bis du das [[Bild:Affenblut.jpg]] [[Affenblut]] hast
*Kill {{Tm|Strong Stone Ape}} and {{Tm|Strong Gold Ape}}s in [[Sangsun Dong|Hard Monkey Dungeon]], until you collect {{Ti|Ape Blood}}
*Gehe zum [[Yonah]]
*Return to {{Tm|Yonah}}
| 54
| 54
| keine Quests bekannt
| [[The fresh supply]]
*3.750.000 EXP
*125.000 Yang
*{{Ti|Tiger Shield}} +3
| {{Tm|Captain}}
*Go to {{Tm|Captain}}
*Go to {{Tm|General Store Saleswoman}}
*Go to {{Tm|Captain}}
*Kill {{Tm|Cursed White Tiger}} until you get 20 {{Ti|Shimmering Tigerskin}}s
*Go to {{Tm|Yang-Shin}}
| 55
| 55
| [[Die Suche nach den Denkmälern]]
| [[Looking for the memorials]] (12. Diary Page)
*6.500.000 [[EXP]]
*6.500.000 [[EXP]]
*162.500 [[Yang]]
*162.500 {{Ti|Yang}}
| automatisch
| Automatically
*[[Bild:Flag_blue.png|18px]] Gehe zum [[Weol Denkmal]] in [[Pyungmoo]]
*[[Image:Flag_blue.png|18px]] Go to {{Tm|Weol Monument}} at [[Pyungmoo]][[Image:Flag_blue.png|18px]]
*[[Bild:Flag_red.png|18px]] Gehe zum [[Weol Denkmal]] in [[Yongan]]
*[[Image:Flag_red.png|18px]] Go to {{Tm|Weol Monument}} at [[Yongan]][[Image:Flag_red.png|18px]]
*[[Bild:Flag_yellow.png|18px]] Gehe zum [[Weol Denkmal]] in [[Joan]]
*[[Image:Flag_yellow.png|18px]] Go to {{Tm|Weol Monument}} at [[Joan]][[Image:Flag_yellow.png|18px]]
*Gehe zum [[Uriel]]
*Go to {{Tm|Uriel}}
| 55
| 55
| [[Die letzte Seite]]
| [[The last page]] (13. Diary Page)
*7.000.000 [[EXP]]
*7.000.000 [[EXP]]
*175.000 [[Yang]]
*175.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
*[[Bild:Buch_des_anfuehrers.jpg]] [[Buch des Anführers]]
*{{Ti|Book of the Leader}}
| automatisch
| Automatically
*Töte so lange [[Buhmann|Buhmänner]], bis der Quest sich ändert
*Kill {{Tm|Leflet Bogeyman}}, until the Quest changes
*Gehe zum [[Gum Denkmal]] ([[Bild:Tagebuchseite.jpg]] [[Tagebuchseite]])
*Go to {{Tm|Gum Memorial}} collect {{Ti|Diary Page}}
*Gehe zum [[Uriel]]
*Go to {{Tm|Uriel}}
| 55
| 55
| [[Verräter Balso´s Zustand]]
| [[Herb of the Ape Lord]]
*4.000.000 [[EXP]]
*4.000.000 [[EXP]]
*65.000 [[Yang]]
*65.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
| [[Verräter Balso]]
| {{Tm|Traitor Balso}}
*Pfeil über [[Verräter Balso]]
*Go to {{Tm|Traitor Balso}}
*Gehe zum [[Baek-Go]]
*Go to {{Tm|Baek-Go}}
*Töte so lange den [[Affen-Lord]], bis du das [[Bild:Kraut_d_schweren_affen.jpg]] [[Kraut d. schweren Affen]] hast
*Kill {{Tm|Ape Lord}}, until you get {{Ti|Herb of Hard Monkeys}}
*Gehe zum [[Baek-Go]] ([[Bild:Medizin.jpg]] [[Medizin]])
*Go to {{Tm|Baek-Go}} get {{Ti|Medicine}}
*Gehe zum [[Verräter Balso]]
*Return to {{Tm|Traitor Balso}}
| 56
| 56
| [[Unterstützendes Kriegs-Hilfsmittel]]
| [[Supporting war device]]
*4.500.000 [[EXP]]
*4.500.000 [[EXP]]
*50.000 [[Yang]]
*50.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
*[[Bild:Durchbohrender_kampf.jpg]] 3x [[Durchbohrender Kampf]]
*3x {{Ti|Piercing Strike}}
*[[Bild:Kritischer_kampf.jpg]] 3x [[Kritischer Kampf]]
*3x {{Ti|Critical Strike}}
| [[Hauptmann]]
| {{Tm|Captain}}
*Pfeil über [[Hauptmann]]
*Go to {{Tm|Captain}}
*Töte so lange [[Plagenbogenschütze]]n, bis du 5000 [[Bild:Pfeilspitze.jpg]] [[Pfeilspitze]]n hast
*Kill {{Tm|Plagued Archer}}, until you collect 5000 {{Ti|Arrowhead}}s
*Gehe zum [[Hauptmann]]
*Return to {{Tm|Captain}}
| 57
| 57
| [[Besorge die Froschschenkel]]
| [[Get Frog's Legs]]
*5.000.000 [[EXP]]
*5.000.000 [[EXP]]
*50.000 [[Yang]]
*50.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
| [[Lagerverwalter]]
| {{Tm|Storekeeper}}
*Pfeil über [[Octavio]]
*Go to {{Tm|Storekeeper}}
*Töte so lange [[Baumfrosch-Anführer]], bis du einen [[Bild:Froschschenkel_quest57.jpg]] [[Froschschenkel_(Quest)|Froschschenkel]] hast
*Go to {{Tm|Octavio}}
*Gehe zum [[Octavio]]
*Kill {{Tm|Tree Frog Leader}}, until you get {{Ti|Frog Legs (quest)}}
*Return to {{Tm|Octavio}}
| 58
| 58
| [[Den Spion treffen]]
| [[Meet the spy]]
*5.500.000 [[EXP]]
*5.500.000 [[EXP]]
*50.000 [[Yang]]
*50.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
*[[Bild:Rotfeder_gegrillt.jpg]] 3x [[Rotfeder|Gegrillte Rotfeder]]
*3x grilled {{Ti|Rudd}}
| [[Hauptmann]]
| {{Tm|Captain}}
*Pfeil über [[Hauptmann]]
*Go to {{Tm|Captain}}
*[[Bild:Flag_yellow.png|18px]] Gehe zum [[Fischer]] in [[Yongan]] [[Bild:Flag_red.png|18px]]
*[[Image:Flag_yellow.png|18px]] Go to {{Tm|Fisherman}} at[[Yongan]] [[Image:Flag_red.png|18px]] get {{Ti|Notice}}
*[[Bild:Flag_blue.png|18px]] Gehe zum [[Fischer]] in [[Joan]] [[Bild:Flag_yellow.png|18px]]
*[[Image:Flag_blue.png|18px]] Go to {{Tm|Fisherman}} at [[Joan]] [[Image:Flag_yellow.png|18px]] get {{Ti|Notice}}
*[[Bild:Flag_red.png|18px]] Gehe zum [[Fischer]] in [[Pyungmoo]] [[Bild:Flag_blue.png|18px]]
*[[Image:Flag_red.png|18px]] Go to {{Tm|Fisherman}} at [[Pyungmoo]] [[Image:Flag_blue.png|18px]] get {{Ti|Notice}}
*Go to {{Tm|Captain}}
| 59
| 59
Line 1,161: Line 1,448:
*6.000.000 [[EXP]]
*6.000.000 [[EXP]]
*70.000 [[Yang]]
*70.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
*[[Bild:Schriftrolle_des_krieges.jpg]] [[Schriftrolle des Krieges]]
*{{Ti|Scroll of War}}
| [[Taurean]]
| {{Tm|Taurean}}
*Pfeil über [[Taurean]]
*Go to {{Tm|Taurean}}
*Gehe zur [[Harang]]
*Go to {{Tm|Harang}}
*Gehe zum [[Octavio]]
*Go to {{Tm|Octavio}}
*Töte so lange [[Verzaubertes Eis]], bis du [[Bild:Klumpen_eis.jpg]] 50 [[Klumpen Eis]] hast
*Kill {{Tm|Enchanted Ice}}, until you get 50 {{Ti|Ice Chunk}}
*Gehe zum Octavio ([[Bild:Eis_mit_sirup.jpg]] [[Eis mit Sirup]])
*Go to {{Tm|Octavio}} {{Ti|Ice With Syrup}}
*Gehe zur [[Taurean]]
*Go to {{Tm|Taurean}}
| 60
| 60
| [[Geheimer Tempel]]
| [[The Temple of Darkness]]
*7.000.000 [[EXP]]
*7.000.000 [[EXP]]
*70.000 [[Yang]]
*70.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
*[[Bild:Buch_des_anfuehrers.jpg]] [[Buch des Anführers]] (2h)
*{{Ti|Book of the Leader}} (2h)
| [[Soon]]
| {{Tm|Soon}}
*Pfeil über [[Soon]]
*Go to {{Tm|Soon}}
*Töte so lange [[Stolzer dunkl. Zauberer|Stolze dunkl. Zauberer]], bis du einen [[Bild:Tempel_schal.jpg]] [[Tempel Schal]], eine [[Bild:Tempellehre.jpg]] [[Tempellehre]] und eine [[Bild:fluchbuch.jpg]] [[Übersetzung Fluchsammlung]] hast
*Kill {{Tm|Elite Esoteric Tormentor}}, until you get {{Ti|Temple Scarf}}, {{Ti|Temple Doctrine}} and {{Ti|Translation of Curse Book}}
*Gehe zum [[Soon]]
*Return to {{Tm|Soon}}
| 60
| 60
| [[Die Forschung des Biologen 4]]
| [[The research of the biologist 4]]
*+50 Angriffswert (permanent)
*+50 Attack value (permanent)
*[[Bild:Hellgruener_holzkasten.jpg]] [[Hellgrüner Holzkasten]]
*{{Ti|Lightgreen Ebony Box}}
| automatisch
| Automatically
*Gehe zum [[Biologe Chaegirab|Biologen Chaegirab]]
*Go to {{Tm|Biologist Chaegirab}}
*Töte so lange [[Eisgolem]]s und [[Eismann|Eismänner]], bis du [[Bild:Eiskugel.jpg]] 20 [[Eiskugel]]n hast
*Kill {{Tm|Ice Golem}} and {{Tm|Frosty Ice Man|Frosty Ice Men}}, until you collect 20 {{Ti|Ice Marble}}s
*Gehe zum [[Biologe Chaegirab|Biologen Chaegirab]]
*Go to {{Tm|Biologist Chaegirab}} deliver the {{Ti|Ice Marble}}s (1 each day)
*Töte so lange [[Eisgolem]]s, [[Eiskillerwal]]e, [[Eislöwe]]n und [[Eismann|Eismänner]], bis du einen [[Bild:Aurtumryus_seelenstein.jpg]] [[Aurtumryus Seelenstein]] hast
*Kill {{Tm|Ice Golem}}, {{Tm|Ice Killer Whale}}, {{Tm|Ice Lion}} and {{Tm|Frosty Ice Man|Frosty Ice Men}}, until you get {{Ti|Aurtumryus Soul Stone}}
*Gehe zum [[Biologe Chaegirab|Biologen Chaegirab]]
*Return to {{Tm|Biologist Chaegirab}}
*Gehe zum [[Baek-Go]]
*Go to {{Tm|Baek-Go}}
|[[Dark Nation I]]
*980.000 EXP
*175.000 Yang
*10 {{Ti|Exorcism Scroll}}s
*10 {{Ti|Peach Blossom}}s
*10 {{Ti|Lilac}}s
| {{Tm|Uriel}}
*Go to {{Tm|Uriel}}
*Find the {{Tm|Old Gravestone}} and get the copy of the {{Ti|Inscription}} in [[Mount Sohan]]
*Go to {{Tm|Uriel}}
|[[Dark Nation II]]
*3.000.000 EXP
*3 {{Ti|Concentrated Reading}}
*1 {{Ti|Spider Web}}
*1 {{Ti|Spider Poison Sack}}
| {{Tm|Uriel}}
*Go to {{Tm|Uriel}}
*Kill {{Tm|Evil Tree}} until you get the {{Ti|Old Document}}
*Go to {{Tm|Uriel}}
*Kill {{Tm|Evil Tree}} until you get 9 {{Ti|Old Document}}
*Go to {{Tm|Uriel}}
== Level 61+ ==
=== Level 61 - 70 ===
{| {{Prettytable}}
{| {{Prettytable}}
|- {{Hl3}}
|- {{Hl3}}
! Level
! Level
! Auftrag
! Order
! Belohnung
! Reward
! Wo erhalten?
! Receive where?
! Verlauf
! Process
|[[The Diary]]
*5.800.000 EXP
*3 {{Ti|Blessing Scroll}}s
*1 {{Ti|Scorpion Tail}}
*Go to {{Tm|Uriel}}
*Kill {{Tm|Demon King}} at [[Demon Tower]]
*Go to {{Tm|Uriel}}
|[[Anonymous Letter]]
*2.900.000 EXP
*200.000 Yang
*1 {{Ti|Broken China}}
*10 {{Ti|Alpine Rose}}
*10 {{Ti|Mulberry}}
''If you do not finish in 30 min:<br>
*2.000.000 EXP
*100.000 Yang
*10 {{Ti|Alpine Rose}}
*10 {{Ti|Mulberry}}
|{{Tm|City Guard}}
* Go to {{Tm|City Guard}}
* Go to {{Tm|Lee Chung}}
* Kill 200 {{Tm|Red Dryad}} in 30 minutes and get the {{Ti|Antidote}}
* Go to {{Tm|Lee Chung}}
* Go to {{Tm|Poisoned Soldier}}
* Go to {{Tm|Lee Chung}}
| 70
| 70
| [[Die Forschung des Biologen 5]]
| [[The research of the biologist 5]]
*+10% Movement speed (permanent)
*+10% Damage reduction (permanent) (not 10% defense)
*{{Ti|Green Ebony Box}}
| Automatically
*Go to {{Tm|Biologist Chaegirab}}
*Kill mobs in [[Lungsam|Lungsam (Normal Wood)]] or in [[Red Wood]], until you collect 25 {{Ti|Zelkova Branch}}es
*Return to {{Tm|Biologist Chaegirab}} deliver the {{Ti|Zelkova Branch}}es (1 each day)
*Kill mobs in the [[Lungsam| Lungsam (Normal Wood)]] or in [[Red Wood]], until you get {{Ti|Gyimoks Soul Stone}}
*Return to {{Tm|Biologist Chaegirab}}
*Go to {{Tm|Baek-Go}}
=== Level 71 - 80 ===
{| {{Prettytable}}
|- {{Hl3}}
! Level
! Order
! Reward
! Receive where?
! Process
|[[The Discovery]]
*3.100.000 [[EXP]]
*{{Ti|Experience Ring}}(1 hour)
*{{Ti|Unknown Medicine+}} ''or'' {{Ti|Unknown Medicine}}
*{{Ti|Piece of Fabric}}
|[[Lee Chung]]
*Go to {{Tm|Lee Chung}}
*Find the {{Tm|Worn Stone Tablet}} and get the {{Ti|Notice}} in the [[Red Forest]]
*Go to {{Tm|Lee Chung}}
|[[Icy Treasure]]
*20.000.000 [[EXP]]
*225.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
*3 {{Ti|Researcher's Elixir}}
*{{Ti|Thief Glove}} (2 hour)
*{{Ti|Lucky Medal}} (3 hour)
|[[Lee Chung]]
*Go to {{Tm|Lee Chung}}
*Kill {{Tm|Frosty Ice Man}}, {{Tm|Yeti}} and {{Tm|Ice Golem}} to get 50 {{Ti|Blue Crystal Essence}}. Deliver them to {{Tm|Lee Chung}} ''(Can fail)''
*Go to {{Tm|Lee Chung}}
| 75
| [[In the Grotto]]
*{{Ti|Blood Stone}}
| {{Tm|Seon-Hae}}
*Go to {{Tm|Seon-Hae}}
*Go to [[Fireland]] and search for 7 {{Ti|Fossilised Tear}} (ride on the target points)
*Go to [[Fireland]] and kill as many {{Tm|Flame}} as you can to get 4 {{Ti|Obsidian}}
*Bring these items to {{Tm|Seon-Hae}} and you will receive the {{Ti|Baljit-Elvedin's Tear}}.
*Go to [[Red Wood]] and go to the target point.
*Immediately after that reaching the point, click on the Quest Scroll and you will get the {{Ti|Drop of Blood}}.
*Return to {{Tm|Seon-Hae}} to finish the mission.
| 75
| [[Diary of a Legend]]
*89.000.000 [[EXP]]
*1.200.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
*{{Ti|Red Potion(L)}}
*{{Ti|Legendary Diary}}
| {{Tm|Heuk-Young}}
*Go to {{Tm|Heuk-Young}}
*Go to [[Sura Skeleton]] 1, 2, 3 and 4 and collect the 9 {{Ti|Page}}
*Kill as many {{Tm|Underworld Ice Golem}} until you collect 6 more pages, making it 15 total pages.
|[[Red Hell Quartz (Quest)]]
*36.000.000 [[EXP]]
*{{Ti|Sun Elixir(L)}}
*{{Ti|Blessing Marble}}
*{{Ti|Medal of Diligence}} (4 hours)
|{{Tm|Lee Chung}}
*Go to {{Tm|Lee Chung}}
*Kill {{Tm|Fighting Tiger}}, {{Tm|Flame}} and {{Tm|Flame Warrior}} to get {{Ti|Volcanic Earth}}, {{Ti|Flaming Mane}} and {{Ti|Foundation Stone}}
*Go it to {{Tm|Lee Chung}}
*Create {{Ti|Red Hell Quartz}}. (Refinement can fail)
*Repeat, to produce total of 20 {{Ti|Red Hell Quartz}}
|[[Final Element]]
*+11 Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit (permanent)
*48.000.000 [[EXP]]
*+10% Schadensreduzierung (permanent) (keine 10% Verteidigung)
*230.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
*[[Bild:Gruener_ebenholzkasten.jpg]] [[Grüner Ebenholzkasten]]
*{{Ti|Moon Elixir(L)}}
| automatisch
*{{Ti|Magic Copper Ore}}
*{{Ti|Book of the Leader}}
*2 {{Ti|Shrunken Head}}
|{{Tm|Lee Chung}}
*Gehe zum [[Biologe Chaegirab|Biologen Chaegirab]]
*Go to {{Tm|Lee Chung}}
*Töte so lange Monster im [[Geisterwald]], bis du [[Bild:Zelkova_holzast.jpg]] 25 [[Zelkova Holzast|Zelkovas Holzäste]] hast
*Kill {{Tm|Red Evil Tree}} to get 100 {{Ti|Hallowed Tree Gum}}
*Gehe zum [[Biologe Chaegirab|Biologen Chaegirab]]
*Go to {{Tm|Lee Chung}}
*Töte so lange Monster im [[Geisterwald]], bis du einen [[Bild:Gyimoks seelenstein.jpg]] [[Gyimoks Seelenstein]] hast
*Go to {{Tm|Baek-Go}}
*Gehe zum [[Biologe Chaegirab]]
*Gehe zum [[Baek-Go]]
| 80
| 80
| [[Die Forschung des Biologen 6]]
| [[Fire and Ice]]
*+6% Angriffsgeschwindigkeit
*120.000.000 [[EXP]]
*+10% Angriffswert
*3.000.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
| automatisch
*{{Ti|Red Potion(M)}}
| {{Tm|Soon}}
*Go to {{Tm|Soon}} and he will give you a {{Ti|Sombre Wooden Mask}}
*Go to [[Fireland]] and kill {{Tm|Flame Ghost}} until the {{Ti|Sombre Wooden Mask}} turns into the {{Ti|Bewitched Ashes}}
*Go to [[Mount Sohan]] and kill {{Tm|Yeti}} to find 10 {{Ti|Ice Chunk}}.
*After finding all the materials, go back to {{Tm|Soon}} and he will give you {{Ti|Black Ice}}
*Bring the {{Tm|Black Ice}} to the [[Grotto of Exile]] and offer it to the {{Tm|Dark Shrine}}.
*Go back to {{Tm|Soon}}
| 80
| [[Strange monsters]]
*Gehe zum [[Biologe Chaegirab|Biologen Chaegirab]]
| {{Tm|Soon}}
*Töte so lange Monster im [[Land der Riesen]], bis du [[Bild:Tugyis_tafel.jpg]] 30 [[Tugyis Tafel]]n hast
*Gehe zum [[Biologe Chaegirab|Biologen Chaegirab]]
*Go to {{Tm|Soon}}
| 80
| [[The research of the biologist 6]]
*+6% Attack speed
*+10% Attack value
*{{Ti|Blue Ebony Box}}
| Automatically
*Go to {{Tm|Biologist Chaegirab}}
*Kill mobs in [[Valley of Giants]], until you collect 30 {{Ti|Tugyi's Tablet}}s
*Return {{Tm|Biologist Chaegirab}} deliver the {{Ti|Tugyi's Tablet}}s
*Kill Giants in [[Snakefield]] or [[Valley of Giants]], until you collect one  {{Ti|Tugyis Soul Stone}}
*Return to {{Tm|Biologist Chaegirab}}
*Go to {{Tm|Baek-Go}}
===Level 81-90===
{| {{Prettytable}}
|- {{Hl3}}
! Level
! Order
! Reward
! Receive where?
! Process
|[[The Fight Begins]]
*63.000.000 [[EXP]]
*250.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
*{{Ti|Sage King's Glove}}
*{{Ti|Sage King's Symbol}}
*{{Ti|Magic Iron Ore}}
|{{Tm|Lee Chung}}
*Go to {{Tm|Lee Chung}}
*Get the {{Ti|Heaven's Teardrop}} from {{Tm|Lee Chung}}, go to the 5th floor of [[Devil's Catacomb]] and kill {{Tm|Tartaros}}
*Go to {{Tm|Lee Chung}}
|[[Prince Charon]]
*84.000.000 [[EXP]]
*250.000 Yang
*2x {{Ti|Stone of the Blacksmith}}
*20x {{Ti|Bravery Cape}}
*{{Ti|Fruit of Life}}
|{{Tm|Lee Chung}}
*Go to {{Tm|Lee Chung}}
*Go to the 6th floor of [[Devil's Catacomb]] and kill {{Tm|Charon}}
*Go to {{Tm|Lee Chung}}
| 85
| [[The research of the biologist 7]]
|*10% Damage reduction against other players (permanent)
*{{Ti|Purple Ebony Box}}
| Automatically
*Go to {{Tm|Biologist Chaegirab}}
*Kill {{Tm|Red Dryad}}, {{Tm|Red Ghost Willow}}, {{Tm|Red Evil Tree}}, {{Tm|Red Ghost Tree}}, {{Tm|Red Ghost Stump}} in the [[Red Wood]], until you collect 40 {{Ti|Red Ghost Tree Branch}}es
*Return to {{Tm|Biologist Chaegirab}} and deliver the {{Ti|Red Ghost Tree Branch }}es
*Kill monsters in [[Red Wood]], until you recive one  {{Ti|Forest Spirit Soul Stone}}
*Return to {{Tm|Biologist Chaegirab}}
*Go to {{Tm|Baek-Go}}
| 90
| [[The research of the biologist 8]]
|8% Damage increase against other players (permanent)
*{{Ti|Blue Ebony Box}}
| Automatically
*Go to {{Tm|Biologist Chaegirab}}
*Kill [[:Category:Opponent/Bosses|Boss Monsters]] to recive 50 {{Ti|Notes of the Leader}}
*Return to {{Tm|Biologist Chaegirab}} and deliver the {{Ti|Notes of the Leader}}
*Kill {{Tm|Nine Tails}}, {{Tm|Yellow Tiger Ghost}}, {{Tm|Death Reaper}}, until you recive {{Ti|Soul Stone of Leader}}
*Return to {{Tm|Biologist Chaegirab}}
*Go to {{Tm|Baek-Go}}
| 90
| [[Lee Chung's task]]
*50.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
| {{Tm|Lee Chung}}
*Go to {{Tm|Lee Chung}}
*Go to {{Tm|Teleporter}}
*Use {{Tm|Teleporter}} in map [[Cape Dragon Fire]]
| 90
| [[Dark Dragon Rock]]
*100.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
| {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Explore the map by visiting the 3 Way Points that will show up
*Go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
| 90
| [[Lee Chung's Letter (quest)|Lee Chung's Letter]]
*6.247.460 [[EXP]]
*137.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
| {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Kill {{Tm|Gnoll Warrior}}, {{Tm|Gnoll Archer}}, {{Tm|Gnoll Defender}}, {{Tm|Gnoll Magician}}, {{Tm|Gnoll General}}, {{Tm|Gnoll Lord}} or the {{Tm|Supreme Gnoll Guard}} to collect {{Ti|Lee Chung's Letter}}
*Go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
| 90
| [[The Gnoll Letter I]]
*15.630.000 [[EXP]]
*148.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
*{{Ti|Experience Ring}} (1h)
*{{Ti|Scorpion Tail}}
| {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Kill {{Tm|Gnoll General}} to collect {{Ti|Gnoll Letter}}
*Go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
| 90
| [[The Gnoll Letter II]]
*23.130.000 [[EXP]]
*100.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
*{{Ti|Piece of Gem}}
| {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Kill {{Tm|Gnoll Lord}} to collect second page of {{Ti|Gnoll Letter}}
*Go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
| 90
| [[The Manticores]]
*12.933.700 [[EXP]]
*170.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
*{{Ti|White Tiger Hide}}
| {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Kill 50x {{Tm|Manticore Warrior}}
*Kill 40x {{Tm|Manticore Soldier}}
*Kill 20x {{Tm|Manticore Executioner}}
*Kill 10x {{Tm|General Cor}}
*Go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
| 90
| [[Strengthen the Rampart I]]
*21.640.000 [[EXP]]
*{{Ti|Orc Tooth}}
*10x{{Ti|Alpine Rose}}
| {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Kill {{Tm|Gnoll Warrior}}, {{Tm|Gnoll Archer}}, {{Tm|Gnoll Defender}}, {{Tm|Gnoll Magician}}, {{Tm|Gnoll General}}, {{Tm|Gnoll Lord}}, {{Tm|Supreme Gnoll Guard}} until you collect 50x{{Ti|Fine Sand}}
*Go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
| 90
| [[Strengthen the Rampart II]]
*22.380.000 [[EXP]]
*192.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
*{{Ti|Thief Glove}} (2h)
| {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Kill {{Tm|Manticore Warrior}}, {{Tm|Manticore Soldier}}, {{Tm|Manticore Magus}}, {{Tm|Manticore Executioner}}, {{Tm|General Cor}}, {{Tm|Rakshasa}}, {{Tm|Martyaxwar}} until you collect 100x {{Ti|Clay Brick}}s
*Go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
===Level 91-100===
{| {{Prettytable}}
|- {{Hl3}}
! Level
! Order
! Reward
! Receive where?
! Process
| 91
| [[The Manticore Letter]]
*18.803.000 [[EXP]]
*{{Ti|Unknown Talisman}}
*10x{{Ti|Doc Water}}
| {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Kill {{Tm|General Cor}}
*Go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
| 91
| [[Martyaxwar's Hideout]]
*37.310.000 [[EXP]]
*{{Ti|Third Hand}} (2h)
| {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Kill {{Tm|Martyaxwar}} collect {{Ti|Barb Necklace}}
*Go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
| 91
| [[Decoding]]
*25.805.400 [[EXP]]
*214.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
*2x {{Ti|Unknown Medicine}}
| {{Tm|Yon-I-Walker}}
*Go to {{Tm|Yon-I-Walker}}
*Kill {{Tm|Crab Warrior}}, {{Tm|Scorpion Marksman}}, {{Tm|Shrimp Soldier}}, {{Tm|Diabolical Hermit}}, {{Tm|Armoured Crab}}, {{Tm|General Lobster}}, {{Tm|King Crab}} to collect 10x {{Ti|Carapax Script}}s
*Deliver to {{Tm|Yon-I-Walker}}
| 91
| [[Manticore letter decoded]]
*41.810.000 [[EXP]]
*225.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
| {{Tm|Yon-I-Walker}}
*Go to {{Tm|Yon-I-Walker}}
*Kill {{Tm|General Lobster}} and {{Tm|King Crab}} collect 3x {{Ti|Carapax Powder}}
*Deliver to {{Tm|Yon-I-Walker}} (24h cooldown)
| 91
| [[Poisoned!]]
*6.766.050 [[EXP]]
*{{Ti|Scorpion Needle}}
| {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Go to {{Tm|Rock Flower}}
*Collect {{Ti|Rock Flower Root}}
*Go to {{Tm|Yon-I-Walker}}
| 92
| [[The research of Seon-Pyeong]]
|You can choose between three rewards:
a)1000 HP<br>
b)120 Deffence<br>
c)50 Attack Value
| Automatically
*Go to {{Tm|Seon-Pyeong}}
*Kill {{Tm|Underworld Ice Golem}} and {{Tm|Underworld Ice Man}}, until you get 10 {{Ti|Jewels of Resentment}}.
*Return to {{Tm|Seon-Pyeong}}
| 92
| [[The Red Thief Letter (1)]]
* 52.310.000 [[EXP]]
* 200.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
* 10x {{Ti|Zin Water}}
| {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Kill {{Tm|Red Thief Executioner}} and {{Tm|Black General}} to collect 3x {{Ti|Red Thief Letter}}
*Go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
| 92
| [[The Red Thief Letter (2)]]
* 20.874.600 [[EXP]]
* {{Ti|Curse Book}}
| {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Go to [[Nephrite Bay]] and find {{Tm|Injuried Soldier}} to collect the 5th piece of the {{Ti|Red Thief Letter}}
*Go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
| 92
| [[Decrypt the Red Thief Letter]]
* 34.874.000 [[EXP]]
* 2x{{Ti|White Pearl}}
| {{Tm|Yon-I-Walker}}
*Go to {{Tm|Yon-I-Walker}}
*Kill {{Tm|General Kappa}} and {{Tm|Triton}} to collect 10x {{Ti|Oin Scale}}s
*Return to {{Tm|Yon-I-Walker}}
| 92
| [[Dark Plans]]
* 24.911.300 [[EXP]]
* 2x {{Ti|Blue Pearl}}
| {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
| 93
| [[Stocking Up On Power I]]
* 41.810.000 [[EXP]]
* {{Ti|Blood Pearl}}
| {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Go to {{Tm|Yon-I-Walker}}
*Kill {{Tm|Polyphemos}} to collect {{Ti|Inner Light(Polyphemos)}}
*Go to {{Tm|Yon-I-Walker}}
| 93
| [[Stocking Up On Power II]]
* 43.370.000 [[EXP]]
* 302.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
* {{Ti|Piece of Ice}}
* 10x{{Ti|Mong Water}}
| {{Tm|Yon-I-Walker}}
*Go to {{Tm|Yon-I-Walker}}
*Kill {{Tm|King Wubba}} to collect {{Ti|Inner_Light(King Wubba)}}
*Go to {{Tm|Yon-I-Walker}}
| 93
| [[Stocking Up On Power III]]
* 17.904.600 [[EXP]]
* 30.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
* {{Ti|Concentrated Reading}}
* {{Ti|Lucky Medal}}
| {{Tm|Yon-I-Walker}}
*Go to {{Tm|Yon-I-Walker}}
*Go to {{Tm|Octavio}}
*Wait 24 hours
| 93
| [[Stocking Up On Power III - The Millennium Recipe]]
* 31.374.000 [[EXP]]
* 5x{{Ti|Blessing Scroll}}
* 20x{{Ti|Tue Fungus}}
| {{Tm|Octavio}}
*Go to {{Tm|Octavio}}
*Collect 200x{{Ti|Gango Root}}, 200x{{Ti|Tue Fungus}} and 200x{{Ti|Alpine Rose}}
*Go to {{Tm|Octavio}}
*Wait 24 hours
| 93
| [[Millennium Essence (quest)]]
* 19.920.800 [[EXP]]
* 335.000{{Ti|Yang}}
* {{Ti|Sun Elixir(S)}}
* {{Ti|Sage King's Symbol}}
| {{Tm|Octavio}}
*Go to {{Tm|Octavio}}
*Collect {{Ti|Millennium Essence}}
*Go to {{Tm|Yon-I-Walker}}
| 94
| [[The research of Seon-Pyeong 2]]
|You can choose between 3 rewards
a)1.100 HP<br>
b)140 Defence<br>
c) 60 Attack Value
| Automatically
*Go to {{Tm|Seon-Pyeong}}
*Kill {{Tm|Setaou Archer}} and {{Tm|Setaou Commander}} until you get 20 {{Ti|Jewel of Wisdom}}s
*Kill {{Tm|General Huashin}} or {{Tm|Beran-Setaou}} to get the {{Ti|Beran-Setaou Soulstone}}
| 94
| [[Leviathan Pearls (quest)]]
* 12.904.600 [[EXP]]
* 346.000{{Ti|Yang}}
* 3x{{Ti|Exorcism Scroll}}
| {{Tm|Yon-I-Walker}}
*Go to {{Tm|Yon-I-Walker}} to collect {{Ti|Leviathan Pearls}}
*Use {{Ti|Leviathan Pearls}} and go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
| 94
| [[Call of the Thunder Mountains]]
* 14.074.400 [[EXP]]
* 357.000{{Ti|Yang}}
* 3x{{Ti|Broken China}}
| {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Explore [[Thunder Mountains]] by checking the Way Points that show up on map
*Go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
| 94
| [[Weaken the Red Thieves]]
* 16.014.000 [[EXP]]
* {{Ti|Blessing Marble}}
* 3x{{Ti|Piece of Fabric}}
* 20x{{Ti|Hwal Water}}
| {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Kill {{Tm|Red Chief}} to collect {{Ti|Chief's Cape}}
*Go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
| 94
| [[Weaken the Cyclops]]
* 21.014.000 [[EXP]]
* 379.000{{Ti|Yang}}
* {{Ti|Magic Copper Ore}}
* {{Ti|Book of the Leader}}
| {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Kill 30x {{Tm|General Outis}}, 3x {{Tm|Arges}} and 1x {{Tm|Polyphemos}}
*Go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
| 94
| [[Weaken the Giants]]
* 37.550.000 [[EXP]]
* 390.000{{Ti|Yang}}
* {{Ti|Magic Iron Ore}}
* 2x{{Ti|Stone of the Blacksmith}}
* 5x{{Ti|Zen Bean}}
* 10x{{Ti|White Dew}}
| {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Kill {{Tm|King Wubba}} until you collect all the 9 {{Ti|Giants' Totem}} pieces
*Go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
| 94
| [[To the Thunder Mountains]]
* 11.355.698 [[EXP]]
* 3x{{Ti|Blessing Marble}}
| {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Kill {{Tm|One-eyed Slugger}}, {{Tm|Cyclops Soldier}}, {{Tm|Cyclops Magician}}, {{Tm|Cyclops Executioner}},{{Tm|General Outis}}, {{Tm|Arges}}, {{Tm|Polyphemos}} until you collect {{Ti|Black Stone}} and {{Ti|Slip of Paper}}
*Go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
| 94
| [[Black Gold (quest)|Black Gold]]
* 26.473.000 [[EXP]]
* 5x{{Ti|Exorcism Scroll}}
| {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Go to {{Tm|Alchemist (Energy System)}}
*Go to [[Thunder Mountains]] kill {{Tm|One-eyed Slugger}}, {{Tm|Cyclops Soldier}}, {{Tm|Cyclops Magician}}, {{Tm|Cyclops Executioner}}, {{Tm|General Outis}}, {{Tm|Arges}} and {{Tm|Polyphemos}}  to collect {{Ti|Black Gold}}
*Collect 30x{{Ti|Black Gold}}, you can deliver 10x to {{Tm|Alchemist (Energy System)}} and research can fail
*Go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
| 95
| [[Preliminary Investigations]]
* 776.600 [[EXP]]
| {{Tm|Guardian of the Forest}}
*Go to {{Tm|Guardian of the Forest}}
*Kill 50x {{Tm|En-Tai Warrior}}
*Go to {{Tm|Guardian of the Forest}}
| 95
| [[Find the Aid Kit]]
* 776.600 [[EXP]]
| {{Tm|Guardian of the Forest}}
*Go to {{Tm|Guardian of the Forest}}
*Kill {{Tm|En-Tai Druid}} to collect the {{Ti|Aid Kit}}
*Go to {{Tm|Guardian of the Forest}}
| 95
| [[Deliver the Aid Kit]]
* 5.582.500 [[EXP]]
* 10x {{Ti|Gango Root}}
| {{Tm|Guardian of the Forest}}
*Go to {{Tm|Guardian of the Forest}}
*Go to {{Tm|Scout of the Forest}}
| 95
| [[Secondary Investigations]]
* 7.766.000 [[EXP]]
| {{Tm|Scout of the Forest}}
*Go to {{Tm|Scout of the Forest}}
*Destroy 5x {{Tm|Metin of the Tree Beings}}
*Go to {{Tm|Scout of the Forest}}
| 95
| [[En-Tai Daw]]
* 7.766.000 [[EXP]]
* 10x {{Ti|Young Water}}
| {{Tm|Scout of the Forest}}
*Go to {{Tm|Scout of the Forest}}
*Kill {{Tm|En-Tai Destroyer}} to collect 5x {{Ti|En-Tai Dew}}
*Go to {{Tm|Scout of the Forest}}
| 95
| [[Kill the En-Tai Sovereign]]
* 11.650.000 [[EXP]]
| {{Tm|Outrider of the Forest}}
*Go to {{Tm|Outrider of the Forest}}
*Kill {{Tm|En-Tai Sovereign}} to collect {{Ti|Fine Timber}}
*Go to {{Tm|Outrider of the Forest}}
| 95
| [[Obtain a Tree Emerald]]
* 11.650.000 [[EXP]]
* {{Ti|Stone of the Dryads}}
| {{Tm|Outrider of the Forest}}
*Go to {{Tm|Outrider of the Forest}}
*Kill {{Tm|En-Tai Sovereign}} to collect {{Ti|Tree Emerald}}
*Go to {{Tm|Outrider of the Forest}}
| 95
| [[Gold Fever]]
* 27.532.400 [[EXP]]
* 302.000{{Ti|Yang}}
* {{Ti|Blood Pearl}}
| {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Kill {{Tm|Captain Hooks}} and collect {{Ti|Captain Hooks' Letter}}
*Go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
| 95
| [[Head off the Delivery]]
* 43.550.000 [[EXP]]
* {{Ti|Piece of Ice}}
| {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Kill {{Tm|Captain Shruk}} and collect {{Ti|Leather Bag}}
*Go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
| 95
| [[Stop the Processing]]
* 33.003.900 [[EXP]]
* {{Ti|Lucky Medal}}
* {{Ti|Concentrated Reading}}
| {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Kill {{Tm|The Great Ogre}}
*Go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
| 95
| [[Curse of Life]]
* 30.943.600 [[EXP]]
* 335.000{{Ti|Yang}}
* 5x{{Ti|Blessing Scroll}}
| {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Kill {{Tm|Lemures Magician}} collect {{Ti|Lemures Tablet}}
*Go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
| 95
| [[The Inscription]]
* 31.932.500 [[EXP]]
* 337.000{{Ti|Yang}}
* {{Ti|Sun Elixir(S)}}
* {{Ti|Sage King's Symbol}}
| {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Kill {{Tm|Lemures Magician}} collect the missing 2 pieces of {{Ti|Lemures Tablet}}
*Go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
| 96
| [[Prevent the Curse - Holy Ground]]
* 39.032.500 [[EXP]]
* 346.000{{Ti|Yang}}
* {{Ti|Unknown Talisman}}
| {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Kill {{Tm|Gigantic Biter}}, {{Tm|Gigantic Slaughterer}}, {{Tm|Gigantic Magus}}, {{Tm|Twiant}}, {{Tm|Captain Hooks}}, {{Tm|Gargoyle}}, {{Tm|King Wubba}} to collect 100x{{Ti|Holy Ground}}
*Go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
| 96
| [[Prevent the Curse - The Ogre's Medium]]
* 40.732.600 [[EXP]]
* 357.000{{Ti|Yang}}
* {{Ti|Third Hand}} (2h)
| {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Kill {{Tm|Hangork}}, {{Tm|Archie Ogre}}, {{Tm|Brawl Ogre}}, {{Tm|Ogre Magus}}, {{Tm|General Ogg}}, {{Tm|Captain Shruk}}, {{Tm|The Great Ogre}} to collect {{Ti|Coin Bag}} and {{Ti|Golden Medal}}
*Go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Go to {{Tm|Yon-I-Walker}}
*Go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}} take the {{Ti|Gold Hunter's Band}}
| 96
| [[Prevent the Curse - Hunt for Gold]]
* 42.983.600 [[EXP]]
* 2x{{Ti|Unknown Medicine}}
| {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Use the {{Ti|Gold Hunter's Band}}
*Kill {{Tm|Hangork}}, {{Tm|Archie Ogre}}, {{Tm|Brawl Ogre}}, {{Tm|Ogre Magus}}, {{Tm|General Ogg}}, {{Tm|Captain Shruk}}, {{Tm|The Great Ogre}} to collect 100x{{Ti|Coin Bag}}s
*Have the {{Ti|Coin Bag}}s checked by {{Tm|Yon-I-Walker}} - Deliver 1 by 1, deliver can fail
| 96
| [[Prevent the Curse - Pruning the Tree Demons]]
* 44.941.100 [[EXP]]
* 379.000{{Ti|Yang}}
| {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Kill {{Tm|Aku-Boku}}, {{Tm|Arboretum}} and {{Tm|Sycomore}}
*Go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
| 97
| [[Stop the Banshee]]
* 45.941.100 [[EXP]]
* {{Ti|Scorpion Needle}}
| {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Kill {{Tm|Mu-Shu}} collect {{Ti|Riveted Necklace}}
*Go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
| 97
| [[Decrypt document]]
* 41.032.500 [[EXP]]
* 3x{{Ti|Exorcism Scroll}}
| {{Tm|Yak-Hwan}}
*Go to {{Tm|Yak-Hwan}}
*Go to {{Tm|Alchemist (Energy System)}} to collect {{Ti|Fossil Earth}}
*Go to {{Tm|Yak-Hwan}}
| 97
| [[Through the back door]]
* 47.898.600 [[EXP]]
* 214.000{{Ti|Yang}}
* {{Ti|Broken China}}
| {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Kill 2x {{Tm|Red Thief Magician}}, 1x {{Tm|Brutal Red Thief Executioner}}, 1x {{Tm|White General}} and 1x {{Tm|Bone Face}}
*Go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
| 97
| [[The Temple Servant]]
* 49.586.600 [[EXP]]
* 225.000{{Ti|Yang}}
* {{Ti|Blessing Marble}}
* 3x{{Ti|Piece of Fabric}}
| {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Kill {{Tm|Bone Face}}
*Kill {{Tm|Yah-Ki}} collect {{Ti|Sealed Letter}}
*Go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
| 98
| [[Reconstructing the Fort]]
* 40.898.600 [[EXP]]
* 346.000{{Ti|Yang}}
* {{Ti|Magic Copper Ore}}
* {{Ti|Book of the Leader}}
| {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Kill {{Tm|Crab Warrior}}, {{Tm|Scorpion Marksman}}, {{Tm|Shrimp Soldier}}, {{Tm|Diabolical Hermit}}, {{Tm|Armoured Crab}}, {{Tm|General Lobster}}, {{Tm|King Crab}} to colect 100x{{Ti|Crustacean Armour}}
*Go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
| 98
| [[Reconstruction of the Fort]]
* 42.646.800 [[EXP]]
* 357.000{{Ti|Yang}}
* {{Ti|Magic Iron Ore}}
* 2x{{Ti|Stone of the Blacksmith}}
* 5x{{Ti|Zen Bean}}
| {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Kill {{Tm|Tritonic Moray}}, {{Tm|Shark Soldier}}, {{Tm|Tritonic Magician}}, {{Tm|Tritonic Hunter}}, {{Tm|Tritonic Slasher}}, {{Tm|General Kappa}}, {{Tm|Triton}} to colect 100x{{Ti|Triton Spear}}s
*Go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
| 98
| [[Emergency]]
* 48.584.900 [[EXP]]
* {{Ti|Piece of Gem}}
| Automatically
*Go to {{Tm|Yak-Hwan}}
*Kill 1x {{Tm|Captain Shruk}} and 50x {{Tm|General Ogg}}
*Go to {{Tm|Yak-Hwan}}
| 98
| [[Acknowledgement]]
* 32.033.400 [[EXP]]
* 379.000{{Ti|Yang}}
* 2x{{Ti|Demon's Keepsake}}
* {{Ti|Thief Glove}} (1h)
| {{Tm|Yak-Hwan}}
*Go to {{Tm|Yak-Hwan}}
*Go to {{Tm|Confucius}}, {{Tm|Armour Shop Dealer}}, {{Tm|General Store Saleswoman}} and {{Tm|Weapon Shop Dealer}}
*Go to {{Tm|Yak-Hwan}}
| 98
| [[The Admiral's Thanks]]
* 38.739.600 [[EXP]]
* 390.000{{Ti|Yang}}
* {{Ti|Orc Tooth}}
| {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
*Go to {{Tm|Admiral Angmur}}
| 99
| [[Run into the Fire]]
* 33.003.000 [[EXP]]
* 145.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
* 10 {{Ti|Lilac}}
| {{Tm|Yak-Hwan}}
*Go to {{Tm|Yak-Hwan}}
*Go to checkpoint in [[Fireland]]
*Go to {{Tm|Yak-Hwan}}
| 99
| [[Investigate the Fortress]]
* 37.003.000 [[EXP]]
* 146.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
* {{Ti|Experience Ring}}
* {{Ti|Scorpion Tail}}
| {{Tm|Yak-Hwan}}
*Go to {{Tm|Yak-Hwan}}
*Go to {{Tm|Yon-I-Walker}}
*Kill {{Tm|Flame Ghost}}, {{Tm|Fighting Tiger}}, {{Tm|Flame}} and {{Tm|Flame Warrior}} in [[Fireland]] until message says that weapon has turned black
*Go to {{Tm|Yon-I-Walker}}
| 99
| [[Enlighten the Mind]]
* 35003000 [[EXP]]
* 147.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
* {{Ti|Piece of Gem}}
| {{Tm|Yon-I-Walker}}
*Go to {{Tm|Yon-I-Walker}}
*Go to Fireland collect to {{Tm|Sun Herb}} collect {{Ti|Sun Herbs}}
*Go to {{Tm|Yon-I-Walker}}
| 100
| [[Black Matter (Level 100)]]
* 38.143.000 [[EXP]]
* 149.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
* {{Ti|Unknown Talisman}}
* 10 {{Ti|Doc Water}}
| {{Tm|Yak-Hwan}}
*Go to {{Tm|Yak-Hwan}}
*Defeat 300 mobs in [[Fireland]] ({{Tm|Flame Ghost}}, {{Tm|Fighting Tiger}}, {{Tm|Flame}} and {{Tm|Flame Warrior}})
*Go to {{Tm|Yak-Hwan}}
| 100
| [[Nimbus Tincture]]
* 48.584.000 [[EXP]]
* 150.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
* 2 {{Ti|Demon's Keepsake}}
* {{Ti|Thief Glove}}
| {{Tm|Alchemist (Energy System)}}
*Go to {{Tm|Alchemist (Energy System)}}
*Collect 10x {{Ti|Foundation Stone}}, 50x {{Ti|Bear Gall}}, 10x {{Ti|Spider Poison Sack}}, 200x {{Ti|Energy Fragment}}
*Go to {{Tm|Alchemist (Energy System)}}
| 100
| [[Stop the Black Matter]]
* 35.843.000 [[EXP]]
* 152.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
* {{Ti|Passage Ticket}}
* 10 {{Ti|Mulberry}}
| {{Tm|Alchemist (Energy System)}}
*Go to {{Tm|Alchemist (Energy System)}}
*Go to {{Tm|Blacksmith}} collect {{Ti|Foundation Stone Powder}}
*Go to {{Tm|Alchemist (Energy System)}}
===Level 101-105===
{| {{Prettytable}}
|- {{Hl3}}
! Level
! Order
! Reward
! Receive where?
! Process
| 101
| [[Mysterious Fortress]]
* 37.003.000 [[EXP]]
* 153.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
* {{Ti|Curse Book}}
* 2 {{Ti|White Pearl}}
| {{Tm|Yak-Hwan}}
*Go to {{Tm|Yak-Hwan}}
*Go to [[Red Dragon Fortress]] find {{Tm|Wounded Soldier}} to  collect {{Ti|Letter to Yak-Hwan}}
*Kill mobs to collect {{Ti|Riveted Necklace}}
*Go to {{Tm|Yak-Hwan}}
| 101
| [[Decipher the Engraving]]
* 48.584.000 [[EXP]]
* 154.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
* {{Ti|Lucky Medal}}
* {{Ti|Concentrated Reading}}
| {{Tm|Yon-I-Walker}}
*Go to {{Tm|Yon-I-Walker}}
*Kill {{Tm|Flame King}} collect {{Ti|Flame King Blood}}
*Go to {{Tm|Yon-I-Walker}}
*24 Hours Waiting period
| 101
| [[The Engraving]]
* 48.584.000 [[EXP]]
* 156.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
* {{Ti|Passage Ticket}}
* {{Ti|Third Hand}}
| {{Tm|Yon-I-Walker}}
*Go to {{Tm|Yon-I-Walker}}
*Go to {{Tm|Yak-Hwan}}
| 102
| [[Storm the Fortress]]
* 49.584.000 [[EXP]]
* 157.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
* {{Ti|Passage Ticket}}
* {{Ti|Sun Elixir(S)}}
* {{Ti|Sage King's Symbol}}
| {{Tm|Yak-Hwan}}
*Go to {{Tm|Yak-Hwan}}
*Go to [[Red Dragon Fortress]] kill 30x {{Tm|Ember Flame King}}, 30x {{Tm|Ember Flame Troll}}, 30x {{Tm|Ember Flame Beard}}, 30x {{Tm|Ember Flame General}}
*Go to {{Tm|Yak-Hwan}}
| 102
| [[Black Matter (Level 102)]]
* 52.484.000 [[EXP]]
* 159.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
* 5 {{Ti|Blessing Scroll}}
| {{Tm|Yon-I-Walker}}
*Go to {{Tm|Yon-I-Walker}}
*Go to [[Red Dragon Fortress]] kill monsters to collect 10x {{Ti|Black Matter}}
*Go to {{Tm|Yon-I-Walker}}
| 102
| [[Black Matter Neutralisation]]
* 48.584 000 [[EXP]]
* 160.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
* 10 {{Ti|Mulberry}}
| {{Tm|Yon-I-Walker}}
*Go to {{Tm|Yon-I-Walker}}
*Collect 50x {{Ti|Mong Water}} and 100x {{Ti|Energy Fragment}}
*Go to {{Tm|Yu-Hwan}}
| 102
| [[Deliver the Pure Lumen]]
* 42.584.000 [[EXP]]
* 161.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
* {{Ti|Book of the Leader}}
* 5 {{Ti|Passage Ticket}}
| {{Tm|Yu-Hwan}}
*Go to {{Tm|Yu-Hwan}}
*Go to {{Tm|Yak-Hwan}}
| 103
| [[Storm the Red Dragon Fortress]]
* 42.554.000 [[EXP]]
* 163.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
* {{Ti|Passage Ticket}}
| {{Tm|Yak-Hwan}}
*Go to {{Tm|Yak-Hwan}}
*Go to [[Red Dragon Fortress]] click {{Tm|Wounded Soldier}}
*Go to {{Tm|Yak-Hwan}}
| 103
| [[Step by Step]]
* 537.840.00 [[EXP]]
* 164.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
* {{Ti|Passage Ticket}}
* {{Ti|Blessing Marble}}
* 3 {{Ti|Piece of Fabric}}
| {{Tm|Yak-Hwan}}
*Go to {{Tm|Yak-Hwan}}
*Go to [[Red Dragon Fortress]] kill 1.000 monsters inside the fortress
*Go to {{Tm|Yak-Hwan}}
| 103
| [[Step 2]]
* 54.491.000 [[EXP]]
* 166.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
* {{Ti|Passage Ticket}}
* {{Ti|Experience Ring}}
| {{Tm|Yak-Hwan}}
*Go to {{Tm|Yak-Hwan}}
*Go to [[Red Dragon Fortress]] kill 50x {{Tm|Ember Flame King}}, 50x {{Tm|Ember Flame Beard}},
50x {{Tm|Ember Flame Troll}}, 50x {{Tm|Ember Flame General}} and 50x {{Tm|Ember Flame Chieftain}}.
*Go to {{Tm|Yak-Hwan}}
| 103
| [[Step 3]]
* 49.586.000 [[EXP]]
* 167.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
* {{Ti|Passage Ticket}}
* {{Ti|Pure Lumen}}
* 2 {{Ti|Demon's Keepsake}}
* {{Ti|Thief Glove}}
| {{Tm|Yak-Hwan}}
*Go to {{Tm|Yak-Hwan}}
*Go to {{Tm|Yon-I-Walker}}
*Go to [[Red Dragon Fortress]] destroy [[Purgatory Fire Metin]]
*Go to {{Tm|Yak-Hwan}}
| 104
| [[The Fight Against Razador]]
* 64.491.000 [[EXP]]
* 168.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
* {{Ti|Passage Ticket}}
* {{Ti|Magic Iron Ore}}
* {{Ti|Stone of the Blacksmith}}
* 2 {{Ti|Zen Bean}}
* 20 {{Ti|Tue Fungus}}
| {{Tm|Yak-Hwan}}
*Go to {{Tm|Yak-Hwan}}
*Go to [[Red Dragon Fortress]] kill {{Tm|Razador}}
(You can use Pure Lumen for +1000 HP and +25 DEF for 1 hour)
*Go to {{Tm|Yak-Hwan}}
| 104
| [[Thwarting Plans I]]
* 57.583.000 [[EXP]]
* 170.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
* {{Ti|Sun Elixir(S)}}
* {{Ti|Sage King's Symbol}}
| {{Tm|Yak-Hwan}}
*Go to {{Tm|Yak-Hwan}}
*Go to {{Tm|Yon-I-Walker}}
*Go to [[Red Dragon Fortress]] kill 50x {{Tm|Ember Flame King}}, 50x {{Tm|Ember Flame Troll}}, 50x {{Tm|Ember Flame Beard}}, 50x {{Tm|Ember Flame General}} and 50x {{Tm|Ember Flame Chieftain}} to get collect 5x {{Ti|Magma Ring}}s
*Go to {{Tm|Yon-I-Walker}} (deliver can fail)
| 104
| [[Thwarting Plans II]]
* 46.581.000 [[EXP]]
* 170.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
* 2 {{Ti|Scorpion Needle}}
* 10 {{Ti|Zin Water}}
| {{Tm|Yon-I-Walker}}
*Go to {{Tm|Yon-I-Walker}}
*Collect 100x {{Ti|Dok Water}}
*Go to {{Tm|Yon-I-Walker}}
| 104
| [[Thwarting Plans III]]
* 45.580.000 [[EXP]]
* 173.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
* {{Ti|Passage Ticket}}
* 2 {{Ti|Demon's Keepsake}}
* {{Ti|Thief Glove}}
* 3 {{Ti|Ring of Samael}}
| {{Tm|Yon-I-Walker}}
*Go to {{Tm|Yon-I-Walker}}
*Kill {{Tm|Martyaxwar}} Collect 5x {{Ti|Manticore Leather}}
*Go to {{Tm|Yon-I-Walker}}
| 105
| [[Battle Begins]]
* 48.584.000 [[EXP]]
* 174.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
* {{Ti|Passage Ticket}}
* 3 {{Ti|Broken China}}
| {{Tm|Yak-Hwan}}
*Go to {{Tm|Yak-Hwan}}
*Go to [[Red Dragon Fortress]] kill 10 {{Tm|Ember Flame King}}, 10 {{Tm|Ember Flame Beard}}, 10 {{Tm|Ember Flame Troll}}, 10 {{Tm|Ember Flame General}}, 10 {{Tm|Ember Flame Chieftain}}
*Go to {{Tm|Yak-Hwan}}
| 105
| [[Old Grudge, New Battle]]
* 60.583.000 [[EXP]]
* 175.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
* {{Ti|Passage Ticket}}
* {{Ti|Magic Iron Ore}}
* 2 {{Ti|Stone of the Blacksmith}}
* {{Ti|Experience Ring}}
| {{Tm|Yak-Hwan}}
*Go to {{Tm|Yak-Hwan}}
*Go to [[Red Dragon Fortress]] kill {{Tm|Razador}}
*Go to {{Tm|Yak-Hwan}}
| 105
| [[The Red Dragon]]
* 48.584.000 [[EXP]]
* 177.000 {{Ti|Yang}}
* {{Ti|Lucky Medal}}
* {{Ti|Concentrated Reading}}
* 5 {{Ti|Exorcism Scroll}}
| {{Tm|Yak-Hwan}}
*Go to {{Tm|Yak-Hwan}} get {{Ti|Ring of Samael}}
*Go to [[Red Dragon Fortress]] use {{Ti|Ring of Samael}} on the {{Tm|Taramor Gravestone}}
[[ae:قائمة المهمات]]
[[cz:Seznam úkolů]]
[[de:Liste der Quests]]
[[es:Lista de misiones]]
[[fr:Liste des quêtes]]
[[gr:Λίστα Αποστολών]]
[[hu:Küldetés lista]]
[[it:Lista delle Missioni]]
[[nl:Lijst van alle Opdrachten]]
[[pl:Lista misji]]
[[ro:Lista misiunilor]]
[[tr:Görev Listesi]]

Latest revision as of 22:55, 3 June 2023

< Metin2Wiki < List of Quests

Quests are a big part of your gameplay, at most levels the player will receive several quests that are worth to be performed, player can also get quests from reading mission books. For each completed quest player receives a reward like Items, Yang or EXP

How to get quests:

  • A scroll at the left edge of screen (Automatically) - Scroll Closed.png
  • Arrow over the NPC plus marking on the mini map and map
  • No notification; in this case the player must go to the NPC and start the quest
  • By activating certain Items (e.g.: Mission books - > see Missionbooks quests).
  • Horse development quests, (Horsequest), are activated at the Stable Boy.

The Quests can be quite simple, (Example: Kill 9 Wild Dogs) or, on the other hand, quite complex and lead you through several NPCs. Some Quests are available only after reaching a certain level.

Lycan Starting Quests

Level Order Reward Receive where? Process
1 A Life Reborn Automatically
1 Frenzied Beasts Automatically
1 Unknown Stone Automatically

Get 3x Background.pngUnknown Stone.png Unknown Stone

1 Source of the Evil Automatically
1 Traces of Evil Automatically
1 Meteorite Hunt Automatically
1 The Metin Stone Automatically
1 Sung Mahi

No reward


▲ To the top ▲

Level 1 - 10

Level Order Reward Receive where? Process
1 *Welcome to Metin2 Automatically
1 Look for the experienced soldier
  • 10% strong against Animals bonus
  • Effects last 10 minutes
One of the two responsible for your class
  • Go to
  • Search on the map for someone labeled "seasoned soldier" (another player)
1 Go on patrol One of the two responsible for your class
  • Go to
  • Go to 5 patrol points
2 *Letter from the City Guard Automatically
3 *News from the City Guard Automatically
4 The investigation of the biologist (Peach Blossom) Automatically
4 A new fragrance
5 The training
  • 4 Skillpoints
  • Go to your Class
  • Select your specialization, and therefore your future Skills
6 *The Blacksmith's mission Automatically
6 Get an Empty Bottle
7 *Another favour Automatically
7 The investigation of the biologist (Bellflower) Automatically
7 The dinner
7 The daughter's wedding
8 Ingredient for the medicine
9 *Talk to the City Guard Automatically
9 A Letter from the Blacksmith
9 Lunches
  • Nothing
  • Click on the scroll
  • Click on the rotating coin
10 *Go to the Captain Automatically
10 Help for Soon
  • Go to
  • Go to
  • Go to ("Bird, Triple, Water, Cranewing")
10 The investigation of the biologist (Kaki Blossom) Automatically
10 Find Soon
  • 7.000 EXP
  • 10.000 Background.pngYang.png Yang (Cover or betray Soon)

▲ To the top ▲

Level 11 - 20

Level Order Reward Receive where? Process
11 Ordering armour
12 *Kill 10 Alpha Grey Wolves Automatically
12 The best cookbook
13 Get a Wolf Pelt
14 *Destroy the Metin of Battle
  • 20.000 EXP
  • 10.000 Background.pngYang.png Yang
  • Stone +0 to +2
15 The investigation of the biologist (Gango root) Automatically
15 *Find Yu-Hwan the musician Automatically
15 Rice Cake
16 Find the Golden Axe Automatically
16 *Capture the spy Automatically (, , )
17 The gift for Chaegirab If you answer: No, not at all

If you answer: Yes, he was thrilled

18 Find the Hairpin
19 Find my brother
20 Kill Mi-Jung from the White Oath
20 The investigation of the biologist (Lilac) Automatically
20 Elemental Forces Monk Milbon

▲ To the top ▲

Level 21 - 30

Level Order Reward Receive where? Process
21 Look for materials
22 The sick brother
  • 12.000 Yang
  • 50.000 EXP


23 Eun-Jung from the White Oath
24 Get the Black Uniform
25 The investigation of the biologist (Tue-Mushrooms)
  • 200.000 EXP
  • 20.000 Background.pngYang.png Yang
  • Level 21 Helm+2 (Class sensitive)
25 The armoured cavalry
25 Revenge for the Ringtrader
26 The Deserter Automatically
27 The story of Ariyoung's husband
27 Destroy the Metin of Black Automatically
28 The blackmail
  • 850.000 EXP or
  • 40.000 Yang and 500.000 EXP
29 The broken porcelain
  • 38.000 Yang
  • 600.000 EXP
30 The secret of the Metin Stones Automatically
30 The Spears
30 Helping the Storekeeper

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

30 The research of the biologist 1 Automatically

until you have Background.pngJinunggyis Soul Stone.png Jinunggyis Soul Stone

▲ To the top ▲

Level 31 - 40

Level Order Reward Receive where? Process
31 Get the Flowers
32 The secret book (Diary page 1)
32 The secret book (Diary page 2)
33 Ore for the Blacksmith (new weapon)
100 Background.pngGold Ore.png Gold Ore
100 Background.pngSilver Ore.png Silver Ore
100 Background.pngEbony Ore.png Ebony Ore
34 Ore for the Blacksmith (new armour)
100 Background.pngEbony Ore.png Ebony Ore
100 Background.pngCopper Ore.png Copper Ore
100 Background.pngPiece of Pearl.png Piece of Pearls
35 Deokbae's Golden Axe
36 The missing brother
37 The Spider with the Bell
38 The Secret Temple Book
39 The stolen Rice Cake
40 The secret book (Diary page 3) Automatically
40 The secret book (Diary page 4)
40 The secret book (Diary Page 5) Automatically
40 The research of the biologist 2 Automatically
40 Kill the Black Wind generals
40 A special cloth

▲ To the top ▲

Level 41 - 50

Level Order Reward Receive where? Process
41 Peddler's request
42 Furious Sea Monsters Automatically
43 The orphan
  • 1.250.000 EXP
  • 37.000 Yang
44 The bookworm's Treasure Map
  • 1.400.000 EXP
  • 25.000 Yang
  • Level 41 Helmet (According to Class)
45 The hunter's treasure
46 Let the dead rest
47 The stables are in trouble
47 The secret book (Diary page 6)
47 The secret book (Diary page 7)
47 The secret book (Diary page 8)
48 A medicine for Balso
49 Spider Eyes special
50 About the secret code...
  • Go to
  • Translate the text (Enemies seen at horizon)
50 The research of the biologist 3 Automatically
50 The secret book (Diary page 9)
50 The secret book (Diary page 10) Automatically
50 The secret book (Diary page 11) Automatically
50 Access to the Breeding Lair Go to .

▲ To the top ▲

Level 51 - 60

Level Order Reward Receive where? Process
51 The secret of Celadon Porcelain
52 A good night's sleep
  • 270.000 Yang
  • 3.800.000 EXP
  • Manual
53 Pale green porcelain
54 The fresh supply
55 Looking for the memorials (12. Diary Page) Automatically
55 The last page (13. Diary Page) Automatically
55 Herb of the Ape Lord
56 Supporting war device
57 Get Frog's Legs
58 Meet the spy
59 Bingsu?
60 The Temple of Darkness
60 The research of the biologist 4 Automatically
60 Dark Nation I
60 Dark Nation II

▲ To the top ▲

Level 61 - 70

Level Order Reward Receive where? Process
66 The Diary
66 Anonymous Letter

If you do not finish in 30 min:

70 The research of the biologist 5
  • +10% Movement speed (permanent)
  • +10% Damage reduction (permanent) (not 10% defense)
  • Background.pngGreen Ebony Box.png Green Ebony Box

▲ To the top ▲

Level 71 - 80

Level Order Reward Receive where? Process
72 The Discovery Lee Chung
72 Icy Treasure Lee Chung
75 In the Grotto
75 Diary of a Legend
78 Red Hell Quartz (Quest)
78 Final Element
80 Fire and Ice
80 Strange monsters
80 The research of the biologist 6 Automatically

▲ To the top ▲

Level 81-90

Level Order Reward Receive where? Process
84 The Fight Begins
84 Prince Charon
85 The research of the biologist 7 *10% Damage reduction against other players (permanent) Automatically
90 The research of the biologist 8 8% Damage increase against other players (permanent) Automatically
90 Lee Chung's task
90 Dark Dragon Rock
90 Lee Chung's Letter
90 The Gnoll Letter I
90 The Gnoll Letter II
90 The Manticores
90 Strengthen the Rampart I
90 Strengthen the Rampart II

Level 91-100

Level Order Reward Receive where? Process
91 The Manticore Letter
91 Martyaxwar's Hideout
91 Decoding
91 Manticore letter decoded
91 Poisoned!
92 The research of Seon-Pyeong You can choose between three rewards:

a)1000 HP
b)120 Deffence
c)50 Attack Value

92 The Red Thief Letter (1)
92 The Red Thief Letter (2)
92 Decrypt the Red Thief Letter
92 Dark Plans
93 Stocking Up On Power I
93 Stocking Up On Power II
93 Stocking Up On Power III
93 Stocking Up On Power III - The Millennium Recipe
93 Millennium Essence (quest)
94 The research of Seon-Pyeong 2 You can choose between 3 rewards

a)1.100 HP
b)140 Defence
c) 60 Attack Value

94 Leviathan Pearls (quest)
94 Call of the Thunder Mountains
94 Weaken the Red Thieves
94 Weaken the Cyclops
94 Weaken the Giants
94 To the Thunder Mountains
94 Black Gold
95 Preliminary Investigations
95 Find the Aid Kit
95 Deliver the Aid Kit
95 Secondary Investigations
95 En-Tai Daw
95 Kill the En-Tai Sovereign
95 Obtain a Tree Emerald
95 Gold Fever
95 Head off the Delivery
95 Stop the Processing
95 Curse of Life
95 The Inscription
96 Prevent the Curse - Holy Ground
96 Prevent the Curse - The Ogre's Medium
96 Prevent the Curse - Hunt for Gold
96 Prevent the Curse - Pruning the Tree Demons
97 Stop the Banshee
97 Decrypt document
97 Through the back door
97 The Temple Servant
98 Reconstructing the Fort
98 Reconstruction of the Fort
98 Emergency Automatically
98 Acknowledgement
98 The Admiral's Thanks
99 Run into the Fire
99 Investigate the Fortress
99 Enlighten the Mind
100 Black Matter (Level 100)
100 Nimbus Tincture
100 Stop the Black Matter

▲ To the top ▲

Level 101-105

Level Order Reward Receive where? Process
101 Mysterious Fortress
101 Decipher the Engraving
101 The Engraving
102 Storm the Fortress
102 Black Matter (Level 102)
102 Black Matter Neutralisation
102 Deliver the Pure Lumen
103 Storm the Red Dragon Fortress
103 Step by Step
103 Step 2 50x , 50x and 50x .
103 Step 3
104 The Fight Against Razador

(You can use Pure Lumen for +1000 HP and +25 DEF for 1 hour)

104 Thwarting Plans I
104 Thwarting Plans II
104 Thwarting Plans III
105 Battle Begins
105 Old Grudge, New Battle
105 The Red Dragon

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