
Revision as of 21:20, 13 November 2024 by RabbitRun (talk | contribs) (Monsters overview)
< Metin2Wiki < Monsters


Monsters tend to drop Yang when killed along with equipment and other Items. By killing monsters you can also gain EXP (short for Experience) which allows you to increase your level.

Note that if you are 16 levels or higher above the monster, you shall receive no EXP or item drops from said monster. The EXP digit that is showed at the right column in the table means the amount of EXP points that is given when you kill the monsters of equal level, without any EXP boost activated.

Each level requires more and more EXP to reach the next. In addition to that, attacking monsters a higher level than you will reward you with bonus EXP. The inverse of this statement is also true. For more details on the amount of EXP required to reach the next level, and EXP bonuses/penalties, see the page EXP-distribution. Monsters in the Yohara region reward you Champion EXP, thus the colour is set to blue to make that distinction.

Sometimes multiple monsters share the same name. To still set that apart, monster names have an additional title that is indicated with brackets. To avoid unnecessary inconvenience, monsters from Zodiac Temple will not appear in this table due to its enormous list of monsters sharing the same names.

The table below allows you to see all existing monsters within Metin2. It is designed to be in numerical order. If you have trouble finding a monster, you can also select it to appear in alphabetical order. To do this, simply click on the "Name" tab in the first row.

Monsters overview

Element Resistance Race Level Stage Name Location EXP
Animal 1 1 Hungry Stray Dog Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 11
Animal 1 1 Wild Dog Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 15
Animal 1 1 Wild Dog (Colony) Colony 4
Animal 3 1 Hungry Wolf Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 27
Animal 3 1 Wolf Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 39
Animal 3 1 Wild Boar (Colony) Colony 6
Animal 4 1 Alpha Wolf Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 51
Animal 4 1 Hungry Alpha Wolf Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 36
Animal 4 1 Bear (Colony) Colony 8
Animal 4 2 Red Wild Boar (Colony) Colony 9
Animal 5 2 Brown Bear (Colony) Colony 10
Animal 6 1 Hungry Blue Wolf Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 53
Animal 6 1 Blue Wolf Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 75
Animal 6 1 Black Bear (Colony) Colony 10
Animal 6 2 Hungry Brown Bear (Colony) Colony 12
Animal 7 1 Wild Boar Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 87
Animal 7 1 Hungry Wild Boar Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 61
Animal 7 1 Tiger (Colony) Colony 14
Animal 8 2 White Tiger (Colony) Colony 15
Animal 8 3 Cursed Wolf Imha, Jungrang, Waryong, Snakefield 198
Animal 9 1 Alpha Blue Wolf Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 111
Animal 9 1 Hungry Alpha Blue Wolf Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 78
Animal 9 4 Cung-Mok Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 100
Animal 9 4 Cursed Alpha Wolf Imha, Jungrang, Waryong, Snakefield 444
Animal 10 2 Red Wild Boar Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 148
Animal 10 2 Hungry Red Boar Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 103
Animal 10 4 Jug-Hyul Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 120
Animal 11 3 Cursed Blue Wolf Imha, Jungrang, Waryong, Snakefield 270
Animal 12 1 Bear Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 147
Animal 12 1 Hungry Bear Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 103
Animal 13 1 Hungry Grey Wolf Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 111
Animal 13 1 Grey Wolf Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 159
Animal 14 4 Cursed Alpha Blue Wolf Imha, Jungrang, Waryong, Snakefield 684
Animal 15 2 Hungry Grizzly Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 154
Animal 15 2 Grizzly Bear Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 220
Animal 15 4 Cursed Red Wild Boar Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan, Imha, Jungrang, Waryong, Snakefield 732
Animal 16 2 Hungry Alpha Grey Wolf Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 164
Animal 16 2 Alpha Grey Wolf Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 234
Animal 16 2 Mu-Rang Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 200
Animal 17 3 Cursed Bear Imha, Jungrang, Waryong, Snakefield 414
Animal 18 1 Hungry Tiger Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 256
Animal 18 1 Tiger Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 365
Half H. 18 1 White Oath Soldier Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan, Bokjung, Yayang, Bakra 365
Half H. 18 2 Craven White Oath Sold. Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 256
Half H. 18 2 White Oath Soldier (Cursed) Bokjung, Yayang, Bakra 558
Animal 18 3 Cursed Grey Wolf Imha, Jungrang, Waryong, Snakefield 438
Animal 19 1 Black Bear Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 385
Animal 19 1 Hungry Black Bear Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 249
Half H. 20 1 White Oath Archer Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan, Bokjung, Yayang, Bakra 445
Half H. 20 2 Craven White Oath Archer Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan, Bokjung, Yayang, Bakra 285
Half H. 20 2 White Oath Archer (Cursed) Bokjung, Yayang, Bakra 606
Animal 20 4 Cursed Grizzly Bear Imha, Jungrang, Waryong, Snakefield 1429
Animal 21 2 Hungry Brown Bear Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 357
Animal 21 2 Brown Bear Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 510
Animal 21 4 Young-Ji Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 220
Animal 21 4 Cursed Alpha Grey Wolf Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 1020
Animal 22 1 Weak Ape Soldier Hasun Dong 356
Half H. 23 4 Dispirited Mi-Jung Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 1823
Half H. 23 4 Mi-Jung Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 2604
Animal 24 2 White Tiger Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 582
Animal 24 2 Hungry White Tiger Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 407
Animal 24 3 Cursed Black Bear Imha, Jungrang, Waryong, Snakefield 582
Animal 24 3 Cursed Tiger Imha, Jungrang, Waryong, Snakefield 582
Animal 24 4 Li-An Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 250
Half H. 25 2 White Oath General Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 848
Half H. 25 2 White Oath Commander Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 848
Animal 25 2 Weak Ape Thrower Hasun Dong 487
Half H. 25 3 White Oath General (Cursed) Bokjung, Yayang, Bakra 1452
Half H. 25 3 White Oath Commander (Cursed) Bokjung, Yayang, Bakra 1452
Half H. 25 3 Craven Wh. Oath Com. Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 594
Orc 26 1 Orc Valley of Seungryong 1037
Wind Element.png Wind Half H. 26 1 Black Wind Soldier Bokjung, Yayang, Bakra 735
Wind Element.png Wind Half H. 26 1 Evil Bl. Storm Soldier Bokjung, Yayang, Bakra 514
Half H. 26 4 Dispirited Eun-Jung Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 2058
Half H. 26 4 Eun-Jung Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 2940
Animal 26 4 Cursed Brown Bear Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 1260
Wind Element.png Wind Half H. 27 1 Black Wind Maniac Bokjung, Yayang, Bakra 763
Animal 27 3 Weak Ape Fighter Hasun Dong 872
Half H. 28 4 Dispirited Se-Rang Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 2215
Half H. 28 4 Se-Rang Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 3164
Half H. 29 1 Savage Infantryman Bokjung, Yayang, Bakra 819
Wind Element.png Wind Half H. 29 1 Black Wind Archer Bokjung, Yayang, Bakra 819
Half H. 29 1 Strong Savage Infantry Bokjung, Yayang, Bakra 819
Wind Element.png Wind Half H. 29 1 Evil Bl. Storm Archer Bokjung, Yayang, Bakra 573
Orc 29 2 Orc Scout Valley of Seungryong 1019
Animal 29 4 Cursed White Tiger Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 1403
Animal 29 4 Weak Ape General Hasun Dong 1872
Wind Element.png Wind Half H. 30 2 Black Wind Jak-To Bokjung, Yayang, Bakra 1016
Wind Element.png Wind Half H. 30 2 Evil Bl. Storm Joh-Hwan Bokjung, Yayang, Bakra 711
Animal 30 4 Lykos Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 2420
Animal 30 Boss Rock Ape Hasun Dong 23104
Orc 31 2 Orc Fighter Valley of Seungryong 1086
Wind Element.png Wind Half H. 31 3 Black Storm Soldier Bokjung, Yayang, Bakra 1900
Half H. 31 4 Dispirited Jin-Hee Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 2450
Half H. 31 4 Jin-Hee Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 3500
Animal 31 4 Scrofa Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 2500
Half H. 32 1 Savage Minion Bokjung, Yayang, Bakra 903
Half H. 32 1 Strong Savage Minion Bokjung, Yayang, Bakra 903
Wind Element.png Wind Half H. 32 4 Mahon Bokjung, Yayang, Bakra 3612
Wind Element.png Wind Half H. 33 2 Black Wind To-Su Bokjung, Yayang, Bakra 1117
Wind Element.png Wind Half H. 33 2 Evil Bl. Storm Kyuk-Jang Bokjung, Yayang, Bakra 782
Orc 33 3 Orc Sorcerer Valley of Seungryong 1110
Wind Element.png Wind Half H. 33 3 Black Storm Maniac Bokjung, Yayang, Bakra 798
Animal 33 4 Bera Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 2660
Orc 34 1 Elite Orc Valley of Seungryong 959
Orc 34 1 Bold Big Orc Valley of Seungryong 670
Animal 35 1 Apesoldier Jungsun Dong 564
Wind Element.png Wind Mystic 35 1 Dark Fanatic Valley of Seungryong 987
Wind Element.png Wind Mystic 35 1 High Fanatic Valley of Seungryong 691
Half H. 35 2 Savage Archer Bokjung, Yayang, Bakra 1184
Wind Element.png Wind Half H. 35 2 Black Wind Gu-Ryung Bokjung, Yayang, Bakra 1184
Half H. 35 2 Strong Savage Archer Bokjung, Yayang, Bakra 1184
Wind Element.png Wind Half H. 35 2 Evil Bl. Storm Pho-Hwa Bokjung, Yayang, Bakra 829
Half H. 35 3 Bestial Soldier Bokjung, Yayang, Bakra, Valley of Seungryong 513
Wind Element.png Wind Half H. 35 3 Black Storm Archer Bokjung, Yayang, Bakra 946
Animal 35 4 Tigris Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 2820
Orc 36 2 Elite Orc Scout Valley of Seungryong 1218
Orc 36 2 Bold Big Orc Scout Valley of Seungryong 853
Half H. 36 3 Savage General Bokjung, Yayang, Bakra 2030
Half H. 36 3 Strong Savage General Bokjung, Yayang, Bakra 2030
Wind Element.png Wind Half H. 36 4 Black Storm Joh-Hwan Bokjung, Yayang, Bakra 1740
Desert 37 2 Desert Flying Eye Yongbi Desert 1252
Animal 37 2 Apethrower Jungsun Dong 715
Half H. 37 3 Bestial Maniac Bokjung, Yayang, Bakra, Valley of Seungryong 542
Wind Element.png Wind Half H. 37 4 Bo Bokjung, Yayang, Bakra 4172
Wind Element.png Wind Mystic 38 2 Dark Arahan Valley of Seungryong 1101
Wind Element.png Wind Mystic 38 2 High Arahan Valley of Seungryong 771
Wind Element.png Wind Half H. 38 4 Black Storm Kyuk-Jang Bokjung, Yayang, Bakra 3314
Orc 39 2 Elite Orc Fighter Valley of Seungryong 1319
Desert 39 2 King Scorpion Valley of Seungryong, Yongbi Desert 1319
Orc 39 2 Bold Big Orc Fighter Valley of Seungryong 923
Animal 39 3 Apefighter Jungsun Dong 1256
Wind Element.png Wind Half H. 39 4 Goo-Pae Bokjung, Yayang, Bakra 4396
Orc 40 3 Elite Orc Sorcerer Valley of Seungryong 2254
Orc 40 3 Bold Big Orc Sorcerer Valley of Seungryong 1578
Half H. 40 4 Bestial Archer Bokjung, Yayang, Bakra, Valley of Seungryong 1171
Wind Element.png Wind Half H. 40 4 Black Storm Pho-Hwan Bokjung, Yayang, Bakra 1932
Animal 40 4 Apegeneral Jungsun Dong 2576
Wind Element.png Wind Mystic 41 2 Esoteric Arahan Fighter Valley of Seungryong 1188
Wind Element.png Wind Mystic 41 2 High Arahan Fighter Valley of Seungryong 832
Animal 41 4 Stone Ape Jungsun Dong 2640
Half H. 42 4 Bestial Specialist Bokjung, Yayang, Bakra, Valley of Seungryong 1230
Half H. 42 Boss Bestial Captain Bokjung, Yayang, Bakra 20.280
Insect 43 1 Baby Spider Yongbi Desert 1211
Insect 43 1 Mean Baby Poison Spider Yongbi Desert 848
Animal 43 Boss Walking Ape Jungsun Dong 27.680
Orc 44 3 Elite Orc General Valley of Seungryong 2478
Desert 44 3 Young Scorpion Man Yongbi Desert 2478
Orc 44 3 Bold Big Orc General Valley of Seungryong 1952
Wind Element.png Wind Mystic 44 3 Chief Esoteric Arahan Valley of Seungryong 1770
Wind Element.png Wind Mystic 44 3 High Elite Arahan Valley of Seungryong 1239
Insect 45 1 Poison Spider Yongbi Desert 1267
Animal 45 1 Strong Ape Soldier Sangsun Dong 724
Animal 45 1 Evil strong Apesoldier Sangsun Dong 507
Insect 45 1 Mean Dead. Poison Spider Yongbi Desert 887
Wind Element.png Wind Half H. 45 4 Chuong Bokjung, Yayang, Bakra 5068
Orc 46 4 Black Orc Valley of Seungryong 5180
Orc 46 4 Bold Black Orc Valley of Seungryong 3626
Animal 47 2 Strong Ape Thrower Sangsun Dong 907
Animal 47 2 Evil strong Apethrower Sangsun Dong 635
Desert 47 3 Scorpion Archer Yongbi Desert 2646
Insect 48 2 Red Poison Spider Yongbi Desert 1621
Wind Element.png Wind Mystic 48 2 Esoteric Executioner Valley of Seungryong 1158
Wind Element.png Wind Mystic 48 2 High Deathsman Valley of Seungryong 811
Insect 48 2 Mean Red Poison Spider Yongbi Desert 1135
Desert 48 3 Snake Swordsman Yongbi Desert 2702
Undead 49 2 Dead Body Ghost Mount Sohan 946
Undead 49 2 Angry Dead Body Ghost Mount Sohan 661
Animal 49 3 Strong Ape Fighter Sangsun Dong 1576
Animal 49 3 Evil strong Apefighter Sangsun Dong 1103
Orc 49 4 Black Orc Giant Valley of Seungryong 5561
Orc 49 4 Bold Black Giant Orc Valley of Seungryong 3861
Wind Element.png Wind Mystic 49 4 Dark Tormentor Valley of Seungryong 3940
Wind Element.png Wind Mystic 49 4 High Tormentor Valley of Seungryong 2758
Insect 50 2 Claw Spider Yongbi Desert 1688
Insect 50 2 Mean Claw Poison Spider Yongbi Desert 1182
Insect 50 3 Baby Poison Spider Kuahlo Dong 2220
Orc 50 Boss Chief Orc Valley of Seungryong 20.422
Undead 51 2 Plagued Dog Mount Sohan 917
Undead 51 2 Angry Plagued Dog Mount Sohan 643
Insect 51 3 Snake Archer Yongbi Desert 2869
Wind Element.png Wind Mystic 51 4 Dark Summoner Valley of Seungryong 4084
Wind Element.png Wind Mystic 51 4 High Evocator Valley of Seungryong 2869
Wind Element.png Wind Mystic 52 1 Bestial Fanatic Hwang Temple 732
Wind Element.png Wind Mystic 51 1 Proud Dark Fanatic Hwang Temple 1045
Insect 52 2 Soldier Spider Yongbi Desert 1756
Insect 52 3 Deadly Poison Spider Kuahlo Dong 2316
Animal 52 4 Strong Ape General Sangsun Dong 3344
Animal 52 4 Evil strong Apegeneral Sangsun Dong 2341
Wind Element.png Wind Mystic 53 2 Bestial Arahan Hwang Temple 895
Wind Element.png Wind Mystic 53 2 Proud Dark Arahan Hwang Temple 1278
Undead 53 2 Plagued Man Mount Sohan 1021
Undead 53 2 Angry Plagued Man Mount Sohan 715
Animal 53 4 Strong Stone Ape Sangsun Dong 3360
Animal 53 4 Evil strong Stoneape Sangsun Dong 2352
Wind Element.png Wind Mystic 54 2 Bestial Arahan Fighter Hwang Temple 910
Wind Element.png Wind Mystic 54 2 Proud Dark Fighter Hwang Temple 1301
Wind Element.png Wind Mystic 54 3 Bestial Chief Arahan Hwang Temple 1518
Wind Element.png Wind Mystic 54 3 Proud Dark Colonel Hwang Temple 2170
Insect 54 4 Red Angry Poison Spider Kuahlo Dong 4824
Desert 54 4 Desert Outlaw Yongbi Desert 6076
Animal 54 4 Strong Gold Ape Sangsun Dong 3440
Desert 54 4 Strong Desert Outlaw Yongbi Desert 4252
Animal 54 4 Evil strong Goldape Sangsun Dong 2408
Wind Element.png Wind Mystic 54 Boss Dark Leader Hwang Temple 8680
Wind Element.png Wind Mystic 55 2 Bestial Deathsman Hwang Temple 928
Wind Element.png Wind Mystic 55 2 Proud Dark Rifleman Hwang Temple 1325
Undead 55 3 Plagued Swordman Mount Sohan 1767
Undead 55 3 Angry Plagued Fighter Mount Sohan 1327
Animal 55 Boss Ape Lord Sangsun Dong 35.360
Wind Element.png Wind Mystic 56 4 Bestial Tormentor Hwang Temple 3150
Wind Element.png Wind Mystic 56 4 Elite Esoteric Tormentor Hwang Temple 4500
Insect 56 4 Claw Poison Spider Kuahlo Dong 5016
Darkness Element.png Darkness Undead 57 2 Demon Soldier Demon Tower 960
Wind Element.png Wind 57 2 Tree Frog Soldier Hwang Temple 1099
Wind Element.png Wind Mystic 57 4 Bestial Evocator Hwang Temple 5500
Wind Element.png Wind Mystic 57 4 Elite Esoteric Summoner Hwang Temple 4580
Darkness Element.png Darkness Undead 58 2 Demon Archer Demon Tower 1083
Wind Element.png Wind 58 2 Leflet Bogeyman Hwang Temple 1117
Undead 58 3 Plagued Archer Mount Sohan 2330
Undead 58 3 Plagued Spearman Mount Sohan 1864
Undead 58 3 Angry Plagued Archer Mount Sohan 1631
Undead 58 3 Angry Plagued Spearman Mount Sohan 1304
Insect 58 4 Proud Soldier Spider Kuahlo Dong 5208
Insect 58 4 Soldier Poison Spider Kuahlo Dong 5208
Darkness Element.png Darkness Undead 59 2 Demon Spearman Demon Tower 1182
Undead 59 4 Angry Plagued Leader Mount Sohan 2654
Wind Element.png Wind 59 4 Big Tree Frog Leader Hwang Temple 2654
Undead 59 4 Plagued Leader Mount Sohan 3792
Wind Element.png Wind 59 4 Tree Frog Leader Hwang Temple 3792
Fire Element.png Fire Insect 60 1 Bestial Scorpion Man Yongbi Desert 4956
Fire Element.png Fire Insect 60 1 Small Poison Spider Spider Dungeon 2 4440
Fire Element.png Fire Insect 60 3 Best. Baby Poison Spider Spider Dungeon 3, Spider Queen's Nest 4771
Darkness Element.png Darkness Undead 60 3 Demon Shaman Demon Tower 1640
Wind Element.png Wind Insect 60 Boss Queen Spider Kuahlo Dong, Spider Dungeon 2 19.280
Wind Element.png Wind 61 4 Bullfrog General Hwang Temple 3920
Fire Element.png Fire Insect 62 2 Deadly Poison Spider SD2 Spider Dungeon 2 4632
Fire Element.png Fire Insect 62 2 Scorpion Archer SD2 Spider Dungeon 2 5292
Ice Element.png Ice 62 2 Enchanted Ice Mount Sohan 1315
Fire Element.png Fire Insect 62 2 Best. Deadly Poi. Spider Spider Dungeon 3, Spider Queen's Nest 4920
Ice Element.png Ice 62 2 Mean Enchanted Ice Mount Sohan 920
Wind Element.png Wind Mystic 62 5 Dark-Ghost Leader Hwang Temple 6905
Ice Element.png Ice 63 2 Ice Killer Whale Mount Sohan 1336
Ice Element.png Ice 64 2 Ice Bug Mount Sohan 679
Fire Element.png Fire Insect 64 3 Red Deadly Poison Spider Spider Dungeon 2 9648
Fire Element.png Fire Insect 64 3 Snake Swordman SD2 Spider Dungeon 2 5404
Ice Element.png Ice 64 3 Ice Lion Mount Sohan 1131
Fire Element.png Fire Insect 64 4 Best. Red Poison Spider Spider Dungeon 3, Spider Queen's Nest 9829
Ice Element.png Ice 65 3 Frosty Ice Man Mount Sohan 1149
Lightning Element.png Lightning 66 2 Destroyer Snakefield, Land of Giants ???
Fire Element.png Fire Insect 66 3 Snake Archer SD2 Spider Dungeon 2 5740
Fire Element.png Fire Insect 66 3 Claw Poison Spider SD2 Spider Dungeon 2 10.031
Ice Element.png Ice 66 3 Yeti Mount Sohan 2476
Fire Element.png Fire Insect 66 4 Best. Claw Poison Spider Spider Dungeon 3, Spider Queen's Nest 10.108
Ice Element.png Ice 66 4 Ice Golem Mount Sohan 4664
Darkness Element.png Darkness Undead 67 3 Brutal Demon Soldier Demon Tower 2152
Darkness Element.png Darkness Undead 67 3 Vile Demon Soldier Demon Tower 2152
Wind Element.png Wind Desert 67 Boss Giant Tortoise Yongbi Desert 21.520
Fire Element.png Fire Insect 68 4 Best. Sold. Pois. Spider Spider Dungeon 3, Spider Queen's Nest 10.200
Fire Element.png Fire Insect 68 4 Best. Strg Poison Spider Spider Queen's Nest 10.441
Fire Element.png Fire Insect 68 4 Desert Outlaw SD2 Spider Dungeon 2 12.151
Fire Element.png Fire Insect 68 4 Soldier Poison Spider SD2 Spider Dungeon 2 10.416
Fire Element.png Fire 69 2 Fighting Tiger Minion Doyyumhwan 997
Fire Element.png Fire 69 2 Flame Ghost Doyyumhwan 997
Earth Element.png Earth 69 2 Stone Golem Snakefield ???
Darkness Element.png Darkness Undead 69 3 Brutal Demon Archer Demon Tower 2770
Darkness Element.png Darkness Undead 69 3 Vile Demon Archer Demon Tower 2770
Darkness Element.png Darkness Undead 70 3 Brutal Demonspearman Demon Tower 2248
Fire Element.png Fire 70 3 Fighting Tiger Doyyumhwan 1686
Darkness Element.png Darkness Undead 70 3 Vile Demon Spearman Demon Tower 2248
Earth Element.png Earth 71 1 Ghost Tree Lungsam 1152
Lightning Element.png Lightning 71 1 Ogre Warrior Land of Giants ???
Darkness Element.png Darkness Undead 71 3 Brutal Demon Shaman Demon Tower 2280
Fire Element.png Fire 71 3 Flame Doyyumhwan 1710
Darkness Element.png Darkness Undead 71 3 Vile Demon Shaman Demon Tower 2280
Darkness Element.png Darkness Undead 71 4 Brutal Demon Leader Demon Tower 4560
Darkness Element.png Darkness Undead 71 4 Vile Demon Leader Demon Tower 4560
Earth Element.png Earth 72 2 Stone Cruncher Snakefield ???
Darkness Element.png Darkness Undead 72 3 Brutal Ghost of Grudge Demon Tower 2312
Darkness Element.png Darkness Undead 72 3 Ghost of Grudge Demon Tower 2312
Fire Element.png Fire 72 4 Flame Warrior Doyyumhwan 3468
Darkness Element.png Darkness Undead 72 4 Ghost Sword Master Demon Tower 4624
Darkness Element.png Darkness Undead 72 4 Skull Sword Master Demon Tower 4624
Wind Element.png Wind Insect 72 5 Spider Baron Spider Queen's Nest 208.800
Ice Element.png Ice 72 Boss Nine Tails Mount Sohan 23.120
Earth Element.png Earth 73 1 Ghost Stump Lungsam 1204
Lightning Element.png Lightning 73 3 Axe Fighter Snakefield, Land of Giants ???
Darkness Element.png Darkness Undead 73 3 Brutal Ghost of Chaos Demon Tower 2344
Darkness Element.png Darkness Undead 73 3 Ghost of Chaos Demon Tower 2344
Lightning Element.png Lightning 73 3 Ogre Butcher Land of Giants ???
Darkness Element.png Darkness Undead 73 4 Brutal Flying Skull Demon Tower 4688
Darkness Element.png Darkness Undead 73 4 Flying Skull Demon Tower 4688
Fire Element.png Fire 73 Boss Flame King Doyyumhwan 17.580
Darkness Element.png Darkness Undead 74 4 Immortal Ghost Demon Tower 4752
Earth Element.png Earth 75 2 Dryad Lungsam 1546
Lightning Element.png Lightning 75 3 Ogre Berserk Land of Giants ???
Darkness Element.png Darkness Undead 75 4 Demonic Beast Demon Tower 4816
Wind Element.png Wind Insect 75 5 Spider Baroness Spider Queen's Nest 356.400
Darkness Element.png Darkness Undead 75 Boss Demon King Demon Tower 12.040
Darkness Element.png Darkness Undead 75 Boss Proud Demon King Demon Tower 24.080
Wind Element.png Wind 75 Boss Yellow Tiger Ghost Hwang Temple 24.080
Earth Element.png Earth 76 2 Ghost Willow Lungsam 1587
Earth Element.png Earth 76 3 Giant Rock Golem Snakefield ???
Earth Element.png Earth 77 3 Evil Tree Lungsam 2749
Lightning Element.png Lightning 77 4 Thousand Fighter Land of Giants ???
Darkness Element.png Darkness Undead 78 5 Death Reaper Demon Tower 187.800
Darkness Element.png Darkness Undead 79 1 Evil Hell Warrior Devil's Catacomb 739
Darkness Element.png Darkness Undead 79 1 Hell Warrior Devil's Catacomb 739
Darkness Element.png Darkness Undead 79 1 Jellyfish of Hell Devil's Catacomb 739
Darkness Element.png Darkness Undead 80 2 Evil Hell Archer Devil's Catacomb 896
Darkness Element.png Darkness Undead 80 2 Hell Archer Devil's Catacomb 896
Darkness Element.png Darkness Undead 80 2 Hell Hound Devil's Catacomb 896
Earth Element.png Earth 80 2 Red Ghost Tree Red Forest 1603
Darkness Element.png Darkness Undead 81 2 Evil Hell Spearman Devil's Catacomb 906
Darkness Element.png Darkness Undead 81 2 Hell Spearman Devil's Catacomb 906
Ice Element.png Ice 81 2 Underworld Ice Splinters Grotto of Exile 5260
Ice Element.png Ice 81 2 Underwrld IceKillerWhale Grotto of Exile 5344
Ice Element.png Ice 82 2 Underworld Ice Bug Grotto of Exile 5428
Darkness Element.png Darkness Undead 81 2 Zombie Devil's Catacomb 906
Darkness Element.png Darkness Undead 82 3 Evil Hell Priest Devil's Catacomb 1526
Darkness Element.png Darkness Undead 82 3 Hell Officer Devil's Catacomb 1526
Darkness Element.png Darkness Undead 82 3 Hell Priest Devil's Catacomb 1526
Earth Element.png Earth 82 3 Red Ghost Stump Red Forest 2745
Darkness Element.png Darkness Undead 83 3 Evil Hell Major Devil's Catacomb 1542
Darkness Element.png Darkness Undead 83 3 Hell Guard Devil's Catacomb 1542
Darkness Element.png Darkness Undead 83 3 Hell Major Devil's Catacomb 1542
Earth Element.png Earth 83 3 Red Dryad Red Forest 2781
Ice Element.png Ice 83 3 Underworld Ice Lion Grotto of Exile 9048
Ice Element.png Ice 83 3 Underworld Ice Man Grotto of Exile 9188
Ice Element.png Ice 84 3 Underworld Yeti Grotto of Exile 9328
Darkness Element.png Darkness Undead 84 4 Double-head Hell Archer Devil's Catacomb 3116
Darkness Element.png Darkness Undead 84 4 Evil Hell Slaughterer Devil's Catacomb 3116
Darkness Element.png Darkness Undead 84 4 Hell Slaughterer Devil's Catacomb 3116
Earth Element.png Earth 84 Boss Giant Ghost Tree Red Forest 27.236
85 3 Gate of Perdition Devil's Catacomb 3200
Darkness Element.png Darkness Undead 85 4 Infernal Claw Devil's Catacomb 3148
Ice Element.png Ice 85 4 Underworld Ice Golem Grotto of Exile 18.656
Darkness Element.png Darkness Undead 86 4 Evil Hell General Devil's Catacomb 3180
Darkness Element.png Darkness Undead 86 4 Hell General Devil's Catacomb 3180
Earth Element.png Earth 86 4 Red Ghost Willow Red Forest 5778
Lightning Element.png Lightning Devil 87 1 Setaou Fighter Grotto of Exile, Grotto of Exile V2 7050
Earth Element.png Earth 88 4 Red Evil Tree Red Forest 5922
Lightning Element.png Lightning Devil 88 4 Captain Huashin Grotto of Exile V2 44.700
Lightning Element.png Lightning Devil 89 1 Setaou Hunter Grotto of Exile, Grotto of Exile V2 7212
Lightning Element.png Lightning Devil 89 2 Setaou Mystic Grotto of Exile, Grotto of Exile V2 8658
Darkness Element.png Darkness Undead 89 4 Azrael's Spawn Devil's Catacomb 32.720
Darkness Element.png Darkness Undead 89 4 Erebos Devil's Catacomb 32.720
Darkness Element.png Darkness Undead 89 4 Tartaros Devil's Catacomb 32.720
Ice Element.png Ice 89 Boss Mighty Ice Witch Grotto of Exile 324.800
Lightning Element.png Lightning Devil 90 2 Setaou Leader Grotto of Exile V2, Dragon's Temple 8754
Lightning Element.png Lightning Devil 90 Boss General Huashin Grotto of Exile V2 456.600
Lightning Element.png Lightning Devil 91 2 Setaou Soldier Grotto of Exile V2, Dragon's Temple 19.474
Darkness Element.png Darkness Undead 91 5 Azrael Devil's Catacomb 333.600
Darkness Element.png Darkness Undead 91 5 Charon Devil's Catacomb 333.600
Lightning Element.png Lightning Devil 93 3 Setaou Archer Grotto of Exile V2, Dragon's Temple 19.920
Lightning Element.png Lightning Devil 93 4 Captain Yonghan Grotto of Exile V2 44.700
Earth Element.png Earth Animal 95 1 Gnoll Warrior Cape Dragon Fire 1143
Earth Element.png Wind Half H. 95 1 Red Thief Amazon Cape Dragon Fire, Nephrite Bay 1143
Lightning Element.png Lightning Devil 95 3 Setaou Magistrate Grotto of Exile V2, Dragon's Temple 20.354
Lightning Element.png Lightning Devil 95 Boss General Yonghan Grotto of Exile V2 456.600
Ice Element.png Ice Devil 96 1 Crab Warrior Nephrite Bay, Ship Defence 1155
Wind Element.png Wind Animal 96 1 Manticore Warrior Cape Dragon Fire 1155
Ice Element.png Ice Devil 96 1 Tritonic Moray Nephrite Bay 1155
Earth Element.png Earth Animal 96 2 Gnoll Archer Cape Dragon Fire 2772
Earth Element.png Wind Half H. 96 2 Red Thief Assassin Cape Dragon Fire, Nephrite Bay 2772
Lightning Element.png Lightning Half H. 97 1 Brutal Red Thief Amazon Thunder Mountains 1167
Ice Element.png Ice 97 1 Deep Sea Kappa Ship Defence 0
Fire Element.png Fire 97 1 Ember Flame Ghost Red Dragon Fortress 1323
Ice Element.png Ice 97 1 Frost Crystal Nemere's Watchtower 1323
Ice Element.png Ice 97 1 Kappa Ship Defence 0
Ice Element.png Ice 97 1 Lagoon Kappa Ship Defence 0
Wind Element.png Wind Devil 97 1 Lemures Warrior Gautama Cliff 1167
Fire Element.png Fire 97 1 Magma Yeti (Meley-Group) Meley's Lair (Group) 0
Earth Element.png Earth Animal 97 2 Gnoll Defender Cape Dragon Fire 2800
Wind Element.png Wind Animal 97 2 Manticore Soldier Cape Dragon Fire 2800
Earth Element.png Wind Half H. 97 2 Red Thief Magician Cape Dragon Fire, Nephrite Bay 2800
Ice Element.png Ice Devil 97 2 Scorpion Marksman Nephrite Bay, Ship Defence 2800
Ice Element.png Ice Devil 97 2 Shark Soldier Nephrite Bay 2800
Fire Element.png Fire 97 4 Idall's Minion Meley's Lair 0
Lightning Element.png Lightning Devil 97 4 Setaou Commander Grotto of Exile V2, Dragon's Temple 41.580
Lightning Element.png Lightning 97 5 Beran-Setaou Dragon's Temple 3.564.000
Wind Element.png Wind Devil 98 1 Ochao Warrior Temple of the Ochao 9375
Lightning Element.png Lightning Orc 98 1 One-eyed Slugger Thunder Mountains, Gautama Cliff 1179
Lightning Element.png Lightning Half H. 98 2 Brut. Red Thief Assassin Thunder Mountains 2829
Wind Element.png Wind Devil 98 2 Lemures Soldier Gautama Cliff 2829
Wind Element.png Wind Animal 98 2 Manticore Soldier Cape Dragon Fire 2829
Ice Element.png Ice Devil 98 2 Shrimp Soldier Nephrite Bay, Ship Defence 2829
Ice Element.png Ice Devil 98 2 Tritonic Magician Nephrite Bay 2829
Earth Element.png Earth Animal 98 3 Gnoll Magician Cape Dragon Fire 1143
Fire Element.png Fire 98 3 Magma Golem (Meley-Group) Meley's Lair (Group) 0
Earth Element.png Wind Half H. 98 3 Red Thief Executioner Cape Dragon Fire, Nephrite Bay 8488
Fire Element.png Fire 99 1 Ember Flame Tiger Red Dragon Fortress 3207
Ice Element.png Ice 99 1 Frost Bug Nemere's Watchtower 3207
Earth Element.png Earth Animal 99 1 Hangork Gautama Cliff 1191
Lightning Element.png Lightning Half H. 99 2 Brut. Red Thief Magician Thunder Mountains 2858
Lightning Element.png Lightning Orc 99 2 Cyclops Soldier Thunder Mountains, Gautama Cliff 2858
Wind Element.png Wind Devil 99 2 Lemures Magician Gautama Cliff 2858
Fire Element.png Fire 99 2 Magma Bug (Meley-Group) Meley's Lair (Group) 0
Half H. 99 2 Moghu Gautama Cliff 2858
Wind Element.png Wind Devil 99 2 Ochao Soldier Temple of the Ochao 11.255
Ice Element.png Ice Devil 99 3 Diabolical Hermit Nephrite Bay, Ship Defence 8575
Wind Element.png Wind Animal 99 3 Manticore Executioner Cape Dragon Fire 8575
Ice Element.png Ice Devil 99 3 Tritonic Hunter Nephrite Bay, Ship Defence 8575
Earth Element.png Wind Half H. 99 4 Black General Cape Dragon Fire, Nephrite Bay 20.485
Earth Element.png Earth Animal 99 4 Gnoll Defender Cape Dragon Fire 20.485
Wind Element.png Wind Devil 100 1 En-Tai Warrior Temple of the Ochao, Enchanted Forest 24.334
Earth Element.png Earth Orc 100 1 Gigantic Biter Thunder Mountains 1203
Earth Element.png Earth Animal 100 2 Archie Ogre Gautama Cliff 2887
Lightning Element.png Lightning Orc 100 2 Cyclops Magician Thunder Mountains, Gautama Cliff 2887
Fire Element.png Fire 100 2 Ember Flame Red Dragon Fortress 3270
Fire Element.png Fire 100 2 Ember Flame Warrior Red Dragon Fortress 1320
Ice Element.png Ice 100 2 Frost Man Nemere's Watchtower 3270
Ice Element.png Ice 100 2 Frost Yeti Nemere's Watchtower 1320
Wind Element.png Wind Devil 100 2 Ochao Magician Temple of the Ochao 11.380
Lightning Element.png Lightning Half H. 100 3 Brut.RedThiefExecutioner Thunder Mountains 8661
Half H. 100 3 Carnifex Gautama Cliff 8661
Fire Element.png Fire 100 3 Ember Flame King Red Dragon Fortress 3207
Wind Element.png Wind Devil 100 3 Lemures Executioner Gautama Cliff 8661
Earth Element.png Earth Animal 101 2 Brawl Ogre Gautama Cliff 2916
Earth Element.png Earth Orc 101 2 Gigantic Slaughterer Thunder Mountains 2916
Orc 101 3 Captain Hooks (Level 101) Thunder Mountains 8748
Lightning Element.png Lightning Orc 101 3 Cyclops Executioner Thunder Mountains, Gautama Cliff 8748
Fire Element.png Fire 101 3 Magma Man (Meley-Group) Meley's Lair (Group) 0
Wind Element.png Wind Devil 101 3 Ochao Executioner Temple of the Ochao 25.316
Ice Element.png Ice Devil 101 4 Armoured Crab Nephrite Bay, Ship Defence 20.898
Half H. 101 4 General Albus Gautama Cliff 20.868
Wind Element.png Wind Animal 101 4 General Cor Cape Dragon Fire 20.898
Wind Element.png Wind Devil 101 4 Lemures General Gautama Cliff 20.898
Ice Element.png Ice Devil 101 4 Tritonic Slasher Nephrite Bay, Ship Defence 20.898
Lightning Element.png Lightning Half H. 101 4 White General Thunder Mountains 20.898
Wind Element.png Wind Devil 102 2 En-Tai Soldier Enchanted Forest 28.934
Earth Element.png Earth Animal 102 3 Ogre Magus Gautama Cliff 8834
Lightning Element.png Lightning Orc 102 4 General Outis Thunder Mountains, Gautama Cliff 21.104
Wind Element.png Wind Devil 102 4 Ochao General Temple of the Ochao 39.580
Fire Element.png Fire 103 1 Magma Yeti (Meley-Guild) Meley's Lair (Guild) 0
Fire Element.png Fire 103 1 Magma Crystal Meley's Lair 0
Earth Element.png Earth Orc 103 2 Gigantic Magus Thunder Mountains 2973
Ice Element.png Ice 103 3 Deep Sea Moray Soldier Ship Defence 0
Fire Element.png Fire 103 3 Ember Flame Troll Meley's Lair, Red Dragon Fortress 3270
Ice Element.png Ice 103 3 Frost Golem Nemere's Watchtower 3207
Ice Element.png Ice 103 3 Frost Troll Nemere's Watchtower 3270
Ice Element.png Ice 103 3 Moray Soldier Ship Defence 0
Earth Element.png Earth Animal 103 4 General Ogg Gautama Cliff 21.310
Earth Element.png Wind Half H. 103 Boss Bone Face Cape Dragon Fire, Nephrite Bay 102.713
Ice Element.png Ice Devil 103 Boss General Kappa Nephrite Bay 102.713
Ice Element.png Ice Devil 103 Boss General Lobster Nephrite Bay 102.713
Earth Element.png Earth Animal 103 Boss Gnoll Lord Cape Dragon Fire 102.713
Wind Element.png Wind Devil 103 Boss Lemures Prince Gautama Cliff 102.713
Wind Element.png Wind Devil 103 Boss Ochao Lord Temple of the Ochao 142.984
Wind Element.png Wind Animal 103 Boss Rakshasa Cape Dragon Fire 102.713
Half H. 103 Boss Skeletos Gautama Cliff 102.713
Wind Element.png Wind Devil 104 2 En-Tai Druid Enchanted Forest 35.468
Earth Element.png Earth Orc 104 3 Twiant Thunder Mountains 9007
Lightning Element.png Lightning Orc 104 Boss Arges Thunder Mountains 103.707
Fire Element.png Fire 105 2 Magma Bug (Meley-Guild) Meley's Lair (Guild) 0
Fire Element.png Fire 105 3 Ember Flame Beard Meley's Lair, Red Dragon Fortress 9907
Wind Element.png Wind Devil 105 3 En-Tai Healer Enchanted Forest, Erebus 37.900
Ice Element.png Ice 105 3 Frost Beard Nemere's Watchtower 9907
Fire Element.png Fire 105 3 Magma Man (Meley-Guild) Meley's Lair (Guild) 0
Earth Element.png Earth Orc 105 4 Captain Hooks (Level 105) Thunder Mountains 23.895
Fire Element.png Fire 105 4 Ember Flame General Meley's Lair, Red Dragon Fortress 23.895
Ice Element.png Ice 105 4 Frost General Nemere's Watchtower 23.895
Ice Element.png Ice 105 4 Kappa Leader Ship Defence 0
Fire Element.png Fire 105 4 Magma Wyvern (Meley-Group) Meley's Lair (Group) 0
105 5 Hydra's Treasure Chest Ship Defence 584.702
Ice Element.png Ice Devil 105 5 King Crab Nephrite Bay 377.005
Ice Element.png Ice Devil 105 5 Lemures Bodyguard Gautama Cliff 377.005
Wind Element.png Wind Animal 105 5 Martyaxwar Cape Dragon Fire 377.005
Earth Element.png Earth Half H. 105 5 Red Chief Nephrite Bay 377.005
Earth Element.png Earth Animal 105 5 Supreme Gnoll Guard Cape Dragon Fire 377.005
Ice Element.png Ice Devil 105 5 Triton Nephrite Bay 377.005
Animal 105 Boss Aku-Boku Gautama Cliff 104.702
Animal 105 Boss Arboretum Gautama Cliff 104.702
Earth Element.png Earth Animal 105 Boss Captain Shruk Gautama Cliff 104.702
Lightning Element.png Lightning Half H. 105 Boss Brutal Bone Face Thunder Mountains 104.702
Animal 105 Boss Sycomore Gautama Cliff 104.702
Lightning Element.png Lightning Orc 106 5 Polyphemos Thunder Mountains 380.587
Earth Element.png Earth Orc 106 Boss Gargoyle Thunder Mountains 105.697
Wind Element.png Wind Devil 107 1 En-Tai Warrior (107 - RX) Enchanted Forest (RX) 29.200
Wind Element.png Wind Devil 107 1 En-Tai Warrior (107 - TR) Enchanted Forest (TR) 36.501
Fire Element.png Fire 107 3 Magma Golem (Meley-Guild) Meley's Lair (Guild) 0
Fire Element.png Fire 107 4 Ember Flame Chieftain Meley's Lair, Red Dragon Fortress 116.266
Ice Element.png Ice 107 4 Frost Lord Nemere's Watchtower 116.266
Fire Element.png Fire 107 4 Ignitor Red Dragon Fortress 116.266
Lightning Element.png Lightning Half H. 107 5 Brutal Red Chief Thunder Mountains 384.169
Earth Element.png Earth Orc 107 5 King Wubba Thunder Mountains 384.169
Earth Element.png Earth Animal 107 5 The Great Ogre Gautama Cliff 384.169
Fire Element.png Fire 107 Boss Dragon Watcher Idall (Meley-Group) Meley's Lair (Group) 2.282.000
Ice Element.png Ice 107 Boss Szel Nemere's Watchtower 116.266
Lightning Element.png Lightning Devil 108 1 Setaou Fighter (RX) Grotto of Exile (RX) 8460
Lightning Element.png Lightning Devil 108 1 Setaou Fighter (TR) Grotto of Exile (TR) 10.575
Wind Element.png Wind Devil 108 4 En-Tai Destroyer Enchanted Forest Erebus 53.214
Ice Element.png Ice Devil 108 5 Ochao Bodyguard Temple of the Ochao 514.705
Ice Element.png Ice 108 Boss Nemere Nemere's Watchtower 422.585
Fire Element.png Fire 108 Boss Razador Red Dragon Fortress 422.585
Wind Element.png Wind Devil 109 2 En-Tai Soldier (109 - RX) Enchanted Forest (RX) 34.720
Wind Element.png Wind Devil 109 2 En-Tai Soldier (109 - TR) Enchanted Forest (TR) 43.401
Fire Element.png Fire 110 1 Ember Flame Ghost (RX) Red Dragon Fortress (RX) 1587
Fire Element.png Fire 110 1 Ember Flame Ghost (TR) Red Dragon Fortress (TR) 1984
Ice Element.png Ice 110 1 Frost Bug (RX) Nemere's Watchtower (RX) 3848
Ice Element.png Ice 110 1 Frost Bug (TR) Nemere's Watchtower (TR) 4810
Ice Element.png Ice 110 1 Frost Crystal (RX) Nemere's Watchtower (RX) 1587
Ice Element.png Ice 110 1 Frost Crystal (TR) Nemere's Watchtower (TR) 1984
Lightning Element.png Lightning Devil 110 1 Setaou Hunter (RX) Grotto of Exile (RX) 8654
Lightning Element.png Lightning Devil 110 1 Setaou Hunter (TR) Grotto of Exile (TR) 10.818
Wind Element.png Wind Devil 110 2 Ochao Healer Erebus 9843
Lightning Element.png Lightning Devil 110 2 Setaou Mystic (RX) Grotto of Exile (RX) 10.389
Lightning Element.png Lightning Devil 110 2 Setaou Mystic (TR) Grotto of Exile (TR) 12.987
Lightning Element.png Lightning Devil 110 4 Captain Yonghan (110 - RX) Grotto of Exile (RX) 53.640
Lightning Element.png Lightning Devil 110 4 Captain Yonghan (110 - TR) Grotto of Exile (TR) 67.050
Fire Element.png Fire 110 4 Magma Wyvern (Meley-Guild) Meley's Lair (Guild) 0
Devil 110 5 Mu-Shu Gautama Cliff 394.915
Devil 110 5 Yah-Ki Gautama Cliff 394.915
Ice Element.png Ice 110 Boss Hydra's Spawn Ship Defence 0
Ice Element.png Ice 110 Boss Siren Queen Ship Defence 104.702
Wind Element.png Wind Devil 111 2 En-Tai Druid (111 - RX) Enchanted Forest (RX) 42.561
Wind Element.png Wind Devil 111 2 En-Tai Druid (111 - TR) Enchanted Forest (TR) 53.202
Fire Element.png Fire 112 1 Ember Flame Tiger (RX) Red Dragon Fortress (RX) 3848
Fire Element.png Fire 112 1 Ember Flame Tiger (TR) Red Dragon Fortress (TR) 4810
Wind Element.png Wind Devil 112 3 En-Tai Healer (112 - RX) Enchanted Forest (RX) 45.480
Wind Element.png Wind Devil 112 3 En-Tai Healer (112 - TR) Enchanted Forest (TR) 56.850
Ice Element.png Ice Devil 112 Boss En-Tai Sovereign Enchanted Forest 517.920
Fire Element.png Fire 113 2 Ember Flame (RX) Red Dragon Fortress (RX) 3924
Fire Element.png Fire 113 2 Ember Flame (TR) Red Dragon Fortress (TR) 4905
Fire Element.png Fire 113 2 Ember Flame Warrior (RX) Red Dragon Fortress (RX) 1587
Fire Element.png Fire 113 2 Ember Flame Warrior (TR) Red Dragon Fortress (TR) 1984
Ice Element.png Ice 113 2 Frost Man (RX) Nemere's Watchtower (RX) 3924
Ice Element.png Ice 113 2 Frost Man (TR) Nemere's Watchtower (TR) 4905
Ice Element.png Ice 113 2 Frost Yeti (RX) Nemere's Watchtower (RX) 1587
Ice Element.png Ice 113 2 Frost Yeti (TR) Nemere's Watchtower (TR) 1984
Wind Element.png Wind Devil 113 2 Ochao Healer (RX) Enchanted Forest (RX) 11.811
Wind Element.png Wind Devil 113 2 Ochao Healer (TR) Enchanted Forest (TR) 14.764
Wind Element.png Wind Devil 113 4 En-Tai Destroyer (113 - RX) Enchanted Forest (RX) 63.856
Wind Element.png Wind Devil 113 4 En-Tai Destroyer (113 - TR) Enchanted Forest (TR) 79.821
Fire Element.png Fire 113 Boss Dragon Watcher Idall (Meley-Guild) Meley's Lair (Guild) 4.564.000
Lightning Element.png Lightning Devil 114 2 Setaou Soldier (RX) Grotto of Exile (RX) 23.368
Lightning Element.png Lightning Devil 114 2 Setaou Soldier (TR) Grotto of Exile (TR) 29.211
Wind Element.png Wind 115 1 Air Spirit Elemental Realm 18.900
Lightning Element.png Ice 115 1 Electric Spirit Elemental Realm 18.900
Fire Element.png Fire 115 1 Flame Spirit Elemental Realm 18.900
Ice Element.png Ice 115 1 Frost Spirit Elemental Realm 18.900
Darkness Element.png Darkness 115 1 Shadow Spirit Elemental Realm 18.900
Earth Element.png Earth 115 1 Stone Spirit Elemental Realm 18.900
Lightning Element.png Lightning Devil 115 Boss General Yonghan (RX) Grotto of Exile (RX) 547.920
Lightning Element.png Lightning Devil 115 Boss General Yonghan (TR) Grotto of Exile (TR) 684.900
Fire Element.png Fire 116 3 Ember Flame King (RX) Red Dragon Fortress (RX) 3848
Fire Element.png Fire 116 3 Ember Flame King (TR) Red Dragon Fortress (TR) 4810
Fire Element.png Fire 116 3 Ember Flame Troll (RX) Red Dragon Fortress (RX) 3924
Fire Element.png Fire 116 3 Ember Flame Troll (TR) Red Dragon Fortress (TR) 4905
Ice Element.png Ice 116 3 Frost Golem (RX) Nemere's Watchtower (RX) 3848
Ice Element.png Ice 116 3 Frost Golem (TR) Nemere's Watchtower (TR) 4810
Ice Element.png Ice 116 3 Frost Troll (RX) Nemere's Watchtower (RX) 3924
Ice Element.png Ice 116 3 Frost Troll (TR) Nemere's Watchtower (TR) 4905
Lightning Element.png Lightning Devil 116 3 Setaou Archer (RX) Grotto of Exile (RX) 23.904
Lightning Element.png Lightning Devil 116 3 Setaou Archer (TR) Grotto of Exile (TR) 29.880
Lightning Element.png Lightning Devil 116 4 Captain Yonghan (116 - RX) Grotto of Exile (RX) 53.640
Lightning Element.png Lightning Devil 116 4 Captain Yonghan (116 - TR) Grotto of Exile (TR) 67.050
Wind Element.png Wind Devil 117 1 Strong En-Tai Warrior Enchanted Forest 27.334
Wind Element.png Wind Devil 117 1 Strong Ochao Warrior Temple of the Ochao 11.375
Wind Element.png Wind Devil 117 2 Strong Ochao Soldier Temple of the Ochao 15.255
Wind Element.png Wind Devil 118 2 Strong En-Tai Druid Enchanted Forest 38.468
Wind Element.png Wind Devil 118 2 Strong En-Tai Soldier Enchanted Forest 31.934
Wind Element.png Wind Devil 118 2 Strong Ochao Magician Temple of the Ochao 16.380
Darkness Element.png Darkness 118 3 Darkness Elemental Elemental Realm 23.500
Earth Element.png Earth 118 3 Earth Elemental Elemental Realm 23.500
Fire Element.png Fire 118 3 Ember Flame Beard (RX) Red Dragon Fortress (RX) 11.888
Fire Element.png Fire 118 3 Ember Flame Beard (TR) Red Dragon Fortress (TR) 14.860
Fire Element.png Fire 118 3 Fire Elemental Elemental Realm 23.500
Ice Element.png Ice 118 3 Frost Beard (RX) Nemere's Watchtower (RX) 11.888
Ice Element.png Ice 118 3 Frost Beard (TR) Nemere's Watchtower (TR) 14.860
Ice Element.png Ice 118 3 Ice Elemental Elemental Realm 23.500
Lightning Element.png Lightning 118 3 Lightning Elemental Elemental Realm 23.500
Lightning Element.png Lightning Devil 118 3 Setaou Magistrate (RX) Grotto of Exile (RX) 24.424
Lightning Element.png Lightning Devil 118 3 Setaou Magistrate (TR) Grotto of Exile (TR) 30.531
Wind Element.png Wind Devil 118 3 Strong Ochao Executioner Temple of the Ochao 29.316
Wind Element.png Wind 118 3 Wind Elemental Elemental Realm 23.500
Fire Element.png Fire 118 4 Ember Flame General (RX) Red Dragon Fortress (RX) 28.674
Fire Element.png Fire 118 4 Ember Flame General (TR) Red Dragon Fortress (TR) 35.842
Ice Element.png Ice 118 4 Frost General (RX) Nemere's Watchtower (RX) 35.842
Ice Element.png Ice 118 4 Frost General (TR) Nemere's Watchtower (TR) 35.842
Wind Element.png Wind Devil 119 1 En-Tai Warrior (119 - RX) Enchanted Forest (RX) 32.800
Wind Element.png Wind Devil 119 1 En-Tai Warrior (119 - TR) Enchanted Forest (TR) 41.001
Earth Element.png Earth Animal 119 2 Gnoll Soldier Gnoll Cave Level 2 30
Earth Element.png Earth Animal 119 2 Gnoll Warrior (Yohara) Gnoll Cave Level 1 30
Darkness Element.png Darkness Animal 119 2 Hell Hound (Darkness) Abandoned Fortress, Dong Gwang Plain, Nam Gwang Chasm 27
Fire Element.png Fire Animal 119 2 Hell Hound (Fire) Dong Gwang Plain, Nam Gwang Chasm 27
Darkness Element.png Darkness Half H. 119 2 Jin Bing (Darkness) Abandoned Fortress 23
Ice Element.png Ice Half H. 119 2 Jin Bing (Ice) Abandoned Fortress 23
Earth Element.png Earth Animal 119 3 Gnoll Spy Gnoll Cave Level 2 30
Earth Element.png Earth Desert 119 3 Quag Kovix (Earth) Seo Gwang Wastelands, Nam Gwang Chasm 29
Wind Element.png Wind Desert 119 3 Quag Kovix (Wind) Nam Gwang Chasm 30
Earth Element.png Earth Desert 119 3 Quag Worker (Earth) Seo Gwang Wastelands 30
Wind Element.png Wind Desert 119 3 Quag Worker (Wind) Nam Gwang Chasm 30
Darkness Element.png Darkness Half H. 119 3 Soldier Ki (Darkness) Abandoned Fortress 24
Ice Element.png Ice Half H. 119 3 Soldier Ki (Ice) Abandoned Fortress 24
Wind Element.png Wind Devil 119 3 Strong En-Tai Healer Enchanted Forest 40.900
Darkness Element.png Darkness Devil 119 3 Troll Soldier (Darkness) Dong Gwang Plain, Nam Gwang Chasm 28
Darkness Element.png Darkness Devil 119 3 Troll Soldier (Fire) Dong Gwang Plain, Nam Gwang Chasm 28
Darkness Element.png Darkness Devil 119 4 Mistreated Ghost Dong Gwang Plain, Nam Gwang Chasm 28
Wind Element.png Wind Devil 119 4 Strong Ochao General Temple of the Ochao 42.580
??? ??? ??? 120 1 Tower Destroyer Sung Mahi Tower ???
Any Any Devil 120/121/122 1 Tower Wolf Sung Mahi Tower 33~36
Darkness Element.png Darkness Devil 120 2 Ahtrin Warrior Gnoll Cave Level 2, Gnoll Cave Level 3 35
Wind Element.png Wind Devil 120 2 En-Tai Druid (120 - RX) Enchanted Forest (RX) 46.161
Wind Element.png Wind Devil 120 2 En-Tai Druid (120 - TR) Enchanted Forest (TR) 57.702
Wind Element.png Wind Devil 120 2 En-Tai Soldier (120 - RX) Enchanted Forest (RX) 38.320
Wind Element.png Wind Devil 120 2 En-Tai Soldier (TR) Enchanted Forest (TR) 47.901
Any Any Devil 120/121/122 2 Tower Bruiser Sung Mahi Tower 33~36
Earth Element.png Earth Animal 120 3 Gnoll Scout Gnoll Cave Level 1 30
Darkness Element.png Darkness Half H. 120 3 Soldier Mao (Darkness) Abandoned Fortress 24
Ice Element.png Ice Half H. 120 3 Soldier Mao (Ice) Abandoned Fortress 24
Ice Element.png Fire ??? 120 3 Solid Ice Wall Balathor's Crypt ???
Any Any Devil 120/121/122 3 Tower Berserker Sung Mahi Tower 33~36
Darkness Element.png Darkness Devil 120 3 Troll Warrior (Darkness) Nam Gwang Chasm 29
Fire Element.png Fire Devil 120 3 Troll Warrior (Fire) Dong Gwang Plain, Nam Gwang Chasm 29
120 4 Elemental Guardian Elemental Realm 28.900
Fire Element.png Fire 120 4 Ember Flame Chief. (RX) Red Dragon Fortress (RX) 139.519
Fire Element.png Fire 120 4 Ember Flame Chief. (TR) Red Dragon Fortress (TR) 174.399
Darkness Element.png Darkness Half H. 120 4 Frontline Mage (Darkness) Abandoned Fortress 26
Ice Element.png Ice Half H. 120 4 Frontline Mage (Ice) Abandoned Fortress 26
Ice Element.png Ice 120 4 Frost Lord (RX) Nemere's Watchtower (RX) 139.519
Ice Element.png Ice 120 4 Frost Lord (TR) Nemere's Watchtower (TR) 174.399
Ice Element.png Ice 120 4 Glacier Lord Elemental Realm 36.900
Earth Element.png Earth Animal 120 4 Gnoll Magician (Yohara) Gnoll Cave Level 2 30
Earth Element.png Earth Animal 120 4 Gnoll Sorcerer Gnoll Cave Level 1 30
Fire Element.png Fire 120 4 Ignitor (RX) Red Dragon Fortress (RX) 139.519
Fire Element.png Fire 120 4 Ignitor (TR) Red Dragon Fortress (TR) 174.399
Darkness Element.png Darkness 120 4 Night Lord Elemental Realm 36.900
Earth Element.png Earth Desert 120 4 Quag Golem (Earth) Seo Gwang Wastelands 30
Wind Element.png Wind Desert 120 4 Quag Golem (Wind) Nam Gwang Chasm 30
Earth Element.png Earth Desert 120 4 Quag Sorcerer (Earth) Seo Gwang Wastelands, Nam Gwang Chasm 30
Wind Element.png Wind Desert 120 4 Quag Sorcerer (Wind) Nam Gwang Chasm 30
Earth Element.png Earth Desert 120 4 Quag Warrior (Earth) Seo Gwang Wastelands 30
Wind Element.png Wind Desert 120 4 Quag Warrior (Wind) Nam Gwang Chasm 30
Fire Element.png Fire 120 4 Scorch Lord Elemental Realm 36.900
Lightning Element.png Lightning Devil 120 4 Setaou Commander (RX) Grotto of Exile (RX) 49.896
Lightning Element.png Lightning Devil 120 4 Setaou Commander (TR) Grotto of Exile (TR) 62.370
Darkness Element.png Darkness Half H. 120 4 Soldier Gong (Darkness) Abandoned Fortress 25
Ice Element.png Ice Half H. 120 4 Soldier Gong (Ice) Abandoned Fortress 25
Wind Element.png Wind 120 4 Storm Lord Elemental Realm 36.900
Wind Element.png Wind Devil 120 4 Strong En-Tai Destroyer Enchanted Forest 56.214
Earth Element.png Earth 120 4 Terra Lord Elemental Realm 36.900
Lightning Element.png Lightning 120 4 Thunder Lord Elemental Realm 36.900
??? ??? Devil 120 4 Tower Archer Sung Mahi Tower ???
Any Any Devil 120/121/122 4 Tower Butcher Sung Mahi Tower 33~36
Any Any Devil 120/121/122 4 Tower Warlock Sung Mahi Tower 33~36
Darkness Element.png Darkness Devil 120 4 Troll Archer (Darkness) Nam Gwang Chasm 29
Fire Element.png Fire Devil 120 4 Troll Archer (Fire) Dong Gwang Plain, Nam Gwang Chasm 29
Darkness Element.png Darkness Devil 120 4 Troll Shaman (Darkness) Nam Gwang Chasm 30
Fire Element.png Fire Devil 120 4 Troll Shaman (Fire) Dong Gwang Plain 30
Ice Element.png Ice 120 Boss Szel (RX) Nemere's Watchtower (RX) 139.519
Ice Element.png Ice 120 Boss Szel (TR) Nemere's Watchtower (TR) 174.399
Wind Element.png Wind Devil 120 5 En-Tai Guardian Temple of the Ochao 9754
Ice Element.png Ice 120 5 Hydra Ship Defence 0
Ice Element.png Ice Devil 120 5 Strong Ochao Bodyguard Temple of the Ochao 584.705
Ice Element.png Ice Devil 120 Boss Bagjanamu Erebus 1.154.705
Wind Element.png Wind Devil 120 Boss Strong Ochao Lord Temple of the Ochao 182.984
Darkness Element.png Darkness Devil 121 3 Ahtrin Scout Gnoll Cave Level 2 35
Wind Element.png Wind Devil 121 3 En-Tai Healer (121 - RX) Enchanted Forest (RX) 49.080
Wind Element.png Wind Devil 121 3 En-Tai Healer (121 - TR) Enchanted Forest (TR) 61.350
Darkness Element.png Darkness Devil 121 4 Ahtrin Sorcerer Gnoll Cave Level 2 35
Any Any Devil 121/122/124 Boss Tower Necromant Sung Mahi Tower 53
Darkness Element.png Darkness Devil 122 2 Tainted Soldier (Darkness) Yilad Pass, Serpent Temple (Base Floor) 32
Earth Element.png Earth Devil 122 2 Tainted Soldier (Earth) Yilad Pass Serpent Temple (Base Floor) 32
Darkness Element.png Darkness Devil 122 3 Tainted Skirmisher (Darkness) Yilad Pass Serpent Temple (Base Floor) 32
Earth Element.png Earth Devil 122 3 Tainted Skirmisher (Earth) Yilad Pass Serpent Temple (Base Floor) 32
Earth Element.png Earth Animal 122 4 Gnoll Marshal Gnoll Cave Level 1 30
Darkness Element.png Darkness Devil 122 4 Tainted Warrior (Darkness) Yilad Pass Serpent Temple (Base Floor) 33
Earth Element.png Earth Devil 122 4 Tainted Warrior (Earth) Yilad Pass Serpent Temple (Base Floor) 33
Lightning Element.png Lightning Devil 122 5 Beran-Setaou (RX) Grotto of Exile (RX) 4.276.800
Lightning Element.png Lightning Devil 122 5 Beran-Setaou (TR) Grotto of Exile (TR) 4.633.200
Lightning Element.png Lightning 123 2 Cursed Frost Deer Soul Gorge 38
Ice Element.png Ice 123 2 Frenzied Frost Deer Soul Gorge 38
Ice Element.png Ice 123 2 Frozen Fox Northwind Canyon 37
Wind Element.png Wind 123 2 Kappa Worker Serpent Temple (Base Floor) 35
Darkness Element.png Darkness 123 2 Serpent Scorpion (Darkness) Serpent Temple 40
Earth Element.png Earth 123 2 Serpent Scorpion (Earth) Serpent Temple 40
Lightning Element.png Lightning 123 2 Soulless Fox Northwind Canyon 37
Darkness Element.png Darkness Devil 123 3 Ahtrin Spy Gnoll Cave Level 3 35
Darkness Element.png Darkness Half H. 123 3 Archer Gong (Darkness) Mysterious Dungeon 59
Ice Element.png Ice Half H. 123 3 Archer Gong (Ice) Mysterious Dungeon 59
Ice Element.png Ice 123 3 Frenzied Snow Leopard (Lightning) Soul Gorge 38
Lightning Element.png Lightning 123 3 Frenzied Snow Leopard (Lightning) Soul Gorge 38
Ice Element.png Ice 123 3 Frozen Scout (Ice) Northwind Canyon 37
Lightning Element.png Lightning 123 3 Frozen Scout (Lightning) Northwind Canyon 37
Wind Element.png Wind 123 3 Kappa Soldier (Level 123) Serpent Temple (Base Floor) 35
Fire Element.png Fire 123 3 Serpent Worker (Fire) Serpent Temple 41
Ice Element.png Ice 123 3 Serpent Worker (Ice) Serpent Temple 41
Darkness Element.png Darkness Half H. 123 3 Spearmaster Ki (Darkness) Mysterious Dungeon 55
Ice Element.png Ice Half H. 123 3 Spearmaster Ki (Ice) Mysterious Dungeon 55
Darkness Element.png Darkness Half H. 123 3 Spearmaster Mao (Darkness) Mysterious Dungeon 57
Ice Element.png Ice Half H. 123 3 Spearmaster Mao (Ice) Mysterious Dungeon 57
Darkness Element.png Darkness Half H. 123 3 Sword Fighter Jin (Darkness) Mysterious Dungeon 53
Ice Element.png Ice Half H. 123 3 Sword Fighter Jin (Ice) Mysterious Dungeon 53
Darkness Element.png Darkness Devil 123 4 Ahtrin Warlock Gnoll Cave Level 3 35
Earth Element.png Earth Animal 123 4 Gnoll Commander Gnoll Cave Level 2 30
Ice Element.png Ice 123 4 Frozen Warrior (Ice) Northwind Canyon 36
Lightning Element.png Lightning 123 4 Frozen Warrior (Lightning) Northwind Canyon 36
Wind Element.png Wind 123 4 Kappa Hunter Serpent Temple (Base Floor) 36
Wind Element.png Wind 123 4 Kappa Wizard Serpent Temple (Base Floor) 36
Ice Element.png Ice 123 4 Northwind Yeti (Ice) Soul Gorge 37
Lightning Element.png Lightning 123 4 Northwind Yeti (Lightning) Soul Gorge 37
Fire Element.png Fire ??? 123 4 Spectral Echo Balathor's Crypt ???
Ice Element.png Fire ??? 123 4 Spectral Warrior Balathor's Crypt ???
Darkness Element.png Darkness Devil 123 4 Tainted General (Darkness) Yilad Pass Serpent Temple (Base Floor) 34
Earth Element.png Earth Devil 123 4 Tainted General (Earth) Yilad Pass Serpent Temple (Base Floor) 34
Darkness Element.png Darkness Devil 123 4 Tainted Monk (Darkness) Yilad Pass Serpent Temple (Base Floor) 33
Earth Element.png Earth Devil 123 4 Tainted Monk (Earth) Yilad Pass Serpent Temple (Base Floor) 33
123 5 Dragon Queen Meley Meley's Lair 0
Earth Element.png Earth Orc 123 5 Jotun Thrym Erebus 4.564.000
Earth Element.png Earth Devil 123/124 5 Tower Death Tyrant (Earth) Sung Mahi Tower 35
Wind Element.png Wind Devil 123/124 5 Tower Death Tyrant (Wind) Sung Mahi Tower 35
Darkness Element.png Darkness Devil 123/124 5 Tower Master Warlock (Darkness) Sung Mahi Tower 35
Fire Element.png Fire Devil 123/124 5 Tower Master Warlock (Fire) Sung Mahi Tower 33
Ice Element.png Ice Devil 123/124 5 Tower Tyrant (Ice) Sung Mahi Tower 33
Lightning Element.png Lightning Devil 123/124 5 Tower Tyrant (Lightning) Sung Mahi Tower 34
Darkness Element.png Darkness Half H. 123 Boss Kao (Darkness) Abandoned Fortress 27
Ice Element.png Ice Half H. 123 Boss Kao (Ice) Abandoned Fortress 27
Darkness Element.png Darkness Devil 123 Boss Natanan (Darkness) Nam Gwang Chasm 64
Fire Element.png Fire Devil 123 Boss Natanan (Fire) Dong Gwang Plain 64
Earth Element.png Earth Desert 123 Boss Quag Veteran (Earth) Seo Gwang Wastelands 66
Wind Element.png Wind Desert 123 Boss Quag Veteran (Wind) Nam Gwang Chasm 66
Ice Element.png Ice 124 2 Northwind Sh. Soldier (Ice) Northwind Shelter, Northwind Deeps 44
Ice Element.png Ice 124 3 Shelter Skirmisher (Ice) Northwind Shelter, Northwind Deeps 46
Darkness Element.png Darkness Devil 124 4 Ahtrin Commander Gnoll Cave Level 2, Gnoll Cave Level 3 35
Ice Element.png Ice 124 4 Frozen General (Ice) Northwind Canyon 37
Lightning Element.png Lightning 124 4 Frozen General (Lightning) Northwind Canyon 37
Ice Element.png Ice 124 4 Frozen Hunter (Ice) Northwind Canyon 36
Lightning Element.png Lightning 124 4 Frozen Hunter (Lightning) Northwind Canyon 36
Wind Element.png Wind 124 4 Mighty Kappa Serpent Temple (Base Floor) 76
Ice Element.png Ice 124 4 Northwind Ghost (Ice) Soul Gorge 39
Lightning Element.png Lightning 124 4 Northwind Ghost (Lightning) Soul Gorge 39
Ice Element.png Ice 124 4 Northwind Golem (Ice) Soul Gorge 38
Lightning Element.png Lightning 124 4 Northwind Golem (Lightning) Soul Gorge 38
Ice Element.png Ice 124 4 Northwind Sh. Warrior (Ice) Northwind Shelter, Northwind Deeps 46
Earth Element.png Earth 124 4 Serpent Ascetic Serpent Temple 42
Wind Element.png Wind 124 4 Serpent Butcher Serpent Temple 42
Ice Element.png Ice 124 4 Serpent Kappa (Ice) Serpent Temple 41
Wind Element.png Wind 124 4 Serpent Kappa (Wind) Serpent Temple 41
Ice Element.png Fire ??? 124 4 Spectral Archer Balathor's Crypt ???
Earth Element.png Earth Animal 124 Boss Gnoll Marshal Gnoll Cave Level 1 35
Wind Element.png Wind 124 Boss Kappa Soldier (Level 124) Serpent Temple (Base Floor) 36
Darkness Element.png Darkness Devil 124 Boss Tainted Chief (Darkness) Yilad Pass 36
Earth Element.png Earth Devil 124 Boss Tainted Chief (Earth) Yilad Pass 36
Ice Element.png Lightning Element.png Ice, Lightning 125 2 Northwind Sh. Soldier (Ice-Lightning) Northwind Descent, Northwind Deeps 48
Ice Element.png Lightning Element.png Ice, Lightning 125 3 Shelter Skirmisher (Ice-Lightning) Northwind Descent, Northwind Deeps 50
Wind Element.png Wind Devil 125 4 En-Tai Destroyer (125 - RX) Enchanted Forest (RX) 67.456
Wind Element.png Wind Devil 125 4 En-Tai Destroyer (125 - TR) Enchanted Forest (TR) 84.321
Ice Element.png Ice 125 4 Northwind Sh. General (Ice) Northwind Shelter, Northwind Deeps 49
Ice Element.png Ice 125 4 Northwind Sh. Warlock (Ice) Northwind Shelter, Northwind Deeps 48
Ice Element.png Lightning Element.png Ice, Lightning 125 4 Northwind Sh. Warlock (Ice-Lightning) Northwind Descent, Northwind Deeps 52
Ice Element.png Lightning Element.png Ice, Lightning 125 4 Northwind Sh. Warrior (Ice-Lightning) Northwind Descent, Northwind Deeps 50
Ice Element.png Ice 125 4 Serpent Soldier (Ice) Serpent Temple 41
Wind Element.png Wind 125 4 Serpent Soldier (Wind) Serpent Temple 40
Darkness Element.png Darkness Half H. 125 4 Sword Fighter Kao (Darkness) Mysterious Dungeon 62
Ice Element.png Ice Half H. 125 4 Sword Fighter Kao (Ice) Mysterious Dungeon 62
Darkness Element.png Darkness Devil 125 Boss Argos (Darkness) Dong Gwang Plain 70
Fire Element.png Fire Devil 125 Boss Argos (Fire) Dong Gwang Plain 70
Ice Element.png Ice 125 Boss Bigfoot Soul Gorge 80
Ice Element.png Ice 125 Boss Frozen Chief (Ice) Northwind Canyon 78
Lightning Element.png Lightning 125 Boss Frozen Chief (Lightning) Northwind Canyon 78
Earth Element.png Earth Animal 125 Boss Gnoll Captain Gnoll Cave Level 1 40
Ice Element.png Ice Half H. 125 Boss King Bao Abandoned Fortress 64
Darkness Element.png Darkness Half H. 125 Boss King Bao (Quest) Abandoned Fortress 1
Earth Element.png Earth Desert 125 Boss Quag Primus (Earth) Seo Gwang Wastelands 72
Wind Element.png Wind Desert 125 Boss Quag Primus (Wind) Nam Gwang Chasm 72
Darkness Element.png Darkness Devil 126 Boss Ahtrin Captain (Level 126) Gnoll Cave Level 2 35
Ice Element.png Lightning Element.png Ice, Lightning 126 4 Northwind Sh. General (Ice-Lightning) Northwind Descent, Northwind Deeps 53
Darkness Element.png Darkness Devil 126 Boss Tainted War Chief (Darkness) Yilad Pass 77
Earth Element.png Earth Devil 126 Boss Tainted War Chief (Earth) Yilad Pass 77
Darkness Element.png Darkness Devil 127 Boss Ahtrin Captain (Level 127) Gnoll Cave Level 2 45
Ice Element.png Ice 127 Boss Frozen War Chief (Ice) Northwind Canyon 82
Lightning Element.png Lightning 127 Boss Frozen War Chief (Lightning) Northwind Canyon 82
Darkness Element.png Darkness Half H. 127 Boss Mysterious Monk (Darkness) Mysterious Dungeon 120
Ice Element.png Ice Half H. 127 Boss Mysterious Monk (Ice) Mysterious Dungeon 120
Ice Element.png Ice 127 Boss Northwind War Chief (Ice) Soul Gorge 84
Lightning Element.png Lightning 127 Boss Northwind War Chief (Lightning) Soul Gorge 84
Earth Element.png Earth 128 4 Mighty Serpent Warrior (Earth) Serpent Temple 38
Ice Element.png Ice 128 4 Mighty Serpent Warrior (Ice) Serpent Temple 43
Wind Element.png Wind Devil 128 Boss En-Tai Sovereign (RX) Enchanted Forest (RX) 621.504
Wind Element.png Wind Devil 128 Boss En-Tai Sovereign (TR) Enchanted Forest (TR) 776.880
Darkness Element.png Darkness Devil 129 Boss Ahtrin Master Gnoll Cave Level 3 40
Earth Element.png Earth 129 Boss Serpent Queen Nethis Serpent Temple 168
Darkness Element.png Darkness Devil 130 Boss Ahtrin Grand Master Gnoll Cave Level 3 50
Wind Element.png Wind Devil 130 Boss Bagjanamu (RX) Enchanted Forest (RX) 1.385.646
Wind Element.png Wind Devil 130 Boss Bagjanamu (TR) Enchanted Forest (TR) 1.732.057
Ice Element.png Ice 130 Boss Nemere (RX) Nemere's Watchtower (RX) 4.732.952
Ice Element.png Ice 130 Boss Nemere (TR) Nemere's Watchtower (TR) 5.324.571
Ice Element.png Ice 130 Boss Northwind Sh. War Chief (Ice) Northwind Shelter, Northwind Deeps 106
Fire Element.png Fire 130 Boss Razador (RX) Red Dragon Fortress (RX) 4.732.952
Fire Element.png Fire 130 Boss Razador (TR) Red Dragon Fortress (TR) 5.324.571
Ice Element.png Lightning Element.png Ice, Lightning 131 Boss Northwind Sh. War Chief (Ice-Lightning) Northwind Descent, Northwind Deeps 119
Ice Element.png Ice 135 5 Alastor (Easy) Northwind Deeps 256
Ice Element.png Ice 135 5 Alastor (Hard) Northwind Deeps 548
Wind Element.png Wind Orc 135 5 Jotun Thrym (RX) Enchanted Forest (RX) 5.476.800
Wind Element.png Wind Orc 135 5 Jotun Thrym (TR) Enchanted Forest (TR) 5.933.200
Ice Element.png Ice ??? 135 5 Balathor Balathor's Crypt ???

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Event monsters

The following Monsters can be seen only at Events or spawn them from Metins and Boxes.

Race Elemental Defense Level Stage Name Location EXP Alone Aggressive
Half H. 1 Boss Pirate Tanaka 0
Animal 5 1 White Tiger Mysterious Chest 500
Orc 10 1 Black Giant Orc Mysterious Chest 400
11 1 Ice Golem Mysterious Chest 300
12 1 Tree Frog Leader Mysterious Chest 400
15 1 Desert Outlaw Mysterious Chest, Easter Metin (Level 10) 200
19 2 Desert Fox Easter Metin (Level 10) 554
Mystic 20 1 Esoteric Tormentor Mysterious Chest 500
Fire Resistance 21 1 Flame Warrior Mysterious Chest, Easter Metin (Level 20) 300
Mystic 25 1 Esoteric Summoner Mysterious Chest 300
Animal 25 1 Bear Mysterious Chest 900
Animal 30 1 Wild Boar Mysterious Chest 1.100
Animal 35 1 Wild Dog Mysterious Chest 1.200
Animal 37 2 Clever Apethrower Easter Metin (Level 30) 502
37 2 Strong Dervish Easter Metin (Level 30) 876
39 2 Strong Scorpion King Easter Metin (Level 30) 924
54 2 Tu-Gui White Commander Easter Metin (Level 50), Easter Metin (Level 70) 2.000
54 2 Scorpion Archer Easter Metin (Level 50) 2.000
54 3 Smart Scorpion Man Yongbi Desert (Removed from the game) 2.000
Fire Resistance 59 2 Hwa-ryung Easter Metin (Level 50) 2.000
Fire Resistance 59 2 Tu-Ji Soldier Easter Metin (Level 50) 2.000
Undead 59 4 Plagued Egg Quest Level 80: Fire and Ice 18.960
Undead 60 4 Plague Carrier Quest Level 80: Fire and Ice 19.280
60 Boss Hae-Tae Easter Metin (Level 90) 19.280
Fire Resistance 61 3 Cham-Ma Easter Metin (Level 60) 4.000
Undead 61 5 Giant Plague Carrier Quest Level 80: Fire and Ice 147.000
Fire Resistance 62 4 Teawha-Mu Empire battle, Easter Metin (Level 60) 2.000
Wind Resistance 65 5 King Spider 156.600
Fire Resistance 69 2 Strong Flame Ghost Easter Metin (Level 90) 698
72 4 Black Juk-Guimok Easter Metin (Level 70)
Ice Resistance 72 Boss Elite Nine Tails Quest Level 80: Fire and Ice 23.120
Fire Resistance 73 Boss Dark Flame King 240.800
Ice Resistance 74 Boss Ice Witch Quest Level 80: Fire and Ice, Easter Metin (Level 95) 22.480 (√)
Fire Resistance 75 5 Red Dragon 135.450
Half H. 80 Boss Pirate Tanaka 1
86 5 Ghost Tree Lord 250.800
Undead Dark Resistance 97 5 Blue Death 356.400 (√)
Orc 97 5 Reborn Chief Ork 356.400
Opponent/Ice Resistance 97 5 Elite Nine Tails Empire battle 356.400
Wind Resistance 97 5 Dark Queen Spider 356.400
Devil Dark Resistance 97 5 Elite Vile Demon King 356.400
Lightning Resistance 97 5 Elite Yellow Tiger Ghost Empire battle 356.400
100 3 Gold Frog Capture the Frog 802
100 5 Fire of Mighty
115 5 Shadow Warrior 10th Anniversary

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